Help for my IBS
I got to see a doctor who saw me with no health insurance. They diagnosed me and took blood, all for $15. She said I may have celiac sprue and wants me to try a gluten-free diet. That sounds like an almost impossible diet in the US, but I would love to hear from anybody who has tried it. I also got something for my anxiety, which I think is probably my biggest culprit. Thanks for all the well wishes.
So good to hear!!
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
I am so glad you were seen by a doctor,and perscribed something for all of the anxiety you have been experiencing, that will help you alot. I personally dont have to be on a gluten free diet but there is a great web site you can visit to give you all the info you need. it is Good luck sweetie.
Similar issue
My hubby has IBS, too. I had to switch to a low-carb diet due to insulin resistance and may have to go gluten-free, too, depending on the next batch of test results, but for now the South Beach Diet is doing wonders for me. It's also done wonders for my husband's IBS.
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I've had IBS for years!
I've never been told to try the gluten-free approach, but I've tried tons of different medications over the years. It is a stress related disease. I have the chronic variety, which means I will always have it, to some degree, no matter what. Some people experience boughts of it from time to time. After trying umpteen different "solutions" with my doctor, the best thing that I have ever found was cutting out fast-food as much as possible, and taking gas ex before I'm going to eat something that brings out my IBS. When I am highly stressed, these things only mildly reduce my "symptoms", but when life is going about in it's normal flow, they have helped immensely. When I was first diagnosed, I weighed in around 110 (I'm 5'9") and was totally unhealthy skinny for years thereafter, after I met my dh, my IBS calmed down quite a bit, and I've actually packed on 40 pounds in the last 3 1/2 years. Now that you know what's wrong, you'll figure out rather quickly what foods do what to you, and play it from there. You may also want to add fiber, it helps, um, hold things together!;)
I have a friend with Celiac
She uses this website for recipes (so do I when I cook for her):
Also, it isn't as hard as you might think to find gluten free food, you just have to read the ingredient labels. Bob's Red Mill makes a lot of great products and believe it or not, many of the Wal-Mart products (Great Value brand) are gluten free. Feel free to email me if you want more info!
I have IBS, too, but I can control it fairly well. My dr. just put me on Levsin for the really bad bloated, crampy days.
I had a check-up with my endocrinologist on Tuesday and she's having me tested for celiac disease. I don't have the IBS problem at all. She thinks it could be what's causing me to have hot flashes, night sweats, heat intolerance and prematurely gray hair. (All from the body not absorbing nutrients properly.) So thanks to everyone who chimed in on MsNiceguy's post! I may need this advice myself.
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt