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Help !!!!!!!!

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Smile Ok i am newley married well we just had our 1 yr aniversery.. anyway.. i have 2 girls 19 and 9 and my husband has 2 girls 20 and 16.. My 19 yr old lives with her boyfriend and 6 mo preg.. and My 9 1/2 yr old lives with me and my husband. His 20 yr old is going to school and his 16 yr old lives with her mom..

Ok so the mom is not quit there she has major prob.. I am not bad mouthing her she is what she is.. but the 16 yr olds life is not great with her mom.. ok

Well everyone has coddled her the mother ( ex-wife), and daughter

So when his daughter comes and stays with us he feels bad for her so what ever she wants she gets. and she knows it. she is so very disrespectable to my family and he alows it.. i have tryed to talk to him about it and he said i am attacking him.. please help .. I have no one to talk to about this and i feel like i am going nuts.. there is more but>>>!!!!!!!!!!

please help