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Hello, I'm new

abcdef's picture

Hi-- I currently live with my boyfriend of 2 years, and his 2 kids. 6 yo girl and 8 yo boy. They live with us every other week/weekend, but there's a big possibility that they might be with us full time very soon. I have a question-- my marriage ended when I was in my 20s. I'm 32 now... bf is 35. I have no bio kids yet, but we would like to have one when the time is right. Anyone else here in a similar situation? Marriage ended at a young age, and now living with young kids, or have young step kids?

SMof2Girls's picture

Same situation here .. was married and divorced from my first husband by 25 with no kids. Now 30, married to DH, with 5yo and 7yo skids.

Welcome Smile

Sunflower1's picture

Same. 31 now. Married young divorced at 25, no bios but want one. BF and I have decided to start trying at the end of this year beginning of clock is ticking loud and clear.

wibauxgirl88's picture

Never been married before but I live with my fiance and his two 4 year olds. No bio kids of my own yet but some day. At the moment his kids live with us full time and he works during the day so I'm with them about 75% of their awake time.