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HD in prison for 8 years, SS19 stayed with me....doesn't like my rules and left to his moms...need help

butterflybloom's picture

My stepson has been with us since he was 13, mom has always been royalty even though she has been out of the picture on and off. My husband went to prison 4 months ago, since day one, my SD was giving me headaches... going out with friends, paid for all his expenses, mom didn't want to help with nothing. He didn't do anything around the house, no cutting grass nothing. I had a fundraiser last month for his dad, to cover the travel expeses, he couldn't help one bit...because he was too hungover. He basically doesn't bother about anything around the house. On Friday my husband told me to take my car to those lube express to change the oil in my car, and for him to do the same. He had just gotten his first check, when I told him he didn't want to pay for it, he wanted to change the oil on his own. NOTE: he has only seen my husband do it once. My husband said no that he needed to take it to the lube. My SS went to the extend of buying the oil to change it with a couple of his friends. His car is under my name I have been paying for it always, since my husband couldn't work, due to house arrest. I told him that he wasn't going to change it that I was responsible for the car and when he paid for his own thing he can experiment all he wanted. Long story short...He left to his moms, left the car, told me to do whatever i wanted with it. He came earlier to get all of his stuff...i was nice to him, I didn't apologize because i don't feel i have done anythign wrong....i told him that he might only have this months gym membership and also his cell phone..that to tell his mom to take care of it, so he can get sort out. Oh also told him to leave the house key...becasue i know he will be coming just to your my house as a hotel room with his girlfriend. He didn't like it one bit..he left and txt me awful things how he couldn' believe i was like that, if his dad only knew (which he does know everything) i told him that he was the one that decided to leave, I never once told him i never wanted him. He said that his mom can barely make ends meet but that he will settle for it...WHICH we both earn exactly the same yearly!! and i have a mortgage payment she doesn't. I don't know how to feel about this...he was giving me a lot of headaches and my husband knows it. My husband is now sad at the whole situation...and I find myself second guessing if i was too harsh in not paying for his things.

please willing to do whatever if i was wrong...the thing is that my stepson has a lot of pride and wont admit he was wrong. he probably wants me to beg for him to stay. Please help

twopines's picture

I can't imagine why you are questioning yourself. The adult man chose to live elsewhere. As Tog said, good riddance!

butterflybloom's picture

thank you i feel as if he wanted me to apologize and beg him to stay. I didn't, he said that i was using his dad like a puppet. idk where to go from here. I did ask for the key back but he didn't leave it, if he comes by i will change the code to the alarm, cheaper than the locks.

butterflybloom's picture

yes his words that I use my husband as a puppet that's why my husband doesn't listen to him. Thankyou.. I was second guessing on everything. now I know I am not alone.

simifan's picture


butterflybloom's picture

yes I have one girl 14 not my husbands, I love my husband he despite everything he is a great man. how he ended up in prison, was no surprise to me. he was in politics. so you can imagine. All I can do is support my husband the best I can emotionally and financially. I am willing to wait for him..i don't care if his kids don't. He has a 15 girl, but she is at the moms for a while now. I see her from time to time and take her out to eat, to just remain in contact.

butterflybloom's picture

yes I took a screen shot and will print them tomorrow to send them to my husband. I don't want my SS to change words around. He has done it already.

Indigo's picture

Stay strong. It sounds as if you are coping well with an intolerable situation. SS19 is an adult male who needed to be on his own feet anyway. Glad you gave 30 day notice to gym membership & phone. Luxuries for a selfish, self-centered, unhelpful, manipulative brat. Not your problem.

Your focus should be on yourself, your bio-daughter and your DH if you so choose. Think of the money saved with food, utilities, gym, car, gas, insurance, phone ... the $$ will go far in a prison commissary for DH or in your own budget.

I'd still change the locks since SS19 probably has copies of the keys and since he knows your schedule .... !!

Rags's picture

It looks to me that you are rid of two pains in the ass and it truly is good riddance. Do you plan on retaining your relationship with your criminal husband and his toxic entitlement minded spawn or are you going to use this opportunity to purify your life and purge the toxic and criminal elements from it?

Good luck.

Justme54's picture

I too look forward to Rags postings. Whtie collar DH stole money? So he is a high class thief...not like he broke into someone's home. Sorry, I do not mean to rain on your dreams of supporting your DH. 8 years is a long time. What kind of career will your DH's be looking at after nine years in prison? How long was he on house arrest? You really need to think about yourself. It seems you are making excuses for DH. My dad use to say...If you do not know right from wrong by the age of 18, you never will.

Just remember marriage is tough even when both parties willing to work on it to keep the marriage alive. With a spouse in prison, that is a high mountain to over come. Even if your DH got his sentence reduce to as little as 2 years, that is a long time. I wish you much happiness.

butterflybloom's picture

Thank you for your best wishes... I need them... Time doesn't stand still, and sooner or later I will have my husband back. My husband was in house arrest for one year prior to his sentencing... It was the best year of our marriage my I add. I intend to stay with him.. He is my once in a lifetime love... My daughter also adores my DH she and I are the ones that have suffered his absence more than anyone.

butterflybloom's picture

Yes I plan in staying with my criminal husband, I keep in touch with his daughter.. And if my ss one day wants to act like an adult with me, we can get together one day. Until then all I know I will stay by my DH that doesn't deserve his ungrateful son

Anon2009's picture

I agree with rags...what is your dh in jail for?

Keep these two losers (dh and ss) away from your child.

SecondGeneration's picture

She said hes in jail for white collar crime, that can be anything from fraud, identity theft, money laundering, embezzlement, copyright infringement and forgery.

He was in politics so wouldnt surprise me if it was money laundering and fraud, theres been a number of politicians done for that over the years. But the system is generally just as twisted, they will prosecute and jail the lower ranking politicians but not the higher ranking ones.

In terms of your Step Son, hes 19, do not let him back into your house. Regardless of whether you decide to remain married you will be living as a single woman for the next 8 years (in the sense of not having your partner in the house). Most people agree that if the bio parent is not available then the child should be with the other parent, 19 isnt a child but still, even less reason for you to have a disrespectful adult in your house. He doesnt respect you, doesnt listen, doesnt help and you cannot control him so good riddance.

It would be a good time to think on what you want to do in regards to your husband. Im all for when you marry its death do us part but you then have to think what it is that he did to get himself locked up for 8 years and are you ok with that?

butterflybloom's picture

Yes I am okay with that, I love him and he got dealt a bad hand. I will be his devoted wife until he comes back home. As per my ss, he can stay with mom as long as he wants. I thought I had done something wrong, but I see that I did what I had too. He got the tough love he needed from me. Thanks second generation

butterflybloom's picture

White collar, bribery and conspiracy... He's not a bad man, he's actually wonderful. He was in politics and greed got the best of him.