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Got private investigator now need reasons for Registered mail

CarmenZ41's picture

Ok DH got a PI to try and prove that SS19 is out on his own and NOT still living with BM. Emancipated=end of child support for DH. See last post for full Disclosure. 

We know for a fact where SS19 is living but need to prove it to the court. The private investigator want to send registered mail to the address where SS19 is living so SS19 has to sign for it. The question is WHAT are some good ideas to send registered mail to SS19 that would NOT make him suspicious and refuse the package. We need him to sign it. Thoughts???

ESMOD's picture

Registered mail almost always is bad it's a collection item.. or some other official business.

I guess if you know the kid is getting some financial aid for school.. it could appear to come from a financial aid org.

Or.. come to him as some "award/prize distribution".

Unfortunately, if he knows you were watching him.. then he may be on alert for somthing like this.

SteppedOut's picture

Agree. And it can be refused... without reason could be "doesn't live here". Also, SS may not have changed his mailing address, so something going there would be suspicious.

The PI doesn't plan on doing garbage pulls? 

justmakingthebest's picture

This might be your best bet but I agree with the poster above- The PI needs to do dumpster diving.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

From Amazon or a department store, or video game store if that is what SS is into.  Just make sure it requires a signature and that the delivery service is not waiving it because of COVID. Maybe there is a local courier service. If this would be acceptable for proof.  Or even a package thru the postal service that includes the return receipt card that the receiver signs and then the mail returns the card to the sender.  

Good luck.