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Girlfriends adult daughter wont move out.

goldenlion's picture

am living at Girlfriends house who i have been with four years. Only problem is her adult D still lives with her. She has been an interferance from day one. i plan to marry Girlfreind when i have saved up enough money. But i dont have my own house wereas Girlfriend has her own house so i have to stay with her. However Girlfriends D doesnt seem to be moving out soon although she is a working woman. There have been constant problems with abusive boyfriends. I never feel comfortable in the house and so always stay in the Girlfriends bedroom. Ive only known Girlfriends D as an adult so only wish relate to her as an adult even though shes very childish. I get very depressed due to lack of privacy as its a small house with bedrooms next to each other so you can hear everything. Girlfriends daughter has been racist to me in the past, incited her thugish boyfiends against me and has acted out sexualy with creepy men boyfriends loudly in the house. I want to marry my Girlfriend and live with her but dont want to be living with another creepy disrepectful woman in the house.

Disneyfan's picture

The daughter is still there because her mom is OK with everything she does. The chances of mom kicking the daughter out so that you will be comfortable are slim to none.

My suggestion would be for you to move out. That way you will have a say in who lives in your home.

jumanji's picture

Uuhh... It's really up to your g/f whether to kick her daughter out of her home or not... Your choice is whether you want to stay with things as they are.

kathc's picture

Dude, you sound like a loser. Do your girlfriend and her daughter both a favor and leave. You say you want to marry her but have no money. You have to live in her house because you don't have your own. How about you man the eff up, get a job, get your own place and move out? How the hell do you expect her to kick her daughter out to make you feel comfortable in HER home when you are just sitting around mooching off her?

emotionaly beat up's picture

Your presumably an adult if your girlfriend has an adult daughter, so you move out if your not comfortable living there. Get your own place, buy it, or rent it, whatever, but get your own home, then your girlfriend can move out and live with you.