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FMIL pulled my hair when she was drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!'s picture


Saturday we had a bday party for SD21, all the family over, food, drinks etc. We were all having a good time until his mom had too much to drink. She fell over- not really sure how or why but FDH picked her up and helped her to the couch- she started faking a heart attack......I'm not joking- she's done this before.

FDH explained she was going home and she's not having a heart attack she just needs to sit and relax. She's calling my name so I go over and I'm like yes? She's telling me to come here, So I say whats up? Are you ok?

She grabbed my hair!!!!!!! (I have super long hair, it didn't hurt, she grabbed the bottom but still!!)


She's crazy! She's always been nice to me but I heard a few stories about how she's snaked out- She sucker punched FDH a few years ago!! She was blacked out drunk I guess? FDH says she probley won't even remember it.

I grabbed her arm and peeled her fingers off my hair and I said you don't ever do that to me, you are mean and thats wrong! And FDH is in the other room! Ugh.

FDH's dad came and picked her up, FDH said she's not allowed to come over anymore esp when she's drinking and she said she don't want us or his punk ass kids at their house for Thanksgiving!!! LMAO

So Thanksgiving is this week- I'm not going, I think it was straight up rude, I"m not gonna hold a grudge for the rest of my life but that was way out of line and I'm not spending my Thanksgiving with her. FDH had a few missed calls from her house and he ignored it.

Now FDH and I aren't sure what to do about Thanksgiving? I think he's torn, he wants to see his family but wants us to be together- I don't want to go, I'm going to my own family. So then he said we can do a turkey at our house? WEll then whats the point in going to see my family if we are cooking at the house, and thats exactly what I don't want, is to spend thanksgiving cooking and with his kids. Now I'm just stuck

She needs to first and foremost apologize to me, a personal apology and I refuse to be around her or attend any family functions if she's drinking. What elseam I supposed to do??

What would you guys do???

DeeDeeTX's picture

Families have learned to accommodate their parents who drink. They've made excuses for them and tolerate them, and they expect you to do the same. If you don't, they get mad at you (not the person who is actually drinking). Not fair, but it is what it is.

You either put up with it, or draw a hard line and everyone gets mad at you. Depends what your tolerance is. Good luck.

Krispey Kreme's picture

It is called enabling. The children become the parents to their own drunken loser parents. Everyone is expected to play along or face some wrath. You should have pulled her hair (if she has any). Way to start off the festive holiday season FMIL, LOL!

Draw your line. I'm sorry this happened. It's going to be hard to enjoy your holiday now, but try-this isn't your fault, it is theirs. Drunks/Druggies are famous for acting out on holidays and ruining it for everyone because they are selfish azzholes and enjoy the drama (and they are full of self-pity). I hate being around these kinds of people.