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Finally a place to vent!

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Ah thank god i can vent. Heres my story. 2 years ago i met a great guy, fun loving etc. He had 2 kids from a previous relationship they were a girl 6, Boy3. (Now 8 and 6) he was with BM a month before getting her pregnant, then tried to make it work and got stuck with another. I left my common law husband who i shared a toddler boy with, for this man. Well this nice man turned mean, he hates how i treat his kids. He treats my 4 year old like his own, even tho he already has a wonderful dad. They have a great relationship. His kids moved out of state was happiest day! And we welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world. Well now they may be moving close again:( don't know what to do. The girl is huge monster who talks like a baby and mauls her dad.. So annoying. The boy is biggest suck ever! They don't respect my home, they are pigs and sit and cuddle daddy and don't say a word to me! Sickening! They love him so much yet surprised cause since i came along became less important. He lets them get away with shit my son would never get away with! Feel bad cause he is so good with my son, yet i literally hate his. Hate going anywhere with them. Ugh