Felling lost
:? Hitting bumps in the road with my new blended family. We have some wonderful kids, but something is going on with a few of them and its not getting any better. Two of our girls are having some issues that are starting to concern me. Mine is always sad and I have recently found out why. She's never had sisters until now and she feels like she can't be an individual. She is sharing a room for the first time ever, and she gets very little if any help in cleaning it. She wants to have friends spend the night but she wants it to be just her and her friend and not all of them. Now before you call her a brat ( and to a point she is, but what child isn’t) she is in the same grade and group of her SS and they are at the house everyday. My child just feels like she can't get a break. I really want her to have her own room again in our home, but my husband wants his oldest to have her own room there because she has to share at her mom's. I can understand what he is saying to a point, but my child lives with us his doesn't.
Now with my SS the one that has her own room well she is getting really bitchy. She gives all of us go to hell look for no reason and wont help the younger ones pick up their room after she’s help make the mess. She has been down right cruel to my child and I'm sick of it. I have talked about some of it to my husband, and I'm going to talk with him some more on the issue. I refuse for a child to act like this in our home.
Oh I forgot to bring up the fact that their mom is one of my oldest and dearest friends. I've always felt like I could talk to her about anything and now I feel like I'm being judged for every move I make. Very lost
I am not sure if others would
I am not sure if others would agree with me, but if you are part time in my home, you don't need your own room. Why have one whole room for one person who is is only there 4-8 days a month. If its that infrequent, the part timers can share the room.
My home actually has the space for it, but it seems so silly that we have two bedrooms that are hardly used. At this point though, they aren't needed for anything. If they were though, I'd suggest to SO that the skids share a room.
I can see myself getting flamed for this though. Hope I didn't offend.
Not by me as I agree if they
Not by me as I agree if they aren't there that much there is no reason for them to have their own room. The kids that LIVE there full time should always get their own rooms and their pick! That is what I did but they ended up all sharing one room but that is their choice.
I agree - if they don't live
I agree - if they don't live there full time they don't need their own room. If you have room, great. If not, easy decision for me. My son is with us full time (father deceased) he has the bigger of the three rooms. As it should be....
I agree..my situation is a
I agree..my situation is a little different...my SS has his own room because he is the only boy...but he is only there part time..my BD9 and my SD7 share a room (VERY BIG) becuase they are close in age..adn then my BD3 has her own room...my kids live with us full time.