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Excluding step daughter from vacation

Kmdulaney's picture

I don't actually know if I'm looking for advice more than just hoping others have been through this.....


I have been M's stepmother since she was 4 years old and she's now 14. We've always have a good relationship and she has always loved spending time at our home. We've always gone out of our way to make her feel like this is her home (specially decorated bedroom, clothes she keeps here so she doesn't have to pack a bag unless she wants to, etc). We almost always have something extra fun planned when she comes over. I have a 16 year old from a previous marriage and my husband and I have a 9 year old together who both live with us full time. M's mother has never been great and is on her 3rd divorce, she moved around a ton etc but because of MS laws there was nothing that really warranted a custody modification until 2 years ago. Some things came to light and we were finally able to file for a modification. Long story short, her mother went into overdrive trying to ruin our relationship with M to the point she no longer wants to come see us (which violates the custody order but that's another post). M has been awful to us and plotting with her mother to destroy our character among other things. We decided this year for Christmas to go on a cruise instead of doing gifts and have decided to not include M as she has insisted several times that she doesn't want to come visit and refuses to call or answer calls. I don't think she should be included and my husband agrees. Has anyone else been in the situation? I'm sure she's going to be really upset and her mother will cause a big fuss but at this point I just don't care. 

Survivingstephell's picture

She's 14 not 4.  She's old enough to experience consequences for joining in her mother's games.  And when the wailing and crying begins, her father reminds her of her changed behaviors and puts it right back on her.  Want to enjoy the perks of my family? Then you act like part of the family.  Simple really.  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

If she won't answer calls or stay at your house, it makes sense she wouldn't go on vacation with you. Even if imvited and you bought a ticket, chances are it would be wasted and possibly at the last minute with much drama. What you are doing makes perfect sense. 

Stressed19's picture

Bio mom does not hesitate to lie and exaggerate half truths to get her way in court!!

BM works as a realtor, she falsified earnimgs for 2021.... so that her child support increased..  How or can I request employer verification..?


ESMOD's picture

Her employer should be reporting her income to the IRS.  So the tax records should not be able to be falsified.  You could also subpoena her income from her employer... but it's also possible that what you assume she makes as a realtor.. and what she really gets out of a sale are two different things... so she may not have made as much as you assume.  

Unfortunately if her employer is willing to lie on her behalf.. to you and the IRS/state tax authority.. there is nothing you can do.

shamds's picture

And sd 18.5, our 2 bio kids from our marriage are dd7.5 and ds6. Since they were babies and toddlers we often did mini getaways and when i was living in hubbys country we'd fly back to Australia yearly sometimes twice to recharge etc.

no skid followed or was invited as we were staying in my childhood home and my husband didn't believe that skids should be coming along for that trip since they weren't my dad's family or especially sd's who didn't treat us as family. Ss came to my country when we got engaged but thats about it. 

now since hubby works overseas, he flies back to my country every few months and we fly back to his country once a year whilst he is on contract with his company a few more years

don't feel guilty, the way i see it, your sd has made it clear to you all she doesn't acknowledge you as family so therefore as a non family member who treats you with contempt and disrespect, she doesn't get the perks of a family cruise trip.

she needs to understand thats how the real world works. You don't get something for nothing and bad behaviour 

justmakingthebest's picture

My SS18 was HIGHLY alienated. Feel free to go back and read my blogs, it's awful. 

Anyway, no matter what we did, no matter how terrible SS was- we invited. He wouldn't respond, but that was on him. BM wouldn't respond- that was on her. We did our best and can lay our heads down at night knowing we weren't the one's who gave up. We tried until the end. Now, it's on SS18 to make the next move. 

Chances are, she will say something like "I don't want to be on a boat with you!", but if on the off chance she does come, it would be an opportunity to bond away from the real world. We loves cruises and try and go at least every other year if not yearly. Getting an alienated kid away like that does wonders! 

AgedOut's picture

you asked once, she said no. enjoy your cruise, I'm kind of jealous it sounds like a great idea!!



AgedOut's picture

just a reminded. we do not have to follow our SKids around say

"do you want to xyz?" 

"how about now?" 

"how about now?" 


"what about now?"

"maybe now?" 


"how about now?" 




one and done should be the motto. ask once, move on w/ our happy. 


ndc's picture

I wouldn't take an estranged kid who doesn't return calls and refuses to visit on a cruise with me. That could be a recipe for disaster - it's not like she could jump overboard and swim back to the Mothership if things weren't going well. Plus kids don't get to decide they'll be family members only when vacations or other fun things are happening.

Harry's picture

I would not want her destroying your hard earn time off. Your good memories you are going to make the money you are spending.  Have fun without her. Make great memories.  BM is  not nice that not going to change.  Maybe in a few years you can have a relationship with SD

hereiam's picture

She no longer wants to see you, she's awful to you and plots against you, why would you want to take her on vacation?

I wouldn't take her, either, and I wouldn't worry about it one bit.


ESMOD's picture

I am not a fan of not including all minor kids in family vacations.. especially extra nice ones.. like disney or a cruise.  BUT.. if you literally have been unable to see her or have contact.. how would you even know if she wants to go.. if she will be allowed to go?

I might tell her that he has the trip planned, but if she wants to be included in the family.. she needs to start behaving like part of the family and come for visitation and be part of the family like she used to be when she visited..   Maybe she will try a little. and it will open a door to a returned better relationship.  If she refuses.. then she understands that there is no trip when she can't make herself available during other times of the year.


Cover1W's picture

My OSDthen 15 was alienated and DH decided to take her with us on an overseas trip anyway. Against all my good judgement. He said, yes, it was a "carrot" for her to spend time with him. She put off her answer until literally the day before, maybe two days, but last minute for sure. She didn't participate in any of the ideas and talks we had about itinerary (it was online).

And it was not fun to have her there. She complained, she pouted, she refused to engage, she refused to eat much (all of this I expected).

I basically didn't have any say in taking care of either SD. It was all on DH. DH looks back on that trip with regret now. YSDthen13 was pretty good though. This was her last year before she got wierd.

My argument to DH was that if she's not participating as family she doesn't get treated with the special things. I would have asked once, then drop it in the best case. No begging.

ESMOD's picture

This is exactly why I would make it known well in advance that the price of admission for this trip is to not only be family.. but to act like it.  That means coming on her visitation time.. staying in (reasonable) contact.  Being a pleasant member of the household.  I'm not saying one cross word gets her jettisoned from the trip.. but she has to make some moderate effort to be a civil family member.. listen to direction.. behave appropriately when visiting etc.. 

I wouldn't allow a kid that could not come to visit for several months on a trip when there was a lot of uncertainty of their ability to behave.

PetSpoiler's picture

I wouldn't include her either.  Who's to say you tell her about it and suddenly she decides to act like family.  She goes with you, maybe even behaves.  Maybe not.  You get back.  You don't hear from her again.  Yeah, no.  Most likely she'd ruin your vacation then go back to ignoring you after the vacation is over.