Ex moving in with a guy
My ex calls the kids for his bi-weekly phone call tonight and tells my dd that after he gets out of jail they will be moving to a big house with his "friend". DD asks if his friend is a guy or girl and my ex replies a guy. He says his friend Dave owns a house in ******* (a town near ours) and that she and ds will be able to decorate their own room. She gets off the phone and hands it to ds. He doesn't really want to talk so my ex gets back on the phone with dd. She says...I want to ask you a question....who is this guy that we'll be moving in with? A friend of mine. Where do you know him from? He's a friend from high school. Oh ok. It's ok I know who's telling you to ask me all these questions. DD doesn't even understand what exactly he means by this so she doesn't counter him on it.
I was so pissed when she told me about this...I mean seriously he doesn't think dd is smart enough to ask her own questions? That she wouldn't be curious about "some guy" that they will be living with part time?
I am worried about this whole situation. I was married to him for almost ten years, I met him a year out of high school, and I never met any friend of his named Dave. It's probably somebody he met in jail since these seem to be the only people he associates with now. I feel I have the right to know who this person is my children will be living with. How do I know he's not some child predator or something? Do I have any rights to ask about the background of this friend of his? Could I contact my lawyer and see if I have any rights to know something about this person? If it was a woman I wouldn't be freaking out like this, as far as I know there aren't many women who molest children. This isn't some family friend who he's known for a long time. This is a stranger (to me) who is willing to take in my ex and our kids. Granted, this isn't going to happen until December and it's only going to be EOW but to me it's putting my children at risk to have them staying with some guy I know nothing about. I don't even trust my ex to care for them, he's a convicted felon who is an alcoholic and drug addict. Now I'm supposed to let them go and stay with a strange man as well?????
I would call the lawyer and ask what your options are. If it were me, I would keep the kids at home until you figure things out.