At the end of my rope!
Our house is chaotic, pretty sure it has been that way since we got married. Two of my adult children live with us, my son is about to move out though, he only came home when he switch jobs from one that was far away to one close to home. He keeps to himself, helps with bills and is just like me in temperament, I will miss him but glad he is getting out of the crazy house. My daughter and her 4y/o also live with us, I don't think she will ever leave. I love her but I blame my husband for this, I was a single mom when my kids were growing up. I was tough on them, I pushed them to be self-sufficient and though I would never let them be homeless, I would not make it so easy to be stagnate. I mention his roll in this because it came up last night, I was accused of not loving his kids as much as he loved mine, to which i said "Hell I don't love mine as much as you seem to".
I am tired of all the fighting, his kids are 8 and 13 y/o boys. I learned right off we had different parenting styles, he carries a lot of guilt for the break up of his marriage, his ex blames him too. My ex didn't want anything to do with his children and that tore me up when they were small, so when I met this man who wanted to see his kids and always paid his child support, I was impressed. Once I was vested in the relationship I started to notice that these boys are the center of everything.... his family, her family, family events, everything. They had never been told no. Due to the way my husband worked during his divorce he was granted 2 days one week 1 day the next. I started noticing that everytime he had them he had to plan something fun, a movie, a trip, going out to eat... never just plain family time. Food was another story, both boys were overweight, drank all the soda they wanted and never had a vegetable, dinner was normally pizza rolls or chicken strips and fries. They talked babytalk, would interrupt adult conversations. I would love to say in the three years we have been married things have gotten better, but they haven't, there are still arguments over dinner with the younger one. The older one just goes to his room and plays on his phone. I just stay out of their way when they are there, because everytime anything is said we get a call from the ex raising hell, she once sent pizza rolls to our house and told us to please feed them. Like pork chops, mash potatoes and green beans are not a proper meal. I got to the point that when they are there I just stay busy and hang out it my room, except then she is calling because I don't talk to them, though when I do they just walk by and ignore me. I am not the wicked witch of the west, I have never yelled at them, I give there father space to spent all the time he wants with them. Two weeks ago they said they didn't want to come over anymore, they miss a ridiculous amount of school which their mom says is our fault, even though they have never missed when we have them, and they miss for things like going to visit her druggy brother in jail, or lots of fake illnesses. She says its because they are stressed because they don't want to come to our house. My husband told them fine they don't have to come over then, (It broke his heart though), well my husband talked to his son the other day and he said he does want to come over and that it wasn't him it was his little brother. Fine so today is the day we were suppose to pick them up from school and we get a call last night from his ex stating that the older one is saying his stomach hurts and that he is afraid of his dad(my husband doen't yell at them or beat them, the worst he does is lecture)So my husband says "look then they don't have to come, I am not going to beg them to come see me, but they need to realize this is their choice" and hour later she is calling back to say they will just come tues for one day and see how that goes and that "my poor babies are just afraid of you". That is when we got into it... I am tired of this woman making the rules for my house, and that anytime we do something the boys don't like we get a phone call. We took them with us to a city council meeting because we are trying to get a new playground built and she calls to say we need to make time for just them and not take them to meetings, We get them on monday after school to wed before school so that leaves us just a few hours in the evening to do homework, make dinner watch some tv or play a board game but I guess that is not good enough, We need to be doing something fun. I know this letter is all over the place but I am sick of it. I raised my kids and am helping raise my grand kids and none of them have ruled my life like these two boys are trying to do. I am to the point that I really don't know how much more I can do this. Is it even worth it. Was it ever? I knew there were problems from the start, but I let him convince me it was fine. Just some added notes to tell you what kind of women the ex is; she is always saying she is sick, never can make it to parent teacher conferences or school activities though my husband never misses, the little one played tball we took him everytime she only made it to one game and that is because we had plans right after and said she had to pick him up there. He joined cub scouts but only went when we had him and she raised hell because we wouldn't take him on her days she said "you would think a father would want to do that with his son" She takes phenagrin everynight saying its because of migraines then calls us in a slurred rant. Her mother goes and cleans her house when it gets unlivable, we have been showed pictures by the boys, we taught the oldest one to do laundry when they would tell us things like they wore the same socks and underware all week cause mom didn't do laundry. But yet were the bad parents.
Lol I agree my middle
Lol I agree my middle daughter is not at this moment being self-sufficient. She has a college degree, had a decent job(not in what her degree was in) split with the childs father who doesn't pay child support. She became depressed and my husband said lets let her move in with us for a while. I told him I don't think that is a good idea. He talked me into it and two years later thats where we are, she quit her job, to go back to school which hasn't happened. I did finally tell her she has to work so she is now working. This was the child I never had to worry about, things just came easy to her so she got pushed less than the others.
Just as a point of note: As
Just as a point of note: As someone for whom things ALWAYS came easy in childhood, the first time I hit a hard point I had no idea how to deal with it. I moved back in with Mom & Dad and kind of lived as a teenager again, even though I was an adult who had been on my own. Having no experience in dealing with the hard side of life made it FEEL impossible to deal with. In reality I was just hiding from life while living with my parents. My oldest brother (a bachelor at the time) pretended to need help with rent at his place, so I moved in with him, and he helped me get back on my feet and pushed me into being a real adult. Your daughter may be the same way, especially since she has a child. It's time for DD to get the boot up the ass. She will NOT do it on her own. It's way too easy to just lean on you and slip back into old habits.
I've been in your DD's shoes (minus the kid) and I know how she's feeling. But making life so easy for her is not going to help her. She needs her own place. If she needs help, buying groceries occasionally (as extras you wanted for yourself but just can't eat) will give her that help without making her dependent. You can help her without taking away her responsibilities. If she's short on rent one month, give her a LOAN, not a gift. Make her pay it back, even if it's in work for you of some kind.
Thank you, I have been
Thank you, I have been thinking this way but really needed to hear it from someone who has been there. I know she is having a hard time and I also know she hates herself for it. In the beginning I wanted to handle it differently but once she was home felt helpless to help her straighten the mess out.
I can guarantee you your DD
I can guarantee you your DD needs the help. If life has always been easy, you never learn to navigate difficulties. You don't have to cut her off completely and out of the blue. But think of every adult responsibility (rent, groceries, insurance, daycare, etc) and MAKE HER RESPONSIBLE. Sit down and help her set up a budget, based on what she's making. Set up a timeline of when she needs to be on her own. For things you want to help her with, ie childcare, groceries, etc, do so in a way that doesn't take the responsibility off of her. Want to help with child care costs? Buy the extra clothes, sunblock, snowpants, extra hats/gloves etc. Let your DD pay the actual cost of childcare. Or if you want to babysit, then make sure your DD is packing a bag for her DD to use during the day. Even if you never touch the supplies, make it part of her responsibility. Have schedule of when you are available and when you are not. Do NOT be the last minute, on-call babysitter. If DD wants to go out with friends she needs to plan it ahead of time and ASK if you are available. Don't give her money for groceries, buy yourself extras of what she might need, then offer it to her. Make a car payment as a birthday present. Things like that. There's ways to help out without letting her depend on you.
I totally get the feeling of helplessness. But letting you continue to parent her as though she's a teenager again will not rid her of the helplessness, it will just make it worse.
She is 25, and if i were to
She is 25, and if i were to admit it to myself I have probably let her stay because I was afraid if I pushed her to go she would end up back with her childs father again. The whole time they were together he hardly ever worked she supported him, took care of his son, while he played video games and smoked pot. Now he is living with his mom who has actually ask me to help get them back together so he will move out. smh
As for my husband, they have a parenting plan but since he has changed jobs they really don't follow it, we pay about 45% of our income as child support, so I keep saying we need to go have it updated so that we can breath a bit plus not have her be able to use it against us when she doesn't want us to have them. We get them mon & tue where the parenting order says friday & sat but those days my husband works.
Not sure as to what a CO is I
Not sure as to what a CO is I am assuming Court Order? And yes there is but our state does Parenting Plans to set custody and his child support was determined during the divorce with the amount figured by what he was bringing home as a full time fireman. Because it was technically his choice to switch jobs and in so doing make less he could not go back to court to get amount reduced. However now that they are not following the laid out custody he could go back and get it adjusted but that all takes money and we have had a rough year.
Small new twist; my husband
Small new twist; my husband came in from working a few hours extra today and says - Where do you want to move to? ..... What? What are you talking about? I ask well you wanted to move before lets just move.... I tell him to stop being silly to which he tells me he's not that if moving will save his marriage then thats what we should do.
Moving doesn't solve anything he has a job, I have a job, we have a business together, he has children, I have grandchildren. It it all men who react this way or just mine.
I just want my life to be simple, I don't want someone else making rules for my household. I don't want kids to be so disrespectful. I don't ask them to be perfect just not conniving and spoiled acting. I give him time to do what he wants with his kids. When we have them I come in make dinner then either go read in my room or watch some tv in the living room. If I do have to ask one of them to do something or ask them a question i would just like a response not be looked at like I am an alien. And I sure don't need the crazy ex calling raising hell cause we put a vegetable on her child plate. If it was me I would just have been happy that someone cared for my kids too.
Would you be able to live
Would you be able to live apart until his children are grown? Maybe having separate households would save your sanity and your marriage.
What he was talking about was
What he was talking about was the two of us just packing up and moving out of state. He is being silly for one I would never let him move away from his children at the age they are now. Even if they don't want to come over we need to be here for them. I also don't want to move to far away from my kids and grandchildren.
With my husband everything is black & white, its all or nothing. He thinks its his job to make everyone happy, though I know that is never possible, He plays the martyr, "poor pitiful me", "What did I do wrong?", "I thought I was being a good father" He can't see that his kids are just spoiled and that his Ex is just pushing his buttons. Then I get angry and think can I take 10 more years of this crap. Of course now we have been arguing for the last hour. I tell him if he stood up for him self and went to a lawyer for his rights than things would be better. He could change the parenting plan so that it actually says the same days we have them, then she couldn't throw that in his face when she wants. It may also lower the child support a bit so maybe we could afford to actually do something with them. (She goes on cruises with out the kids and we filed bankruptcy. Also with them missing excessive amounts of school when she has them, I have read that that is grounds to adjust custody. He want's to whine about his rights but he is being to cheep to hire a lawyer.
You have a lot of issues
You have a lot of issues going on in your household.
The biggest one being that BM has been allowed to dictate how you and your DH handle his visitation with his kids.
Your DH needs to get on board ASAP and understand that there is no reason for there to be any communication between you and the BM. Your DH is the only one who should be communicating with her. Short of any allergies, BM doesn’t get a say in what is fed her children while with their dad.
BM wants to act like she is the only parent who knows what is good for her kids but your DH needs to take the initiative to cut this crap out now! DH allowing his kids to decide if they want to visit or not is falling right into BM’s plan to alienate the boys from their father.
It sounds like your DH already has enough to report to protective services (drug abuse and possible unsafe living conditions) which he should do so BM can be documented. This can only help DH in the future if he wants to go back to court.
Now, your 25 y/o daughter, you really can’t put that on your DH. That would fall on both of you as the ones in charge of your home (after you get BM out of that role ). I understand not wanting to see your grandchild homeless but surely you can go over a timeline with your daughter to get her where she needs to be. Don’t underestimate her, she is capable.
I'm sorry I stopped reading
I'm sorry I stopped reading at... my adult children lives with me, with a grand child and that one might never leave...
WTF.... then I tried again and you used the excuse of being a single mother all the years... I stopped
I was a single mother since my kid was born, his father was never involved, not paying Cs nothing, hell I don;t even know what happened to him, my kid is 21 and working and on his own, I kicked him out age 15 boarding school... then he returned, now he rents a flat from me... he pays half of his salary.. and he only get one meal a day from the main house.... he has to do his own laundry and pay for his own maid, or clean after himself.
No way I will be raising a adult child and let them live with me
O/T **** Helpful hint.
O/T ****
Helpful hint. Paragraphing your text will help us to figure out better what your trying to say, and complete sentences too. I work at the computer all day, and my eyes get tired, especially one lone, long paragraph. There was a lot to read and absorb.
Sounds really messy, and hard and tremendously complex. Your daughter lives with you, and has a baby? Well you certainly cannot enable her and then complain about the Skids. They sound very troubled, and I actually sympathize with them more, after I read your post. I had to read a few times, there is so much there. It seems like they are struggling and have a more than over the top crazy situation they are trying in their limited way to handle.
You have the classic Disney Dad. They are never going to tell you up front that's what they are. Is it worth it? Who knows - but the more your in it, the more you are in it.