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Dynamics of Parental Alienation

Kes's picture

This is one of the best articles I have come across, explaining the psychological dynamics of parental alienation.

Rags's picture


Give rose

A good read.

I saved it to my decades old Stepdad folder.  

The recommended counter strategies are exactly right IMHO.  Though I would add ... FACTS! and keeping the kids informed with them in an age-appropriate manner.  No need to attack the PASing parent, but there is an absolute need for the kids to know the facts. This helps dull the teeth of the attacking PASing Narcissist parent.

IMHO of course.

Though it was not a discerned initial master strategy, DW and I basically used the methods in the article to counter the PAS of the SpermGrandHag.  It just seemed logical and an effective way to minimize the toxic influence of the shallow and polluted SpermClan half of SS's gene pool on SS and on our blended family.  The Hag fits all of the descriptors of a Narcissist PASing POS as defined in the article.  

Our add to the articles mitigation strategies... was reviewing the facts with SS, in a progressivly age appropriate manner,  so he could recognize the lies as they were presented during his SpermLand visitations.  

Our collective outcome has been mostly successful. Particularly in comparison to the oucomes for SS-30s 3 younger also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas raised by SpermGrandHag.  #2 is on the dole, #3 is in prison, #4 is not far behind #3.

Our son, is living well, has a successful career, and is 8 yrs from his 20 year service retirement date from the USAF.

I know it is not always the best strategy, nor is it always appropriate, but zero tolerance and constant attack on toxic has proven to work in our own decades long battle against toxic PASing evil.  If SpermGandHag had succeeded in taking custody of SS-30 from my DW 28+ years ago, I know the success we have had would have been much more difficult to have created.  I like to think we would have been as successful while it would have been far more dificult on SS. But, as the article points out, the PASing side is the side in the wrong and is the shit and shollow end of a kid's gene pool (my personal spin). The righteous and quality side, needs to keep countering, attacking, destroying, and punishing the toxic side while building the targeted kid's armor against their genetics by keeping them consistently updated with the facts.  If we were still in the throes of that phase of our blended family adventure, I would add this article to the facts my SKid was presented.

Just my thoughts of course.

floralsm's picture

Wow this is a great read and can relate 100% as HCBM is a narcissistic Biatch and working on PAS with SD.

We have over the years battled with BMs manipulation on the skids and I have made it my life mission to never give her any ammo by avoiding her like the plague and leaving the parenting to DH 100%. 

The part that gets me is the fear and anxiety that the children suffer from. The way SD talks to BM and depends on her is ridiculous. If BM doesn't reply to a request that SD msged her she says 'Mummy? Pleaaase Mumma are you there? Mummy????' DH is like wtf. Then BM reply's an hour later knowing when SD might not get it. It's so messed up. 

Also I found mould on her drink bottle yesterday and told DH and he said ill give her a new one (tried to wash it) and when I told SD she looked really.. worried. Then said 'I'll still take that one back to Mummys' and I said 'well yeah of course but if you drink out of it, it will make you sick'. I told DH I honestly think she didn't even care and he said 'she would choose to drink out of a mouldy drink bottle as shes more afraid of upsetting BM of not using the 'special drink bottle that mummy gave you' and I just think that's reaaaally effed up.