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Dreading Spring Break

Elphaba's picture

The skids will spend the next week with us. SD is 14, and SS is 11. SS11 is no problem. SD14 is an attention-seeking, habitually lying, manipulative, mini-wife klepto. It's no secret that she is a thief. She has been caught repeatedly, yet she doesn't care. I guess i'm not surprised since she never gets punished for anything she does. Those of us she steals from are just screwed. She snoops around and spies for BM. DH knows how she is but makes excuses for her out of guilt. BM also tries to make him the blame for all bad things in the world to the skids. As a result, DH allows them to get away with murder because he wants to show them that he's not so bad after all. BM always starts drama on our weeks too. She uses SD13 to do it because she knows that DH won't do anything about it that way. I hate spring break, summer, Christmas and weekends. When they are here, I usually hide out in the bedroom. I guess that is where I will spend most of next week. Sad

Orange County Ca's picture

Get a lock for your bedroom door and put anything worth stealing in there.

I know its irritating but really what do you have to hide? Let her snoop, put mice traps wherever you think she might poke her nose in.

Elphaba's picture

I have never thought of rat/mouse traps before. That is an excellent idea. }:) I've been seriously considering buying a safe. I had packed up alot of my jewelry and other keepsakes and stored them at a relatives house. The things that I have to use on a daily basis that I know she would steal stays in the trunk of my car when she's visiting. It's frustrating that I have to do that in my own home but what else can I do? DH wants SD13 and me to be friends, but I don't see that happening. I resent her. I resent her BM, and because DH makes excuses for her behavior, i have started resenting him. Thanks for the replies. It's nice to have a place to rant. If I said these things out loud, I would get bashed.