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Do they ever stop whining!!!!

wonderland0819's picture

OMG!! So SD6 and SS4 know that no matter where they are at. Kids eat at the table. We are in a hotel room, and the little turds grab apples and start munching away at them on MY bed. So I lost it and told them to get to the table in a really loud voice. SD wont stop crying. Ugh. Her mother is a drama queen from what I hear, and looks like she inherited it. She whines all the time about everything. It drives me nuts. She is constantly whining and crying. Even when she just talks its... whiny talking I AM SO OVER THIS!

wonderland0819's picture

I just hate the sound of their voices half the time. It is always that high pitch whine sound. All three kids are like that. They either argue or talk back or whine. And guess who just got stuck being the stay at home? me... luckily bm isn't in the picture, but she did her damage and i am suffering from it until they realize that i won't put up with it... this is ridiculous. SD is definitely the worst though.

Lauren1438's picture

I am right there with you with the whining I cant take it. luckily FDH agrees with me and we send SD4 and SD6 straight to bed when they do it. If we are out then one of us puts them in the car seat and sits in the bed of the truck so they think they are alone and being punished. It worked really well for us and they hardly do it any more :). Unfortunately BM is in the Picture and she is insane.

By the way how did your plan work yesterday with the sugar?

steppinout's picture

as far as I can, they never stop. Buuuutt daaaaaaadddddyyy.....and this is coming from a 10 year old who is supposedly "gifted." But daaadddy me want ....whatever it is he needs. However, what I find even more intolerable than the whining are the strange animal noises he constantly makes. Like a whining newborn puppy and I am suppose to guess until I figure out what it is he needs....AAAHHHHH! someone help me please. I guess thats why i'll be at my parents or sisters this weekend.

ctnmom's picture

My 2 older ones never whined, actually both of them have quite deep voices. My 12yoDD tho, DOES, and she's the baby and I've always been more leinient on her. We had her in our 30's, and waited so long to have a 3rd- it's like she's a grand. But that being said, can't do the whining! Yikes! We have a saying for it,we call her Seniorita High Voice (DD19 made that one up)when she does it, I say "I don't talk to Seniorita High Voice!" That usually does the trick.She almost never whines anymore thank you Jesus. Blum 3

brandied71582's picture

My future husband said M (SD5) didn't start until after her mom left and they moved in to the in-laws...he is ready to snap and her teacher said she doesn't do it in class. Last night we went trick-or-treating with his family and I carried SS1.5 and told him to hang with her and with in 5 houses she started talking normal we both notice right way...I just hope she doesn't keep doing once we move in together.

Not-the-mom's picture

Little girls are whiny. They just are. We were in the store tonight and there was a mom there with two little kids, one a boy an one a girl. You could hear the little girls high whiny voice across the store. She was not being a brat, she was being well behaved, but she just talked like that. Whiny!

Little boys can be that way too, but not so much as girls.

I guess you have to be the BM to not notice it. It's like changing someone elses kids gags you, but if it is your own kids poop, it doesn't matter. Go figure. Blum 3

lac925's picture

I can't stand the sound of my SD8's voice, either! It's not a cute "little girl" voice. It's a loud, screechy, nasally voice...and she ALWAYS has to talk at full volume, even when we're right in front of her! And heaven forbid she starts laughing! It's like nails on a chalkboard :S And don't even talk to me about when she cries! Whenever she talks (which unfortunately is like every 5 seconds!), I literally have to close my eyes and pretend I'm somewhere else! Oh, and she doesn't ASK for things, she DEMANDS them : "I want a snack!", "Gimme that water!", "Let me see it!", "It's MY turn!"... Her and that voice of hers is the one and only thing (well, it's one of the MAIN things) I really dread when the kids come over every other weekend!

Bubbly1's picture

My sd5(6 next month) is the same way!!! My biokids say boo and she cries, literally! To the point they call he whaaa(insert name here). I've started telling her if you can't speak it to me ina normal tone of voice....I'm not listening. Period.
I have to remind her, but, its working. Slowly.

zipperhead's picture

There are some days I want to tape faces shut...3yo girls has become an insolent, insouciant little shit. Its always 'Want/I want' and never please may I have, which she is capable of because she used to do it! And if u ask her a question, she turns her head away, blinking slowly and looking sideways at you...Like she cant fucking hear me? And the WHIIIINIIING....

"I WANT MEEUUUWK!" Cant even say 'milk' the right way. Whines it. And then gluts it down and makes disgusting airsuck noises and gasps for breath. It gets pulled away, trust me. No piggy milk hogging children w no manners here. Maybe at piggy BM home. Not here. SO and I have them on a short leash. Or they would destroy everything.