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DH might be getting it

mamamomo's picture

So keep in mind I have 7wks left till my due date and I sprained my ankle 2 days ago. So getting dinner ready yesterday my DD5 and DD8 are doing their best to help mommy getting the pots out cleaning the house etc. my SS5 is doing his usual routine of hiding in his bedroom as to avoid interaction with myself. Well DD5 goes on her own to SS5's room and says "we are getting ready for dinner can you come help us?" SS's reply is no I'm just going to stay in my room. I let it go because I would rather do it my self than get all worked up over this child anymore. So, when DH gets home from work he comes in to find my hopping around the kitchen and both girls right there helping mommy with dinner. My DD5 announces he(SS) wasnt going to help mommy he just wanted to stay in his room. DH is floored we just had the convo a few days ago how he was expected to help out with cleaning and he disobeyed his dad! instead of me! HA! If my ankle wasnt busted I swear I would have done a victory dance because now he is starting to see things a little more clearly. I swear he went on and on for about an hour telling SS that he will not disrespect me again and he is tired of it. He said "I see the way you look at her like you hate her and that woman does everything for you!" I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. He told SS he has had enough of the bs and it will stop now before it gets any worse. Then! he says you just think you can treat her however you want and I'm worried that when you get older you will think you can yell and cuss at her or put your hands on her. I butted into the conversation here I felt like it wasnt a convo for a 5yr old and DH agreed he had said a bit much but the point is he said what I have been thinking for a while. I feel like the way things are going that's what will happen this kid is going to grow up hating me and the way he treats me will only get worse...I really dont want to be in that situation when he is a teen, I dont want to be that family. So, I wonder has anyone else had a teen that thought they could go that far? did you see it coming?

luckykitten's picture

I am happy for you ladies. My dh may be a hands off dad, and I may complain that he leaves me to be a full time stepmom, but one thing he has made clear is that if my sd ever disrespects me he will light her butt on fire.

As much as I complain about how he leaves me solo to raise my sd, I think he deep down gets I am the only saving grace in this child's life. The few times he got sentimental he recognized I was doing more than should be asked of me, and that I'm a heck of a mom to his sd. Too bad these moments of clarity are months apart, and they don't lead to any changes in getting help. Lol

Either way, I hope if push comes to shove my dh steps up likes yours did. Hugs my fellow sm warriors! Oh and op, congrats on the upcoming wee one! I hope you continue to be blessed with love and understanding as you welcome your new baby!

luckykitten's picture

Error- I HOPE my dh steps up like yours did.

Gotta love tiny screens on the phone and a brain that moves faster than the thumbs. Lol