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DH & 18 and 1/2 year old SS

outdorzgurl's picture

Hello All-I need some support, help...etc.....

1 month before we were to be married (husband and myself)-his ex wife tells my then fiance that he can have their 15 year old Son. I have known my husband and his ex-wife and all 3 of their children for many years-even before their children were born. I wasn't the cause of their divorce-and dated my husband for 8 years prior to getting married.

So-my Fiance soon to be Husband brings his Son home-we are married one month later--and it has now been 3 years since we got married. SS has never had any responsibilities--doesn't put away own dishes, pick up own stuff, won't turn off lights etc. When I asked my husband about this--he said his mother used to yell and scream at him--let him adjust to being here with us and i hope that he will learn by I said it has been 3 years. SS will graduate from high school in May--I am invisible in my own home--SS doesn't say hello to me--will walk in the room and get between DH and myself and begin talking--there is no schedule--DH is out everyday picking some kid up or doing some activity--I can't plan anything-DH will not change anything in the house--ex wifes stuff is still all over the house--I once moved the living room furniture around and you would have thought it was WWIII from the reactions--those people don't do well with any type of change. Thanksgiving I am expected to go to his mother's house for dinner with the kids-they do not even say hello--I am a Mother to 4 adult children--my kids have manners--they have never treated my husband poorly--it would not be tolerated. His children are 18, 16 and 14. I have a great deal of internal conflict going on--feel so stressed, and generally get teary eyed when I think about going home lately--I hate the environment there--I have made my husband aware of how I feel--he doesn't feel the same way so it doesn't bother him--he says he can't deal with conflict--I am basically supossed to be quiet, keep the peace, put on a happy face.......all the while i feel fake--I love my husband...but feel like i am always walking on eggshells, nothing is ever resolved......i'm to the point that i want to take a travel job (I am a RN) until SS leaves for college! I don't know how to change the environment in my own home....any advice will be appreciated!

misSTEP's picture

The problem is a lot to do with your DH. He allowed SS to be disrespectful to you and not have to lift a finger. I think any kid will choose to be lazy if they aren't forced to NOT be.

Sounds like your DH doesn't respect you so there is NO WAY SS is going to. He doesn't even care enough to TRY to change to make you happy!

I really don't think all the ways your DH shows disrespect and lack of consideration for you will go away just because SS goes away.

Jsmom's picture

Your DH is lazy. I say take back your house and let the chips fall where they may. Or take the nursing stint away from him and decide if this is who you want to live your golden years with....

herewegoagain's picture

A few problems.

1. he's an irresponsible kid because your DH has allowed it
2. he probably won't do much since you knew his parents before the divorce...yep, sorry, not saying you were the cause, not saying ANY of that...just saying that I can assure you that 99.9% of step-kids do NOT want ANYONE around, the other 1% will never be able to deal with knowing that you knew his parents before the divorce.

Good luck.