Dealing with Mental Health issues
I am at lost right now on how to deal in my life. SD came to leave with us as trial back in October and still has not went back to BM full time. At this point there has been several episodes of depression, threats to life, and behavior issues. I was finally able to get DH to get SD some counseling, but there has only been a couple of session. SD goes from being super happy and fine to super lows. I feel like every week it's something. I completely sympathize with the situation, but im emotionally and physically exhausted. BM want help at all and when we mention what's going on she has no reaction. With the latest threats the therapist suggested SD be evaluated. I have gotten very uncomfortable with being at home with SD just out of not knowing what she might do. DH is having a hard time I know, but I have two toddlers and I just don't know how much more I can take.
My SD26 sounds similar to
My SD26 sounds similar to your SD, in the suicide threats, highs and lows, and she is just in the process of being diagnosed as bipolar. The doc has asked her to keep a "mood diary" for a month to assist diagnosis. I think it's 99% likely she will get the diagnosis and hopefully then she will be prescribed mood stabilisers and be less volatile.
By "evaluated", I assume you
By "evaluated", I assume you mean by a psychiatrist, and YES, do it. I know this kid has long-standing mental health issues, but her mother essentially abandoning her probably hasn't helped any.
If I were you, I'd make her being in treatment a requirement for me to stay living in the house. And DH needs to find other care for her besides you during the day if needed.
Evaluation YESTERDAY. Suicide
Evaluation YESTERDAY. Suicide threats? Call whoever it is (not in the US so have no idea who that is -help me out here guys!) to have her taken into surveillance. She needs to not be a threat either to herself or anyone else. Has she directly threatened your toddlers? If so, then she doesn't get to spend the day in your home.
Do not expect this to get any better until she gets real help. Do not allow your husband to waffle about this. She is sick and needs her. It is your husband's responsibility to get her that help. If he doesn't do so pronto, I'd be out of there.
your DH is a horrible parent,
your DH is a horrible parent, you need to call CPS for child neglect on your DH. Also get in touch with your local hospital and let them know you have a teenager threatening suicide in your residence and neither parent is capable of helping the child. If he's got his head to far up his own a$$ to deal with his SD and her problems right now, getting CPS involved and other facilities might give him the boot he needs.
Update: An evaluation was
Update: An evaluation was done and SD was sent home. They feel that she should continue therapy and Lee a check on her. I'm still so uncomfortable with the whole thing. I really think it's best to be with BM or grandma with all this going on, but not sure what will happen next. I just plan to keep pushing for help anytime there are any threats made.