cursing the rules!!!!
I hate when my own kids use the rules against us. We have rules to try and make life easier, as my children live with us full time and are at an age of teenage years we make them responsible for their own mess. My skids get away with to much from their bf as he only sees them every second weekend, but my partner thinks that my kids should follow the rules here all the time. So if my bd has made a toasted sandwich then she should clean up, I agree. Well after us both working very long hours yesterday the kids got their own easy dinner last night, and my partner and I had toasted sandwiches. Well HE left the sandwich maker out and didnt wipe it down as he had made himself an extra sandwich after I had finished. Mind you this was very late in the night after we had finished work.
This morning she read the act to me about how he didnt clean up his mess!!!
I wonder if we still lived with her father would she be reacting the same way? (I dont think so)
Its always such a struggle with the resentment from parties involved.
This is so little, but somedays you just want to run away and never return, with putting up with all the issues that need do be dealt with to blend families.
Please dont get me wrong I to go through all that everyone else is going through, but the little things build up as well and just get to you.
Laughing and commiserating...
This one gave me a chuckle, because my 9 year old does the same thing on a regular basis. "Why do I have to put my shoes away when Daddy leaves his in the middle of the floor?" Indeed, young son, indeed! So to my son I say, "Honey, you just worry about making sure that YOU do the right thing and I'll worry about keeping your Dad in line." To my darling hubby I say, "Hey, sweetheart, would you please get your blanking shoes up off the blanking floor before I trip over them and break my blanking neck?!" Husbands really are just big, hairy kids.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
Yeah, I have two boys... used to have three... living with me.
SS, DH and BIL... but BIL finally found a 'new mommy' to go home to... Thank GAWD! So, like Anne, I just remind the 'kids' (and yes, sometimes SS acts more mature than my DH) that we ADULTS make the rules, keep the roof over our head, and pay the bills... therefore, it's not their concern what we ADULTS do, but they, the CHILDREN, better mind their chores and rules until they day that they are ADULTS and can set their own rules.
When my SS whines about things, my DH just responds to him about working a full 8 hour day to keep the roof over his head, pay the bills so that he can use the electricity to play his video games, etc, and water to brush his teeth and bath etc, food in the frig, etc. That usually stops the whining in our house. LOL.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...