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Covid Tier 3 restrictions

Tara456's picture

Are women suffering domestic abuse allowed to flee and stay overnight/longer somewhere that is Tier 2 or Tier 1?  Or rent a place for a week to get away?

I have searched so many government websites and can't find the answer. Have been on hold to Women's Aid online chat for over 2 hours, and each time it's my turn, and I've got beyond "hello" and confirmed I'm there and am writing my question, they have hung up. Sad

ESMOD's picture

i'm not sure where you live... so not exactly sure what you mean by the tiers.. and what those restrictions are.  I cannot imagine that you would be forced to stay in an abusive home...   maybe try calling vs the online chat.  do you have any friends or family that could assist you?

still learning's picture

I'm not sure what you mean by Tier 1 and 2, but my state is still in Phase 1 the lowest level of opening. People are traveling, camping, and staying in hotels.  If you are in an abusive situation you need to go. If hotels are open then you are allowed to go stay in one.  Go now and call Women's Aid later. Please be safe!  

tog redux's picture

OP, I see you are in the UK, not sure if anyone will chime in from there or not.

Can you call a Domestic Violence hotline or something of the sort? They would know the proper way to go about this. I can't imagine they'd force you to stay in an abusive situation. 

BethAnne's picture

If you feel the need to leave and have a place to go, just leave and work out the details later. No one wants to stop you getting covid-19 by forcing you to stay in an unsafe environment. 

If the abuse hotline isn't working and you want a second opinion, you could try calling your local police station and asking them for their advice. But I wouldn't worry too much about the details of the various restrictions. Just get out if you need to. 

In the unlikely event that you are issued a fine, you will have good grounds to appeal it and lots of time to contact charities, your local MP, citizens advice etc to get their help with the appeal if you need it. But you will at least be doing it from a safe place. 

Tara456's picture

Sorry, I should have said, I'm in the UK - these are our new Covid restrictions for some areas.

I'm worried too about those I might be fleeing to. A couple who very kindly said I could escape there for a while - one works for an "authority" and I don't want them to get into trouble for hosting me.

BethAnne's picture

They want to help you and just want you to be safe. They would not offer if they did not belive that it was the best and right thing to do. Trust them to make their own choices about this.

Headmayexplode's picture

If you are fleeing abuse you can flee to wherever is safe for you as the risk of covid is less than the risk of abuse. 

You can go to any county regardless of the tier they are in. 

Powerfamily's picture

The Covid restrictions are irrelevent in domestic violence.   If you need to leave for you and your children safety then you can.

It's more important that you are safe.  Leave go to your place of safety and then self isolate for the 14 days once  there.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

The tiers don't require people to stay in dangerous situations.

Even at the height of the complete lockdown the rules were that you could leave if you were experiencing domestic violence.