Childrens' Health Coverage issues with good ole' BM
Does anyone know if BM has the right/ability to look up DH's IRS records? Neither of them pay the other child support, as they have joint custody. Her income is substantially higher than DH's and she wants to increase the percentage he pays for the boys' health care costs. Just wondering if she can have ready access to this information?
Her latest is that we (of course playing the card that I as a mother should have called her immediately (rather than calling DH and letting him deal with her, as she has told me numerous times that she wants NOTHING, EVER, to do with me) when SS fell and hit his head ice-skating the day before Thanksgiving....and after monitoring him, took him to Urgent Care where they told me that if I suspected a concussion I should take him immediately to the ER- shortly after we left Urgent Care he vomited so off to the ER we went. Now she is saying that I should have asked her if I should be taking him into the ER and that she should have been able to decide where he went. This is totally bluster and bullying BM, right? Because if I had not taken him in, her tune would have been "She doesn't take the same care of my kids as she does hers....negligence....blah blah blah...."
This nonsense neverevereverevereverever stops!!!!!!!!!! And of course these boys, whom I do love very much, seem to be the mose accident prone kids ever. DH claims he had a season pass to the ER when he was little, so it doesn't seem the slightest bit strange to him- but it is enough to make me think that I do not want to take them to do anything physical without DH ever again. And of course who suffers? The boys do. But BM doesn't care about that...and round it goes.
OMG...what a bitch your bm is
OMG...what a bitch your bm is -- of course your ss should have gone to the er...duh, what a piece of work you have to deal with!!
I won't promise but I don't think she can access your dh's irs records by any legitimate means. She can go to court to try to get them but as far as I know, that's about it -- unless she knows his SS# and can pretend she is him but that is also unlikely. (I work for a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program during tax season and have had clients try to get tax information on ex-spouses via the IRS and it ain't happening).
I carried health insurance on my skids through my employer for years and years - both the one who lived with us and the one who lived with bm. Of course all out of pocket costs were ours too.