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Can' t believe the ex did this. What's th deal?

Bee's picture

Just found out while figuring how to do the wording of SD's wedding invitations that the ex has changed her name back to DH's last name. DH was husband 2. She divorced him 14 years ago. She remarried and took number 3's last name. Well she recently divorced number 3. So she changed her name to our last name. There are no minor children. Is this strange? An I wrong to be pissed and to think she is trying to cause trouble?

Bee's picture

Don't think that is the case even the skids are surprised. And she was married to 3 for over 10 yrs.

Bee's picture

No it was mutually agreed and quite civil as far as divorces go.

Also her son is by husband 1 and daughter by #2 (DH).

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Who knows why they do the things they do. I changed mine back to my ExH1's name after I divorced ExH2, but only because thats my sons last name. Your BM, who the hell knows.

Maroma1984's picture

My husband's ex did the same thing. I don't really understand how she could go back to his name? She had her name definitely changed to her new husband , but how can they go back to the previous married name and not just the maiden name?

I hope she did it because it's her daughter's last name and not just in spite of us.