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Can BM push us out Legally??

Chocoholic's picture

Can BM use the legal system to keep me from my skids?

Our BM abused my 2 year old SS back in April, then she tried to blame it on me.... I passed a Lie Detector, she failed.... I found the bruises on SS AFTER BM dropped him off and I took him to the doctor and reported the abuse....

Throughout this whole thing the only two suspects were BM and I (due to BM accusing me.)

Originally, DH and I refused to take a polygraph test (based on our attorney's advice).... apparently that made us look guilty and so the children were placed with BM until "further order of the court".
I went and took a polygraph test with the sheriff dept's own examiner and I passed it outright.... originally, the police said that BM had passed her test, however we received a copy of it in July and learned that BM had FAILED all but 1 question!

**The officer on the case is now being investigated for misrepresentation and providing false information.... we also learned that this same officer was restrained from HIS own kids for Domestic Violence against his wife! CROOKED COP!*

Anyway, it appears that things are going well in the investigation.... CPS has closed their case, and CASA continuing in their investigation for Family Court....

DH spoke to CASA this morning and she told him that BM's issue is only with me....

This worries me because I also have a past.... 2 custody disputes.... when I was divorcing my 1st dh, Jennifer (my son's sm) and my son's dad joined up with my ex-dh (by the way, they HATED each other before this opportunity arrived).... anyway, they all joined up and all together stated telling the same lies threatening to take my children away from me.... They were filing false CPS reports claiming that I abuse my kids, claiming that I am a druggie and alcoholic, etc.... you name it... they said it.

As a result, I was looking at being an EOW mom and so I signed over Legal Custody to both of the my children but retained Joint Physical Custody.

Many years later, a full investigation was completed by Family Court Services and they found that Jennifer and her DH were in fact lying and had lied to "several professionals" and were "overzealous" and partaking in "parental alienation"....

I was clearned....

But by then it was too late to go back....

NOW, with all of this drama going on with my skids I'm really scared that based on my 'checkered past' BM will somehow be able to use it against me and keep the skids away.

What do you think??
Please don't sugarcoat.... I need to know an outsiders opinion... if you need more info please ask....

chellebelle143's picture

Is there any documentation that you were cleared? If not maybe you could get a statement from Family Court Services, stating that that all allegations against you were unfounded. If you already have a statement to that effect, then it could make the prior investigations, irrelevant to the current case. I think your best bet is to talk to an attorney about how this could affect your situation. I know it is frustrating but keep your chin up.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

Chocoholic's picture

There was a big old report.... I gave a copy to CASA.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

southernshellgirl's picture

Please have faith, though I know it is hard. I honestly believe that you were cleared and shouldn't worry too much. What matters now is what is best for the skids NOW.

Like chelle said, keep your chin up. What ever was said about you was in the past, and even if it is brought up you were cleared. You are doing the right thing for these kids and it will show. Smile

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-