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Boyfriends kids drive me absolutely insane!

HeartMom's picture

Let me just start off by saying that I’m a mother myself and I’ve been around kids all of my life. That being said, I’ve never met kids like my boyfriends!! His daughter is 11 and his son is 9, but both act like they are 5. They are extremely whiny, loud, and can’t do anything for themselves. They are very immature for their ages, especially his daughter. Their behavior is rubbing off on my 3 year old to the point where I don’t even recognize my own daughter anymore. For example, my daughter has a lot of health issues and was behind physically as a baby do to having a stroke and being in the hospital for the first 2 in a half months of her life, so I worked my butt off with her on her speech. She had excellent speech and grammar by the age of one. Key word, HAD. His kids talk like your normal 5 year olds, but one of them is going to be a preteen!! They say things like, “Hurted, broked, runned, popseego (popsicle),” amongst other things and have very poor grammar in general. They have my daughter saying words wrong that she’s been able to say perfectly since she was a year old!!! Even now though, she STILL speaks better than they do!! They even have her saying her last name wrong, which infuriates me the most. Their dad has 60% hearing loss and a lot of the time he goes off of word recognition, so I don’t hold him accountable for their poor speech. That being said, their MOTHER is a grade school teacher!!!! I’m sorry, if you’re a teacher your kids should have close to perfect speech. I mean she literally gets payed to teach those kinds of things!! Then again I can’t be surprised because they are both on IEPs and go to summer school every year because she can’t be bothered to work with them herself. Also these two never shut up, EVER. They will ask the same question over and over again and question everything someone says or does. For example, if my daughter says something they will ask, “Why did she say that? Why is she laughing? Why does she do that? Does she even know what we’re talking about?” They even do it with random people, like I’m supposed to know why a stranger does the things they do. His daughter doesn’t know what it is to use an inside voice. She yells ALL of the time. Like if my daughter is upstairs at night sleeping we’ll tell them both multiple times to be quiet when they go up and she’ll STILL yell and be loud. Neither of them know what personal space is. His son is VERY touchy and isn’t happy unless he’s up his dads butt. He can literally be sitting right next to him and that still isn’t close enough. He’s also very touchy with me. He’ll walk past me and brush up against my butt and I don’t like it at all. His daughter also has to get right in my face when she’s talking and she basically has to sit right on top of me and follows me around like a lost dog, it makes me very uncomfortable. His daughter will also start up conversations that ended hours ago like we never stopped talking about it, I find it VERY weird. That or she’ll keep going on and on about the same thing and will repeat herself multiple times. His son will call for me or his dad multiple times a day just to say hi. He’ll even wake his dad up to say hi. Both of them will stare at me and I find it very awkward. His daughter constantly has an attitude and is not only extremely conceited, she thinks she knows everything. She’ll even argue with her dad and I because we’re ‘wrong’ and she’s right. Neither of them can do anything for themselves and have difficulty doing the simplest of tasks. His son doesn’t put his socks on right and has to try multiple times before actually getting them on right. He won’t tie his own shoes, or even look for his own clothes. And it’s pointless to give him simple directions to do something because he can’t do it. His daughter won’t brush her own hair and throws a legit fit because she can’t get knots out. She won’t clean up her messes without throwing a fit because she ‘doesn’t know how to do it’. They don’t take responsibility for any of their actions and it’s always everyone else’s fault. That is due to their mom and grandma. His daughter got in trouble at school and it was the ‘teachers fault’ and they tell her that everyone is jealous of her. She didn’t make the cheerleading team and instead of telling her that she just needs more practice her mom tells her that it’s because the coaches were playing the favorites game. I feel bad for my boyfriend because everything he does here goes out the door as soon as they go back with their mom. They are babied and can basically do whatever they want just as long as they are out of her hair. To top all of this off I’m pregnant and I don’t have the patience for them at all. They stress me out beyond belief and when they are here I don’t even want to be in my own home. And if I’ve ever wondered just how much they stress me out an EKG I had done is proof. They had me so stressed that it messed my test up and the nurse had to wait until I calmed down so she could get an accurate reading. I didn’t even realize that they were effecting me until she asked me if they were stressing me out and then showed me the screen. Anyways, I’m so excited to be starting a family with my boyfriend, but I’m so scared that my baby is going to end up being just like them. I feel horrible for saying that, but it’s true. I love their dad to death and I want nothing more than to have a future with him, but I don’t see myself being very happy if their behaviors continue especially because they are effecting my daughter. I keep on telling myself that they will grow up someday and that they aren’t who I wake up to everyday not to let them effect me as much as they do. It’s just hard especially when I’m pregnant and don’t feel good 90% of the time. It’s also difficult when during the summer they are here every other weekend. My boyfriend works third shift, so I not only have to be around them all day, I’m personally responsible for them at night and until he gets up. During school they are here everyday but Tuesday and every weekend except for one a month. I’m sorry that this was so long, I just needed to rant. I can’t keep complaining to my boyfriend because it just ends in a fight, which is mainly my fault because I’m very blunt. 

CLove's picture

But, since YOU are around, you will have an influence definitely, however, they have a mom and you are not it. You are having a child with this man, and you do not like his parenting at all. His children are what I like to call "feral" (google it). If they are bad now, they will get MUCH worse as they get older. Welcome. Keep reading here, there are loads of resources that will give you a pretty good view of your future, should you stay with your boyfriend.

HeartMom's picture

It’s not that I don’t like his parenting, I just have less patience than he does. He’s a very patient person, sometimes a little too patient to be honest. My biggest issue with his parenting though is that I feel like he makes excuses. His daughter for example has ADHD and she’ll raise her voice in a way that myself and most people would view as disrespectful and he’ll say that she’s not being disrespectful and that she can’t help it. To an extent that might be true, but that doesn’t mean that she should get off without any type of repercussions because all she’s being tought is that she doesn’t have to be accountable for her actions. Also I completely agree that they will get worse! I’ve been saying that basically ever since I met them and so far they have gotten worse. Especially his daughter!! 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

If the children are in your home six days each week, then your partner definitely has the ability to affect change in their behavior. He just chooses not to. The BM isn't parenting, the dad isn't parenting, the GBM isn't parenting, and it's not your job to parent them. That's what Clove meant by "feral".

You seem like a very nice woman, probably too nice.  You're having a baby with man who isn't parenting his kids well, and as a mother you recognize his kids have huge deficits. You really, REALLY need to assert yourself and get your partner to listen to you and get on the same page or your relationship is not going to last. Things will get much worse as those skids enter the teen years, and you will become more and more resentful. This situation is not good for you, and it won't be good for your child(,ren).

Get into couples counseling NOW. Best investment for the future you can make.

HeartMom's picture

I completely agree with you!!! Him and I have argued so many times because I just don’t view their behavior as appropriate at all. That’s why I came to this sight to vent because I’m tired of venting to him and getting absolutely nowhere. Also I wanted to get other people’s opinions because sometimes I feel guilty and like I’m just being unreasonable. It’s looking like that isn’t the case though..... I want to be with him for a very long time, but his kids are going to end up being a deal breaker if they don’t change. I’ve always said that if we ever broke up it would be because of them.