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Boyfriend and his anger problems

Megsixo's picture

I am writing in reaching out to get some help. My guy and I have been together about 2 years. His momma passed in June and I have been there for him every step of the way. Recently he has been pissed off at everything and anything and takes it out on me. I am currenly 22 weeks pregnant and I am super sad and hurt. Today he was so mad at me over something so freakin dumb I cant recall but tonight it was over 85 in my home because he shut off the AC I thought I was about to pass out. I was in the kitchen making food for them. He got peed at me because he didnt have the spaghetti thingy to get some noodles and sauce. Like he then became real angry and told me he was going home to eat and left angerly I said you can use the plastic part of the masher to pick up the noodles. He decided to leave anyways all pissed off. I am so upset and hurt I just raged for about 20 mins tired of this abuse. I sat down crying it was so bad I called the crisis line and talked because I have no non-biased people. I am hurt and upset and angry at him. So many mixed emotions and doesnt help the fact I am very pregnant with our son. I feel so little, sad, abused and victimized by him and gas lighting. Like one min hes fine next a total ARSEHOLE! I am at a loss and not sure how much more I can handle. This bs has been going on since Thursday. Mean, abusive, angry, and just so hostile. I did nothing to deserve it. I am so sad and not really how to control my emotions. I sit here crying a lot trying to figure out what I did wrong. I am at a loss ... I cant find anything that would set him off. hes been just an irritable little brat who doesnt get it his way he looses his mind and gets mad. He also abuses his daughter which if I do dump him I will be calling childrens protective services on him. Zero reason to be such a jerk to her. I am the one who stand up for her. I am just overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions and sadness and confusion and fear. I am literally walking on egg shells with him and afraid of him blowing up like he did. I am really confused.

Is this a part of grieving or part of being mean and hostile because of stress IDK he wont tell me a damn thing or even think about couples counseling because he thinks its for the weak (ignorance) I am just so tired of his crappy attitude and anger and rage and taking it out on me.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cope or tell him to eff off with his whiny brat attitude or what? I am just tired of being the outlet for his anger and again walking on egg shells. Cray 2 I am so sad im crying writing this. I feel so small and defeated and I am tired of being strong for my 1 year old who is also exposed to this crap and also sad for his 8 year old who is also exposed

Aniki-Moderator's picture

He also abuses his daughter which if I do dump him I will be calling childrens protective services on him.

WHAT?! He is abusing his daughter. Is he abusing the 1yo? If not, he will. And your unborn baby. Call CPS NOW. Protect all of the children and protect yourself.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Honey, would you rather have your baby safe and cared for by a single mom or grow up in an abusive household? Please, please, please love your children enough to get them away from this awful man. Please have compassion for an 8yo little girl. Contact family or friends. Look on the internet for places you can go. Safe places. Look for programs and opportunities that help women in your situation. 

Winterglow's picture

Could you live with yourself if something happened to her, knowing that it could have been avoided if you turned him in? There is never an excuse to allow a child to be abused. And you don't want to turn him in because you think it's more important to have a child abuser by your side than you save that child from harm? WHY?

It's better to be alone than in bad company.

JRI's picture

Do you have family nearby?  I think you realize you should split.  He's already abusive to his daughter, your son is being exposed to this and you have a new baby on the way.  I see you are in Canada and I'm unfamiliar with the services there but you're in a major city and there has to be some kind of women's shelter if your family is not nearby.

Take heart, you can have a different life without all this trauma.  Reach out and get some help.   Let us know how you're doing.

There are many Canadians on here, I know they will have good suggestions.  Good luck.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Here are some domestic violence resources in Canada:

Please contact someone and talk things through with them. Your boyfriend's behavior is abusive - towards both you and the children. While I understand your desire to protect his daughter, your first priority has to be you and your kids.

Winterglow's picture

Why on earth are you putting up with this crap? Since when does he get to decide to switch off the A/C in YOUR home? He isn't communicating with you. He has no interest in doing so. He doesn't see any problems with his behaviour - can you live with this kind of treatment indefinitely? Probably not, so why prolong the agony?

You said yourself that you're sick of his "crappy attitude and anger and rage and taking it out on me" and he makes you cry all the time, you're also sick of walking on eggshells, so stop. As in right now. If you won't dump him for yourself, dump him for the sake of your children. They shouldn't have to be exposed to his anger crises. Dump him and call CPS, today.

notarelative's picture

Your profile says you are in Canada. There is help available.

He is abusing you. You are aware he abuses his daughter. What do you think will happen to your child? 
Realize that (in my state at least) if you turn a blind eye to the abuse of his daughter, you risk losing custody of your child if you stay with him. 

You don't currently live with him. Don't move in with him or let him move it. Call for help. There is help available. Protect your child. Protect yourself.

ESMOD's picture

Honey... there are much worse things than being alone.

What you need to do is get out.. get your baby out.. report him to child services.. make sure it is all documented so that he will not have unsupervised visitation with the son you are going to have.  and nail him for all the child support you possibly can.

I mean.. I can guess some of the reasons he is acting like this... he could be using drugs.. he could be cheating on you... he could be feeling trapped by another child... but none of that is an EXCUSE for being a ragin dbag... abusing his child.. 

And.. if this guy is this off the handle.. then you really should look up "shaken baby syndrome".. because if you think it will be tough going it without him.. try going it without him with a severely disabled child who will need lifelong care?  or worse.. a dead child to mourn.

Clearly you need to be out of there.. but you need to contact the women's resources that have been provided here to make sure you do it safely.



reedle2021's picture

I read your post with a heavy heart and a sense of dread.  Your partner sounds exactly like my ex-husband.  I mean, exactly.  And I think what you are seeing is the real person - he's just managed to control himself and keep his behavior covered up for the past two years.  He was wearing a mask so to speak.  I think the behavior is his true self and it is abusive.  I think you have just been blinded for the past two years - I know because I went through the same thing.  I not only ignored his abusive signs but I also believed him when he told me I was being selfish when I expected him to parent his son.  My ex would also become irate at the smallest of things.  I was constantly on eggshells.  My stomach would be in knots on my way home from work, not knowing what to expect from him.  And it got worse.  In the months before I left, he became physical:  I was shoved, had my leg slapped and he slapped my phone out of my hands because he was berating me and I was trying to ignore him.  He also constantly accused me of cheating and was very nasty to me.  In retrospect, he took great pleasure in humiliating me and berating me - he would often say jokingly, "I love to watch you squirm" whenever he was accusing me of cheating or being mean to me.  Basically, it gave him pleasure to be cruel to me.  This behavior is NOT normal.  Please read my previous posts.  It was also to the point in our relationship where I had to drive everywhere when he and I went somewhere because he was so angry he would road rage and get into fights with people.  The month before I left him, he got into a fight with another driver.  My husband pulled the car up to the other driver's car, the other driver got out of his car and approached the car on my side with my window rolled down.  My husband's anger put me in direct danger - I would have been the first person the other driver hit or shot at if he had taken a notion to do so.  Take my advice, leave this guy.  IT WILL GET WORSE.

You wrote that you feel vulnerable.  It could be, like you said, because you are pregnant.  But I think it is because he wants you to feel that way.  Abusers have a way of making their victims feel powerless.  And don't think for even a second if you submit to his will that it will change anything.  Even if you shut down, keep your head down and nod in agreement as he verbally berates you, it changes nothing. You can be the most subservient person ever and it won't matter.  It won't make him feel bad or calm him down.  It only reinforces his behavior.  Again, I speak from years of experience. 

Also, I don't think his behavior is a result of his mother's passing but rather his behavior surfaced because of it.  I think this guy was an a&&hole the entire time but again, we're all blind to it in the beginning.  I lost my dad less than a year and a half ago and I NEVER acted this way - and believe me, I was completely devastated as it was a sudden, unexpected death.

Only you know what's best for you but this situation sounds precarious and I highly doubt anything will change. 

Please make arrangements to take care of yourself, your 1 year old and your unborn baby.   I hate to sound mean but his daughter isn't your problem - report him to CPS for his treatment of her, maybe let his baby mama know what's going on and walk way.  You can't save her.

As far as being alone, I am alone. I have no children.  I do have family close but I am alone in my home.  I can tell you from experience, I am happier.  There are way worse things than being alone. 

I read your previous post about his daugher's mini-wife syndrome, how he isn't affectionate with you and puts his daughter ahead of you.  Again, 100% my ex-husband.  And he continued to baby his manchild who was 21 yo when I finally left.  IT WON'T CHANGE. 

I hope my post doesn't offend you. I say these things not to make you feel bad but to impress upon you the urgency of your situation.  Even though I don't know you, I care.  You aren't alone - many other women have been through similar things, including me.  And you can find the courage to leave and the strength to care for yourself and your children.  You can.  And I can tell you that if you stay, you will regret it and by the time you get sick of it, most of your younger years may have passed you by.  I wasted 9 years of my life with my ex and now I am too old to have children of my own.  He refused to have kids with me because he didn't want his son to feel "left out." 

Please keep us posted and please, take care of yourself, your 1 year old and unborn baby - and get to safety. **BIG HUGS**

ESMOD's picture

I would also point out that it's not unusual for abusers to pick people that they view as vulnerable.  She met this guy when she was pregnant.. and possibly with the bio father not capable or interested in supporting his child.. or her through her pregnancy?

So.. what better thing.. find a poor woman who is on the ropes.. about to have a child that she will have to support.. and swoop in as her savior?  Then.. try to get her pregnant again as quickly as possible to rope her in and trap her further.  All the while chipping away at her self esteem.. making her think SHE is the lucky one that he took her and her baby in.. when in reality.. he just needed a compliant victim.

I was also in an abusive relationship.. it starts out non-violent.. but weirdly obsessed controlling.. "why did it take you an extra 10 minutes to drive home today?.. who are you seeing".. (like I could really carry on some meaningful affair in that 10 minutes that was really getting stuck in traffic).  and.. you dimwit.. I could be leaving work for hours if I wanted.. so there is zero point of harassing me over 10 minutes.. But eventually it escalated.. he choked me and gave me a black eye (actually broke a bone behind my eye) and fat lip because some guy talked to me at a party.. like I can control who says anythign to me...  it was tough.. he was living with me.. and it wasn't for months until I could get him out.. 

Ironically. he was cheating on me.. and the woman called me a few months into their relationship (after police got involved and I got him out).. and she wanted to know if there was anything she should know about his anger issues.. because she had a toddler and there were a few instances that were concerning to her... (he smashed the kid's toy in front of him when the child accidentally did something to an item of his).  She wanted to know if he had ever been violent.. I was in a bad position... I was terrified if I was honest that he would come back and try to get revenge on me.. but there was this toddler.. (I didn't care about her.. she knew he was cheating on me with her).. so I gave her a brief history.. told her I would be cautious. because he had been abusive to me... and other women that I later found out about.  found out months later.. she stayed with him and he put her in the hospital.. 

(the guy is dead now.. no loss to this world)

reedle2021's picture

I also dealt with the accusations of cheating, to the point where my ex seemed delusional and paranoid.  "Why is the car seat in a different position?"  It wasn't.  "Why were you 5 minutes late today?"  I wasn't. 

These types of people are volatile and violent and no amount of love or patience will help them.


ESMOD's picture

it turns out this guy had some chemical addiction issues.. I think messed with his head.. again.. no excuse.. but there was that.

I think it's really slippery slope here.. a woman might think at first.. "awww he is jealous.. how sweet he cares about me so much".. but it can really spiral until you are explaining every small thing and none of it makes any sense.

ndc's picture

He also abuses his daughter which if I do dump him I will be calling childrens protective services on him.

What????  He abuses his daughter and you'll only do something to protect her if you dump him?  And you have your other child in this environment?  PLEASE dump him, then, ASAP.  I would advise you to do that anyway.  And I would document the abuse of his daughter as much as possible so that you can try to keep him away from your son once he's born.

Do you have somewhere to go?  Someone you can stay with?  If not, call a shelter.  You don't want to be walking on eggshells hoping this man doesn't explode again, especially when there are children involved.  I understand that you're scared to raise your baby alone, but that's much less scary than living with a man who is abusive and who has you in a near constant state of fear and anxiety (which is what will happen even if it hasn't happened yet).

There is absolutely no reason for you to stay with an abuser.  It doesn't matter that his mother died, it doesn't matter WHY he acts the way he does.  It is up to him to control his anger and not be abusive to women and children.  I would seek out an attorney and find out what you need to do to protect your unborn child.  Even if you don't want to leave for yourself, leave for your one year old who will be very adversely affected from being in this environment, and your unborn baby.  Soon!

Shieldmaiden's picture

I think you have your answer. Leave him. He is not a good man. There is no excuse to treat you this way. He won't change after the baby is born, he will probably get worse due to there will be more stress. 

You deserve better for you and your baby. Take him to court and get some child support.

relationshipguru's picture

This is abuse. Leave like now. Once you leave please call CPS immediately for that poor little girl. Do you ever wonder why he was single when you met him? 

Rags's picture

Immediately, if not sooner.

Regardless of SO flavor.  DH, DW, BF, GF.......

Life is too short to put up with an angry asshole who abuses  you or your family members emotionally, physically, financially, etc, etc, etc......

He lost his mommmy. Hopefully she is kicking  him in the ass constantly from beyond due to his dick-ish-ness.


Ask him. "Do you think your mother is proud of the angry crap you are spewing?"