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BM's BIG MOUTH-how to/do we respond?

blendedandbeautiful's picture

So, I am 6 months pregnant with my husband's sixth child-we have custody of 3 (with his ex wife), visitation with 1 (with an ex gf), and this will be our 2nd child together. I am obviously visibly pregnant by this point, and when my charming (:sick:) SD came for her EOW visitation, she took one look at my stomach and said "you guys better stop having babies. that better be the last kid you have."

blink. blink blink.

"says who?" I say.

"my mom. she said you shouldn't have anymore kids."

"tell your mom we're having 5 more kids." i said

"no, tell your mom we're having 20 more." said my DH, who NEVER responds to comments her mom makes. i just looked at him and laughed because i couldn't believe it elicited a response from him.

here's my question:

is this something that should be brought up to her mother? like, "hey, we would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell SD that our building our family is wrong." (especially considering we're MARRIED and MARRIED PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN. and, not to mention the fact that SHE'S ALSO HAVING MORE CHILDREN WITH HER CURRENT BOYFRIEND!!)

or, is this just another situation we let roll off our shoulders?

because, honestly, my immediate, very sinful response was to rage at her BM (which i did not do-i have no contact with her.)

StepChicka's picture

No one can stop you or DH from suggesting BM keep her comments to herself but doesn't mean she's going to listen--it might even make it worse since she'll know that its getting to you.

However, your DH CAN stop the comments coming from SD or get a repremanding. Tell her its rude and disrespectful of her to say things like that and also disrespectful to her mom to repeat what she says to her in private conversation...unless its something serious of course.

Nymh's picture

Of course your first response was in anger. What she said is ridiculous and completely not her place. That said, I would let it lie. I think the responses you already gave your SD pretty much told her that it isn't her mother's place to comment on your family planning and that you will have kids whether you have her blessing or not.

My SS's BM tried to tell me that BF would never have children with me because he had told SS since he was born that he never wanted to be a father, and SS would be his only child because he would never want to let another kid take away part of the love that he could give to SS. Obviously BM only has one child by the way she thinks that your love has to be divided up like wedges in a pie chart, and when you add another kid that takes away from the size of everyone else's piece of the pie...

Just try to shrug it off. She has no power over you unless you give it to her - and blowing up would be giving her the power.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

soverysad's picture

Don't you hate when parents make it about slicing up the love??? My deceased brother's wife did this to my niece. When I told her I was going to have a baby, she got so sad and I couldn't figure out why. She told my dad that "Aunt svs is going to love me less now". Turns out her mother told her that she has half a heart for her and half a heart for her half brother. I explained to the poor thing that maybe her mother's heart works that way, but Aunt SVS's heart grows and has double the amount of love.

It is none of a BM's business how many children you and dh have. I think the humor the original blogger used was perfect.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Pantera's picture

I would let it roll off of your shoulder. It sounds like she's trying to get a reaction. What an idiot, don't give her what she wants. Congrats on the new baby.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

blendedandbeautiful's picture

Actually, Sus, I think I will next time she comes over!!! What an entertaining phone call that will be!

love is an action ; not a feeling

TheWife's picture

Just tell BM you are in a race with the Duggars and they have an 11 baby headstart... Gotta catch up quick!

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~