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Bm told sd to HIT ME!?

Bubbly1's picture

:jawdrop: I do not pretend to know what goes on in Jabba's head. This woman is NUTS, I have diaries that belonged to her where she wrote "help me god the voices in my head are getting louder"(we only have them for evidence for custody battle) this woman needs to be committed to the state mental hospital.
She has dropped sd's off swaying from all the xanax she has taken. Has asked me if I have any "good pills" she can take.
She tells her kids to wreck my house, my things, steal. Then turns around and calls them liars when they tell us why their behaving badly.
This weekend however, sd8 told my dd10, "my mommy says if your mom spanks me, to hit her back"........ WHAT???
Does this idiot not realize, that IF sd did hit me, not only would the "free babysitter" close up shop, But, her dad would wear her ass out???? She would NEVER come to my house again!
What in the world does she think an 8yr old hitting me will accomplish?

I'm just baffled by this womans idiocy.

stired_crazy's picture

I would have hubby confront BM and put her in her place! Thats just wrong period, and everytime SD says what BM said to do I would make note and keep a record of it to show to the arttorney, because obviousley BM is shot out!

branmuffin97's picture

We are not spankers...and the thought of someone hitting my kids would put me trough the roof. If I were a pill popping nutbag, I could see myself saying "hit her back" because honestly, that's the first thought that would go through my non pill popping/non-nutbag head. Touch my kid, prepare for the wrath of God to rain down on you. Pray that I only involve the police.

We had a slight incident with my exhusband's new girlfriends 32yo sister. My 11 yo was arguing with her dad's girlfriend and went outside to cool off and wait for her dad(he was on his way) and the girlfriend's sister drug her inside by her arm. I got the story from all sides, told my dd that she will NOT disrespect new girlfriend, that she is an adult that her father put in charge of her and she WILL listen to her.(my dd wouldn't take a shower when girlfriend told her to) I then when directly to ex and new girlfriend and let them know that if anyone lays a hand on any of the kids again that the police will be called. I let them know that I support them..that I agree dd was totally out of line..that I talked with her about the "you are not my mom" talk and they have my support...but I will not, EVER, tolerate someone laying their hands on the kids.

Disneyfan's picture

Putting your hands on BM's kids is just asking for trouble.

I would have gone crazy if my son's SM had ever hit him. Calling the police would have been at the bottom of my list.

liks's picture

Its so hard dealing with nut jobs like this BM.....Mines the same....

regardless of spanking or not....I think thats a seperate issue....the real issue here is that a significant figure in your skids life is suggesting to them to hit an adult.

Suggesting to break the SM things, to make a mess, and to miss behave.....I have the exact same going on here...

I got rid of my skids....not just happened that way...and I am so much more healthier and happier....

them horrid 2 skids and their equally horrible mother are an absolute nightmare.....Unless you have lived under such a regime...its hard to understand....

for the record I wouldnt spank the skids, but I did tell my eldest son 18, a bit of a fighter, to pick the badly behaved ss 15 child up and put him in the back seat of the car as he was refusing to go with me and My daughter was now being late for school waiting for the stupid idiot to hissy fit ova wanting his dad to take 2 hours off work to drive him to the same place as where I was going?????

Bubbly1's picture

Let start by explaining, when sd's are here, dh does the spanking if needed. I will not put my hands on his kids that way. And vise versa. I don't understand where this nutjob got the idea I do or have ever, unless sd lies. Which I don't doubt. If she does something I think deserves a butt cutting. I get her dad.
I have put her in time out, and taken toys, games, etc. But, spanking is left up to her dad.
Bm is just a wacko, drugged up idiot! Sorry I wasn't more clear in my orignal post. I've got to admit I WANTED to spank her butt just to see if she would have the nerve to try it!

Bubbly1's picture

Let start by explaining, when sd's are here, dh does the spanking if needed. I will not put my hands on his kids that way. And vise versa. I don't understand where this nutjob got the idea I do or have ever, unless sd lies. Which I don't doubt. If she does something I think deserves a butt cutting. I get her dad.
I have put her in time out, and taken toys, games, etc. But, spanking is left up to her dad.
Bm is just a wacko, drugged up idiot! Sorry I wasn't more clear in my orignal post. I've got to admit I WANTED to spank her butt just to see if she would have the nerve to try it!

Bubbly1's picture

:jawdrop: over a time-out!? Wow, I think these bm's all need to have their head examined!
They need a nut house especially for bm's like most of the ones I've read about on here, including mine!

lac925's picture

Any BM encouraging their kids to hit someone (let alone an ADULT) is only setting their kids up for a hard life...most likely with the police involved! My SKIDS' BM is always encouraging them to pick fights. SD8 once told us that her mother told HER that "If someone hits you, hit them back harder!" :jawdrop: And these kids are already pretty violent as it is. These types of exes clearly have more than once screw loose in their heads if they think that this is "positive parenting"! If I were you, I'd document these kinds of things - it could be good ammunition for any future conflicts questioning her ability to parent her kids!