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BM offers to pay us to help sell her house! With what; our own money?

busyBhive's picture

So BM asks for help in selling her house.....this after an impromptu tropical vacation the week before. She needs to move, cannot afford the house and wants our help and advice in getting it ready. She has offered to pay us?! WTF with our own support money, come on Sad
This is a further piss off as the last time she was contemplating moving (out of town) she basically informed the kids that they would see their Dad less during the week due to the inconveniece of distance. NOT MY PROBLEM LADY
So tell me how/why the hell would I help a woman to move my Skids away from their Dad and I?

vera3's picture

I know it's not funny but your post title made me laugh. We too are the victims of F'ed up CS laws. She sounds like a peice of work. I'm glad we are on such bad terms with BM that I don't even have to deal with her insanity anymore -- just mail her the check and stick to the schedule.

I see a lot of posts from people who actually talk to/deal with/reason with BM's and I am so glad I don't have to. I'd probably be in jail for something for assault if I did. (Only half kidding...)

paul_in_utah's picture

I am a step dad. I **never** speak to SD17's perfect biodaddy. The only time he has ever spoken to me was to tell me to get the "f&ck off his property" the first time that DW and I picked up SD after her weekend visitation. That was 11 years ago - needless to say, I haven't gone back for more.