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BM destroyed my mail

Anna21's picture

I haven't posted in a while. Things have been reasonably quiet in our neck of the woods either that or I have become desensitized. This year DH and I decided to both go on his health plan. With skids on it too of course and my bio daughter. Somehow our prescription medication insurance company sent my medication to BM's house by US postal service and I am told by the skids that it is "not there" and no one saw it. Medication company have USPS confirmation that it was delivered there. I am furious, it was a 90 day supply of three meds costing 250 they will charge me again, plus I have to call my Doc to explain ang get more prescriptions. I have a congenital heart thingy, nothing major as long as I take my meds on time. Is there anything I can do besides vent? DH is annoyingly shrugging his shoulders after he got texts from skids saying the package is not there. He knows what happened to it

notasm3's picture

Press charges. I presume you charged it if it was mail order. File a merchandise not received chargeback with your credit card company.

I had some glasses (prescription eyeglasses) sent by mail that I never received. I filed all the official stuff and they tracked down who had signed for them. If the mail order sent it to the wrong address then it's their fault not yours.

twoviewpoints's picture

Why? What excuse did the medication company for sending the prescription to wrong address? How do they reason that it is your error and not their responsibility when they incorrectly shipped the medication to the wrong address?

I'd call and ask to speak higher up than the service rep. I'd also file complaints with my insurance company (they contract with the medication supplier, right?).

What documentation is there that the box was indeed delivered? What is the USPS's verification of confirmation of delivery?

Anna21's picture

I have the USPS confirmation number. The insurance company told me SD 18 phoned them to ask about her prescription and gave them the family's address as hers. Maybe she threw them out! I had gone online to make sure all our addresses were correct. Then this happened. I will phone them tomorrow and argue my case.

ESMOD's picture

If you have signature proof that the delivery was made by the USPS, I might see if charges could be pressed?

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

You can press charges for either tampering with US mail or theft of medication I believe. Contact the police with the information. Contact the company and chew their was out about letting SD give the address. Honestly this may all fall on her.

Anna21's picture

Thanks so much everyone. I jump to conclusions with BM based on prior history. Good to know that prescription companies don't always deliver the meds even when they insist on confirmation. It is a terrible web system too because one member of the family can change the entire family's address instead of individually. Sad I am going to fight this with them and not with BM. Maybe she is telling the truth. It will be a first :jawdrop:

Rags's picture

Mail is a big no-no to mess with. That is what got Al Capon was mail fraud and tax evasion. You can go after BM for this big time. Do it. }:)

Anna21's picture

I had it out with the insurance company today and the supervisor was very nice. He won't charge me for the meds again. Plus he looked in the system and "someone in BMs house changed my address three times in one week" So I know it's either BM or SD :O
Now I have to go see my Doctor because she won't write a refill without a visit. DH will hear it from me this evening.