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Bitch please's picture

So FDh texts bm and says I'm sending a check home with sd15 for x amount of dollars, bitch replies back " is that for 2 weeks or does that include a Christmas bonus?????

She's got some nerve! Fdh's punk ass didn't even respond, wtf?! I'm so irritated.

And to to make my day even better sd15 is coming here and having her first sleepover tonight since she stopped coming over. I can't fucking wait

RedWingsFan's picture

Holy shit. I wish you luck tonight. Grab some alcohol and lock yourself in your room!'s picture

I picked up an extra shift so I'll be working and makin $ THEN I"m seriously thinking of hittin up happy hour, I DO NOT want to go home. Ugh

RedWingsFan's picture

I always avoided going home when I knew SD14 was going to be there. The last time she was spending a weekend with us, I told DH I was going to stay with a friend, and taking my cat with me. He didn't like it, but understood. It drove home a huge point to him too. Not only does his WIFE not like being around his bratty teenage bitch of a daughter, but his friends don't either. They'd always ask after inviting us to their parties or get togethers, is SD coming with you and looked relieved if the answer was NO...'s picture

My fdh DOESN'T understand, he knows I don't want to be around her but he wants me to keep TRYING and that means being around her. He def knows what I'm up too and today, I really don't give a shit. When I do get home I'm not even setting my shit down. I'm going straight to my room and locking my door.

It's quite possible she will bail on the sleepover anyway but I can't take any chances!'s picture

The thing is, she was serious. Thats how this entitled bitch thinks (BM). FDH is already spending hundreds of dollars on SD15 for xmas and this bitch thinks FDH should send HER extra, on top of child support??????

Got me fucked up- Pissed me off today

StickAFork's picture

She's ridiculous.

Why is your SO using his daughter as the go-between? IMO, she should not be handling the CS checks. Sad

RedWingsFan's picture

I don't think it's any big deal if a teenage kid delivers a check to their parent. When DH was still seeing SD14 on a regular basis, he'd hand her the check in an envelope and say, "Please give this to your mom". It's not a big deal for them to just hand over an envelope is it?'s picture

They usually don't but bc bm can't make it to therapy he's giving the check to SD instead this week

Luna HG's picture

Well I always did that for my dad. He would give me the CS and I would give it to my mom. N my mom loved that system cus she never has to see or speak to my dad.

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

I understand your frustrations. I think those kinds of comments arise, once the BM knows that their is another women in their life. She wants to make sure she gets paid first before you do. But yeah, I hate the Sob stories that she has no money and SO gives in almost always. Shit really hit the fan when she wanted gas money on top of her CS. Thought she was a nice women untill she asked if all my SOs money went to me, i even bought her a mothers day gift and a birthday present. Sometimes the right thing to do, is the wrong thing to do, as they think you have more money then you actually have!
Good Luck! Keep yourself occupied while she is around!