Biological vs step
I have been remarried for 2 years and have always paid my child support ($700 a month), but was recently laid off. My question is with my unemployment only being 400 a week do I short change my In order to help support current family? Or try and pay as close to the court ordered amount for my biological children??
My wife is insistent that this family comes first, but I think MY kids come first (I now have 2 skids). My wife does work, but things are very tight right now and wants the unemployment to stay in our family. My wife thinks that my ex can 'get by' with little to no support. She might be able to, but i feel that I need to support my bio kids before skids???
How much do you think it
How much do you think it costs to support yourself in the home you live in. I would certainly consider that when deciding how much money leaves the home.
Thanks for the reply...
Thanks for the reply... Seeing that my income has been cut by 75% or so, we can get by for a few months paying more. My wife can't stand my ex and wants to do all she can. I feel like I did get the short end of the stick on the divorce.
how about a 50/50 split?
how about a 50/50 split? support to the house you're in for you and your kids and make it even. even = balance...balance = fewer arguments ...good luck! CS and old and new family is always a sharp pointy topic
I wish that was an option.
I wish that was an option. Thanks tho.
I think you need to file to
I think you need to file to get it modified. And you need to call the state once a week to stay on top of them and see where your case is, because they can take forever with this. Check out this link for modifying it in Washington State:
good points and good
good points and good advice.
I agree with the priority comment also, bios first, step second.
I agree Bios before steps.
I agree Bios before steps. Also your DW should have an ex paying for his kids which are your steps. It is not up to you take over her exes financial responsibility.
I completely agree with all
I completely agree with all your points... It's getting my wife to understand that. She is pissed that she now has to support the family. Her ex bailed and does not receive a dime from her deadbeat ex. Up to $30,000 in back support. Will most likely never see it tho.
Thanks. From what I read on
Thanks. From what I read on the WA unemployment site she can take up to 50% of my unemployment. If that does not cover it I need to write the state a check!
Also from what I saw being unemployed is not reason enough to have my cs adjusted... By letting the state know of my circumstance will only prevent her from going after me while not making full payment. My wife just does not get it.
My ex and I have agreed on
My ex and I have agreed on $100 a week... Wife is being a bitch and says $25. She does not understand that:
It is a court order
It is not going away and will have to be paid regardless.
All she has to do is file a claim and it will almost double!
Your wife is being a little
Your wife is being a little short sighted about this. You should definitely go to court to get this modified, but at the end of the day, you are bound by law to pay CS I assume.
If you get your driver's license revoked... or go to jail... how does that help either family?
Your wife is taking her
Your wife is taking her dislike of your ex wife out on your kids. That's neither fair or right. You should obey your court order and try to have it modified while you are unemployed. You can do no more than that. End of story. And not up for further discussion with your wife.
If you were not on the scene your wife would have to feed clothe and put a roof over the heads I'd her children.on her own anyway. I don't understand why she resents supporting you while you are unemployed. Isn't that what marriage is about. CS once modified would not take all of your unemployment benefit. So you would still be able to pay for your own food etc., if that's bothering her.
It's not right to deny your kids because her husband is a deadbeat dad. It's odd she wants you to become one.
Stepkids are not the
Stepkids are not the priority, biokids are.
I agree with justsitired. His
I agree with justsitired. His wife is working, supporting her own children. He said he did poorly out of the divorce. Maybe he came to his new wife with nothing and now they have joint debts that she can't service (mortgage, car payments, credit card debt) on just one wage. I do not understand why only one household should be affected when someone that should be contributing to both loses his job. He should at least take the CS for review. Surely a 75 per cent wage reduction would involve some sort of CS reduction. It certainly would here in Aus.
Pay your ex her support but
Pay your ex her support but get part time work or even two if you have to, to cover your own expenses.
So your wife doesn't feel like the is busting her ass at work to not only pick up her exes slack but now support your prior family too which may be how she feels .
Just giving a different perspective
This link should help you should any future problems arise.
BTW, what is the custody
BTW, what is the custody situation. I figure you must have them quite often if you only paid $700 per month on a $1600 per week wage. Maybe your wife wants you to keep more money within your home so you can afford to feed your children while they are with you.
yeah, more information is
yeah, more information is needed. how did the ex make out in the divorce? leave you lots of debt? regardless, if you've taken that big of a financial hit and the only people who are going to suffer is the family you now live with, you need to file for modification. when my husband was laid off, he refused to go for modification and it almost crippled us while his ex and kids maintained their lifestyle. how is that fair when in an intact family if one of the parents gets laid off, their lifestyles have to be modified? what, only children of divorce get the support guarantee? anyway, other posters are correct, you are in no way responsible for taking care of skids. but get the modification.
My skids were adults when I
My skids were adults when I married DH. But I can assert one thing for sure. I would NEVER have paid his CS for him if he was out of a job. NEVER EVER EVER. Just would not happen. I would have divorced him first.
But to be honest I would never have legally married DH if he had any debt of CS obligations. I am quite generous with sharing my assets with DH - but for SS27 and BM - NO.
The BM agreed to a huge
The BM agreed to a huge decrease in CS. His wife still isn't happy with that.
Maybe I just feel like I got
Maybe I just feel like I got screwed in the divorce. We had virtually no debt outside of the mortgage, which was a very manageable amount. She got everything except my clothes... I have 3 kids, 17' 14 and 8. I pay her 799.14 a month in cash, provide insurance ($440 a month) and pay half of all costs (books, anything school related, dr, dentist, etc) on a 42 k salary (plus 12k in extras... Not included in paperwork).
The parenting plan was for every Wednesday and every other weekend. Since my wife and I both work weekends I did not have them very often on the weekends. I also pick them up from school 2 days a week.
From what I have read and the DCS person I spoke to I cannot make a reduction because of my unemployed status. I have notified the state and they don't even have the case because I set up my cs to come directly out of my pay check into her bank account, yes, it is all documented.
If I had a case with the state all it would do is protect me from either going to jail for back support and if she takes ,me to court I would not have to pay her court costs/attorney.
My ex and I are amicable and get along fine, another sore spot with my wife... And she lives 2 blocks away!
Do you live in a no-fault
Do you live in a no-fault state? There is a reason the court ruled the way they did. Why didn't your attorney not fight this?
Ha my ex pays over $1300 for
Ha my ex pays over $1300 for 3 kids on about $40K, he is to provide all insurance, pay 50% of all medical costs not covered by insurance and for my DD he is to pay daycare fees.
I only get a small amount of
I only get a small amount of the $1300 as I have only one of the three but this was SOP by the court and that is with reductions taken. I did not fight or try to get more. I was a little pissed that the judge reduced the CS for my child by 25% on the first day but I did not fight it. I also pay all out of pocket medical expenses because he does not pay his half nor reimburse me. I also pay all daycare fees/expenses because again he does not reimburse me nor does he pay.
this is about what my dh pays
this is about what my dh pays and about the same salary. he has to work 2 jobs to be able to pay his obligations here at the house, in addition to child support. i don't understand about not being able to file for a reduction if there is a change in circumstance?
you and your ex get along fine. how much contact is there? is communication strictly about skids or do you chit chat and shoot the breeze? she lives 2 blocks away. does that mean that you see her alot?
MY SO ex got the house that
MY SO ex got the house that was purchased out of a personal injury claim for my SO. I told him that a personal injury case was exempt of child support but he gave it to her anyway. Due to his injury, his earning capacity has significantly lowered. Hence, he should be paying less support. The house BM has she owns, thanks to SO. We have a child together which he can barely contribute to. I, personally get pissed off when I hear about BM's who don't expect to be affected by BF's loss of income. Why on earth should I be the only one to suffer when he isn't bringing home a wage???? Please tell???
Is bf not suffering by not
Is bf not suffering by not having an income?
that's really good of you. i
that's really good of you. i could never do that without becoming resentful. i didn't get married to take care of a grown man so that he could take care of his kids. i feel if he can't be a partner to me AND take care of his kids, he doesn't need to get married. and i really couldn't do it for a boyfriend. it would be a whole new ballgame if my dh was hurt or sick. hell, if that happened, i would even pay his child support (if i could). job losses happen. i get that. it happened to us. but that child support would be there waiting on him to pay when he got back to work. he got a job in a hurry! didn't sit around waiting for unemployment to run out, that's for sure.
i'm not trying to knock you,
i'm not trying to knock you, truly. there are just so many men out there looking for a free ride. my own dh tried it with me. but, barring health problems, i could NEVER tell a grown, healthy man to not worry about our household bills but make sure bm has everything she needs. this house is JUST as important as that house.
I don't know if this will
I don't know if this will help and I might get some mad ppl after me for this but here goes. I was once in your wife's shoes I was livid with how much BM got... Now this was for some different reasons... I ended up largely supporting my skids and our new home with my schooling funds and credit. BM had him convinced she was going to get alimony and cs when I came into the picture so he was paying both without an order, that stopped soon enough. He was living in his parents house out of a bedroom. He left his exwife everything but his own clothing. That being said they where going through mediation and could not come to an agreement as there was no order in place. However, it was endlessly frustrating for myself to have pay for his kids our home and see her get everything he worked for. Then throughout the last year have been employment changes and lawyers discussing so on and so forth. Recently he had to adjust CS even though there is no order he wants to do it right that way we aren't stuck with a HUGE bill.. I did not understand this at first. Here was my moment of clarity... the day it was readjusted and SHE owed HIM so his payments went down. I am all for sticking to what is agreed upon now only because I know in the end it evens out. I would try to explain it that way you should be able to get it readjusted at least once you get a new job and your yearly income can be taken into account. YES my DB overpaid through 2 to 3 months of unemployment in the end though it evened out.... maybe the laws are different where I live but in general the time frame sucks that you see it back however, you will see it back. Hope this helps I know my skull was pretty thick for a while.