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Bio Mom bashing me to community

icantwin2008's picture

I am hoping to find a place of support and advice here!! When issues come up with my Step-son!!! I feel vet isolated and alone on any issue that comes up!! 

For example right now my step-sons mom it going around telling everyone I am spying on him because for some reason a text message his little sister sent to his iPhone came to my iPhone!! I had no idea who it was and when I found out it was her I had my husband call his son right away because I have never gotten his messages before!! Bio mom text my husband the next day going crazy about it and no matter what my husband said she wouldn’t listen that we didn’t know what was going on!! He even sent her the text of me saying I have no idea what going on but I got this message from step-sons sister on my phone and was to go to step-son!! 

My husband is stuck because if he sticks up for me she spins it as he picks me over his son and if he says nothing then it’s he thinks i am wrong and he agrees with her!! 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Your DH needs to grow a set and tell her to stop, that it was a misunderstanding, and if she is concerned for the health and safety of her kids that she is welcome to involve local authorities. Then I'd send her a certified letter from an attorney telling her to cease and desist unless she wants to be sued for defamation.

BM does it because your DH allows it and rolls over when she snarls. If he won't snarl back, and put some force behind it, she'll continue.

Survivingstephell's picture

Welcome to the victim of a smear campaign club.  Ignore her unless she goes after your job and ability to work.  (Then hit her hard with legal consequences.)

She is working her spell to  cause discord between you and DH.  Was she always like this with him?  Why did he divorce her?  Games like this with him?  

You need to sit down with DH and have a serious discussion on her past behavior and games, and just how much of this drama you will allow in your lives.  You need to step out of her line of fire and let him handle it all.  He also is not required to respond to each and every message she sends.  "Let me think about that" is a good answer to any requests she might have. Keep his responses to child care matters only and let the drama find dead air.  

You will drive yourself crazy and look crazy to everyone else (which is her goal)  responding to her crazy.  Step back and let it go.  Remain in control of yourself, you can't control her.  



tankh21's picture

Who cares if a message was sent to an iphone  I mean what is BM really going to do call the police or CPS?  Just because the dog barks through the fence doesn't mean your DH needs to pay attention to it.  Or your DH stand up for himself and you and tell BM that he will not communicate with her about this crap!

Rags's picture

You will have to deactivate your Apple ID on that phone to preserve your own security.  If the SS's phone no longer functions.. not your problem.

As for BM's toxic game of jeopardizing your reputation in the community... beat her at her own game.  Document, document, document and when you have all of your factual ducks in a row... roll out the facts and nail her ass to the wall.

And have fun doing it.       Diablo

Toxic dipshitiots deserve what they get in response to their toxic crap.