Being Bullied! What about family functions
We have Jan/Feb birthday coming up at DH's mother's house. Ok, Jan is my birthday, so, do I go? Do I not go? What if the little pittied SD is there? I don't even know if she will come. Hopefully she's embarrassed about her actions. (hopefull thinking) If she is there, I know I will feel very uncomfortable and probably want to beat her ass. I don't want to even discuss the issue with family members. What should I do?
Just because she is a little shit, why am I the one worried about what everyone thinks? Hubby tells me to let it go and don't worry about what they think. But if she walks in the door at a family function and she goes and starts hugging on everyone acting like she is so mistreated because her front is to be sweet, I will want to kill her again. I am very easy to read, my eyes tell the truth. What if she tries to hug me - OMG how would I handle myself. That would be a great idea for her to do, if she wanted to show them that she was "Trying", No way, I would have to push her back. She can't get away with punching me, and get respect from everyone else.
Keep in mind that there are a few people in DH's family that believes that poor little SD, has had cancer. has been shuffled, has had been in a broken home, has had to deal with SF drinking/drug/police intervention,etc. I will be this first to say, that she knows how we live and how her mother lives, and she chooses that life. I'm tired of the self pitty act, she is not a victim anymore, she cannot continue to use that as a crutch. My gosh, 18 and How can she manipulate so well?
Should I go? I'm sure yall can tell thru the writing that my Blood pressure just shot up!
Probably -
I probably would if I was a master manipulator 18yo. Really I don't know if they would listen. I would hope not, but you never know, because everyone feels sorry for her - isn't that sad? She totally is the only granddaughter, regardless that she is one out of 7. All successful that are grown, and mine & DH husband's 2 minors.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I know how you feel
I've opted to not attend functions at fiancee's parents house for the same reason. They drive me nuts with how they pity poor poor FSS....he's been through so much, that poor kid(sarcasm mode off), and he does the same thing your SD does...he feeds off of it and knows how to manipulate the much that he doesn't even listen to his own I don't go over there anymore if SS is with us. They treat my 6 yr old BD as if she's 3 and she hates that, and they think she's a brat because she's very independent and wants to be treated like a "big girl" and she tells them so..(she's blunt like I won't put myself in an uncomfortable situation over there anymore..we have enough problems dealing with BM all the time...I'd rather stay home and save some of my sanity...because like you when I'm mad it shows even if I don't say anything...
Focus on healthy
I agree with sixxguns who said...
I won't put myself in an uncomfortable situation over there anymore... I'd rather stay home and save some of my sanity...because like you when I'm mad it shows even if I don't say anything...
I can't say it any better. You have to do what's healthy for you #1 & then everyone else #2. Besides, it's YOUR birthday, so you might as well enjoy it.
I've kinda been there. I did not attend my closest cousin's baby shower. I felt bad, but not as bad if I had gone. I don't like her closed minded bigotted friends. I didn't want to deal with all these people who have been married & had kids (but did not get a higher education or start a career) making me feel like a loser because I wasn't exactly like them. I didn't want to lose my temper & go off on them when it's supposed to be a happy time for my cousin, so I stayed home & ordered her a gift on line. I'm okay with that.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
Ok, If I don't go...
does that portray defiet? I promise I don't regret putting her out at all, that was what she deserved. I know I can't help how others portray things, that is out of my hands. But eventually we will cross paths, and I really need advise on how to handle myself. Know what I mean?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
If I cross paths with my ex & his wife (the queen of darkness) how am I going to handle that? I can ignore my ex & he'll leave me alone, but if the queen of darkness says one word to me, it's on like donky kong!
Your SD might be a pain but this chick is just plain evil. She'll risk everything she has in order to ruin someone else's life. She tried it with me (before she got with my ex) & she actually did it to her SIL... MY FRIEND. Oh hell no.
If you figure out how to handle yourself, let me know.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
I dont know if this helps
But my aunt told me that when a person is in that kind of situation, the only thing a person has to do is be polite.
treat her like the half retard cousin twice removed. If she speaks to you then say hello and move on, you do not have to be friendly but show good manners.
I did this when we had my oldest BS open house after he graduated from high school, my ex relatives were attending ( we decided to have it together) and my ex had told them a bunch of lies about me, and I was worried about how to act. so my aunt gave me the above advice. and although it was somewhat stressful I thought the adviced helped.
I hope it helps you if only a little bit!
You SD will show her ass ( to all those boohooers)you just wait and see.
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
My personal opinion.. I
My personal opinion.. I would go, as to NOT admit defeat OR that I was the one to blame.
HOWEVER, should you decide that it would be too uncomfortable for you to go, I think DH and your children should not go as well. Say as a family that no one in your family stands by another family member abusing another family member and getting away with it.
I am assuming that she hasnt apologized for her actions.. I mean.. why would she.. right?? she is the one that is always right (sarcasm)..
I would have your dh explain to his lovely overly opinionated mother that he does not feel comfortable subjecting his wife and his children to a day filled w/woe is crazy SD18. That based on what she has said to you, that SD18 is not at fault.. that he would rather they missed this event as its still to raw in everyone's minds.
Can you hold your own celebration?
If the point is to honor all the family member's birthdays, can you host at your home and not invite SD? Sorry I don't know if this is an option, but then you could at least call the shots on your own turf.
Is there no way you can find
Is there no way you can find out in advance whether she will be there?
I would go if I was you. I know it sucks to be the bigger person...but the best message to send her might be that her crappy unacceptable behavior is not going to affect your life. If you don't go, it shows her that she managed to control the situation.
That is what I was thinking...
In no way do I want to give her the upper hand. And in no fashion would I want to give anyone in our family a reason to even think that we were hiding from the issue. We are not ashamed, we did what we thought was right. I won't know, until I'm faced with questions, huh?
I don't want to be miserable either, oh well I guess if it gets too uncomfortable, I can alway just leave.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
sucky situation
sorry you have to deal with it. i hope to god my sd never does something like that. though i wouldn't be surprised, she's definitely got the tendency. right now, i'm three months pregnant with my first, and she's SO unhappy about it, violently so....I'm actually afraid of walking down the stairs if she's behind me. She's asked my husband repeatedly why he won't take me to get an abortion.
they can be scary, these s-kids.
damn - Little Bitch
Watch your step and tell your husband of your fears, just in case. Heaven forbid. To bad that abortions are illegal for teenagers.
If for anyreason, you get the instinct that you are in harms way, get the hell out. Promise Me !!!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I will
The other night, SD was going freaking NUTS throwing stuff, breaking things and screaming. I just locked myself in my room and called husband (who was on his way home from work at the time). He said, just stay in our room with the door locked. He gets that I'm scared and he gets why.
We're taking her to see a therapist about it. Hopefully she will settle down. Its all about control really. She hates that she can't stop this from happening. When my husband told her (the night of the huge fit) that she needed to start acting her age, she said "I won't act my age until you take her to get an abortion."
She's trying to put an ultimatum on us.
I just get so angry and resentful sometimes that THIS is what my husband and I are dealing with when I'm pregnant, when we SHOULD be feeling excited and nervous and happy about what's to come.
Do you have a mental facility close!! I really think she needs more than a therapist. Shock Treatment? I am warning you, I have seen it. Please Please Please Please be careful !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
She's 10. She unfortunately
She's 10. She unfortunately lived with BM until she was 7, and learned alot of behavior from her. BM is a trashy, Jerry Springer type. I don't know what my husband was thinking (they'd only been dating a couple months when she got pregnant, and he was never married to her...but to even be interested in that? yuck/)
My husband takes it seriously, he's actually really good about it. Thank god. I don't know how I'd deal otherwise.
Once they are wired It's nearly impossible..
to untangle. I tried for years. Jess, have you posted on the forum yet about her behavior, you need some advice, better than me, cause I failed miserably.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
She used to flip like this a
She used to flip like this a LOT (with the throwing things and breaking things). Like I said, she lived with BM unti age 7. BM had abusive men in and out of her life. BM and SD even had a restraining order against one of the guys. Child services had about 20 reports on BM. When SD was 6 (before I knew her or husband) she bit her teacher and threw a desk across her classroom and got suspended! This was a kid with ISSUES.
The flip outs are now few and far between. Maybe a couple times a year at this point. But finding out about my pregnancy has DEFINITELY led to some regression.
Like I said, we're going to
Like I said, we're going to take her to a therapist. Also, she'd been in therapy for years until about 6 months ago, when her therapist retired. But that woman said she didn't think SD needed it anymore (THAT'S how much better she'd been doing!)
Now, we'll find another therapist for her, and probably do some family therapy as well. Hopefully, she will learn to accept her new situation.
Jess, is your DH opposed to saying to her, that is nasty talk and if you ever say that again you will get a spanking.?!
if he does have to spank her I just mean a couple swats, it is more I am warning you there is unacceptable things you just don't say and if you do there are consequences-!
I am apalled she would say such a mean thing and this is what popped in my head immediately.
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I would go....
not because you want to "prove" anything to the SD but because it's your birthday and you want to celebrate with your family.
I'm going to be honest with you here because I feel that it's what you want...
This situation is tough for me to relate to because I've never been in it. My skids respect me tremendously and when there is true discipline (like a spanking for the youngest or grounding decision for the older ones) needed, I refer them to their father. If he's not there, I tell them to go to their room and wait for Dad to get home. I do this because most kids are going to have the same (normal) reaction in their mind - "who are you to tell me what to do?" And I, personally, don't want to take on that role, it's just not my responsibility in life.
I think you have started an all out war with a little girl who is too immature and mentally incapable of doing what's right. So guess who has to be the bigger person and stop the war?....You do. You are the older and wiser one. Taking the high road is never fun but if you truly want the madness to stop, you need to take it. I'm not saying that she shouldn't be accountable for what she's done, I'm just saying that maybe if you were the first to step forward and say that you could've handled the situation differently...the door to resolving the situation could be opened.
"But if she walks in the door at a family function and she goes and starts hugging on everyone acting like she is so mistreated because her front is to be sweet, I will want to kill her again. I am very easy to read, my eyes tell the truth. What if she tries to hug me - OMG how would I handle myself. That would be a great idea for her to do, if she wanted to show them that she was "Trying", No way, I would have to push her back. She can't get away with punching me, and get respect from everyone else."
It just sounds that the two of you are in a power struggle. The problem is that she is an 18 year old CHILD who thrives on drama. Don't enable that drama. If she tries to hug you, hug her back and say "we have some talking to do I think". Then go on about your business and if she tries to cause a dramatic episode, walk into another room and don't be a part of it.
My skids BM is the ULTIMATE victim. Her survival tactic is to have everyone feel sorry for her, I've even fallen for it a couple of times. Like you, it just always pissed me off when she boo hooed to anyone that would listen about how horrible her life is. (She has no idea about true suffering) I can not even begin to tell you how many times I have had the utmost restraint in a situation. But in the end I had to realize that it was my own annoyance that was so very own reactions to her. So my advice to you is to rise above it and move forward. Don't let her keep bringing you down to her level.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
tough one
Hi Stepwitch! If you can do what CG said, that would be truly classy and a great example. If you cannot do that, I would not go to the party.
My first answer was I would not go anyway, it is bound to be a drama fest and if you are not there, no one can fight with you and who cares what they say or think anyway, ya know? Let them have her and you enjoy your celebration with the people you like.
I am about over these extended family celebrations, myself. There always seems to be drama! even in my own family, and I don't like drama.
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
need to go
otherwise it will just put more time and more uncomfotableness for when you have a gathering.
I agree with sai Deschain's aunt ,who sounds just like my mom who always said " be the bigger person" . That doesn't mean that you act fake, or overly nice to her, just act same to family as you would and if anyone says she is "trying" as you fear, then simply reply,perhaps she needs to try toward ME, I am the one she hit. When she hits you, I will support the personal boundaries you choose for yourself, ok, and then smile sweetly.Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Yesterday, when I posted this...
I was in a mood ! Thank you to all who read and posted. Some say go, some say don't go. I hate confrontation, and dread it, probably like most. I have posted that I'm not sure if I have any bigger person in me anymore. This is some major-ass drama - I hate drama, unless I'm watching TV Soap Opera's. My life nowhere compares to that!
I have decided to go. Hubby will also be there, so if there is any conversation regarding I did the wrong thing, I will just say, appearantly, I did the right thing, because her father even agrees. I am sorry that we disagree about this, I hope it doesn't interfere with our relationship.
That sounds pretty good. If they want details, I will just comment, that she has major anger issues and we have tried everything that we know how, how to help, but when she totally disregarded my instructions, I took her computer away and she was the one who decided to comit to violence, therefore, she will have to pay her consequences. Her father and I will be there for her for ER purposes only and only if she asks for assistance. I think she needs space now, to figure out what is important in life. We can tell her over and over, but until she figures it out for herself, she has her space.
If they say anything about me changing the locks, I will say, she made a decision to use violence in my home, she already knew that violence is not acceptable here. Until she gets her anger issues under control, she will not be allowed in our home. (I can't imagine not being allowed in my parents house, I can hear it now), then I will just have to reinterate, until she gets herself undercontrol, that is what her father & I have decided and we will hold true to our words.
How does that sound?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think...
if anyone asks about what happened, changing the locks, or any of that - refer all questions to your husband. Tell them that they need to talk to him because it was his ultimate decision. Why does this whole situation have to fall on your shoulders?
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
cause I'm the evil wicked stepmonster !!
The root cause of all evil, don't ya know. If I would have just let it go, then none of this would-have happened, bla,bla,bla. Same damn story all the damn time - I get so tired of it. Was it such a big deal with her cleaning her room, bla bla bla, couldn't you have just shut her door so her mess wouldn't be seen, bla bla bla.
Why can't she be accountable for being, accountable for disrespect, accountable for keeping her room clean (not such a big deal, but when she actually refused to clean it for three days straight out of what I consider to be spite) Yeah !
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder????
or fungus????
Maybe the two of you need a nice break from each other. My youngest SD5 is such a mommy's girl/spoiled little "baby". I constantly am telling her that if she wants me to treat her like a baby (like her mom and grandma) then she can no longer do big girl activities with the rest of the kids. She drives me absolutley up the wall sometimes. So I take a break from her....she's not my daughter and if she's getting on my nerves, I just leave.
Your SD is driving you crazy.....take a break from her and all that goes with it. Then when YOU are over being so smokin' pissed off at the child, try again.
I also want to add this (just for another point of view).... a good friend of mine has a son who is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 3, he's now 10. I used to take her other two children to stay with me every time he was admitted to the hospital. I have vivid memories of the little guy so swollen from radiation/chemo and just screaming when they had to do a spinal tap.
My friend's family is guilty of the same as your SDs family, she spoils him rotten - that and he's the only boy grandchild as well. I am JUST as guilty...I have a special little place in my heart for him. We almost lost him. So it's just human nature to be so thankful for him. I can't explain it to you - you never know it until you've gone through it, I guess....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Hubby also thinks nothing will be said..
but I want to be prepared.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
That sounds great..
That sounds great.. stepwitch.. only when someone says "I cant imagine not being allowed in my parents house" you should respond, "how often do you punch your parents?" and then let that sink in as you walk away.
I am going to practice that a few times.....
What? How often do you punch your parents?
What? How often do you punch your parents?
What? How often do you punch your parents?
Gettin the hang of it - Thanks frustrated
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
sounds like you got the hang of it
you will have to let us know how it goes!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
good one frustrated
what an awesome come back..
I hate drama too stepwitch but I got tired of coming off as afraid..
it will help that hubby is on your side!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
No problem. I have heard,
No problem.
I have heard, the way to shut someone down when they are asking a totally inappropriate question, or making comments that they arent truly thinking through (and normally they are judgemental comments) are to ask an equally offensive question, and walk away. They will get it.
Like.. Frustrated, are you and DH EVER going to have children.
Me: Why do you ask?
I have to practice myself though.. I have to anticipate the hurtful comments or questions.. and then respond w/a rehersed, subtle yet jaw dropping question!!
I think they will see that, perhaps if THEY hit their parents, they TOO would not be allowed in their parents home. They wont get that if you say it out.. but you ask them how often they are hitting their parents.. that might just sink in!
My mother's advice when
My mother's advice when someone asked me a rude question was to respond with "I'm surprised you would ask me such a personal question" and then let the matter drop. Sounds like she has the same idea as frustrated.