annoying step kids habits
I was just wondering what is it that annoyes you about your skids, I mean we all try to accept them, even though I love my husband I dont like his kids and here are my reasons why.
sd18 - she is a very pretty girl, very talented, BUT the girl is NASTY, doesnt take a shower when she comes for the weekend, actually when she is on her cycle she has left the pads on my bathroom counter USED!! yes has done this more than once. she has eaten my dinner right after I put it in the microwave and heated it up, she lies like there is no tomorrow. Has my husband convinced she is a virgin and yet I know otherwise, You cant have a pregnancy scare and he a virgin. plus she is dating a 26 year old, with his own apt. Lies about where she is all the time.
ss16 - I really have nothing good to say about him, he is lazy, self centered, inconsiderate, child I ever met. he will stay up til the wee hours of the morning and eat everything in the fridge
ss9 - a little whiny, lying, manipulative, not so smart, baby acting lil boy I ever met.
YET my dh doesnt see it at all and gets mad when I tell him about his children. he tells me "no my children go to church every sunday they are good Christian kids"
UMM yeah thier own fake Praise the Lord mother is a lying manipulative, greedy, money hungry piece of work, she actually was trying to date my husband's sister (my sister in law ex fiance because she heard he has money.
The more I read from everyone
The more I read from everyone the more I feel normal. Thank everyone for posting and making me feel better. I'm not fond of my SS15 at all and always felt like I was an evil person. What irritates me most about him is he lies about everything and I mean everything.
"... and i hate how she
"... and i hate how she stares at me all the time, like she's waiting for me to do a trick..."
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For that and the rest of your reply, you are my StepTalk crush of the day...
"... and i hate how she
"... and i hate how she stares at me all the time, like she's waiting for me to do a trick..."
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For that and the rest of your reply, you are my StepTalk crush of the day...
The things that annoy me
The things that annoy me about my Skids are as follows:
SS11 is the biggest complainer on the face of the earth. He will actually try to find something to complain about in every situation, and I'm not exaggerating. I'm pretty sure we could take him to Disneyland, and he'll find something to complain about every passing moment. I know this is because of his ODD/ADHD, but it doesn't make it less annoying. Also, he is a total drama queen and will do anything for attention from spinning mindlessly and walking circles around the room for no reason, to making illness/injury seem about 100 times worse than it is, to joining in on our conversations, usually with the starter, "Yeah, I know, even though I don't know what you guys are saying." He also makes sure to give us a play-by-play of everything he's done, doing, or about to do. He has a bright future in sports-casting with the play-by-play skills. He also lies (badly), tattle-tales constantly, and is passive-aggressive and contrary.
SS9 has practically non-existent impulse control, and will touch/play with everything he sees. He also makes weird random sound effects and statements out of nowhere, apropos of nothing. I know this is because of his ADHD but it doesn't make it less annoying. He has entitlement issues and naturally assumes he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it, and when we don't let him, he accuses us of not letting them "be kids." He's lazy and proud of it, and refuses to engage in any activity if it doesn't involve some kind of glowing rectangle and buttons. He binges on junk food all day long, making sure it's when we're not around, then refuses to eat actual meals until we threaten him to either eat his food, or else go to bed super early. He habitually breaks things, most of the time things that don't belong to him and things he was already told multiple times not to touch.
Both of them act like total babies, and it's no wonder since everyone treats them like babies, and they love it. SS11 actually still asks my F-I-L to cut his food for him! He says it's tradition. M-I-L still cuts their nails for them, even though they've been able to do this themselves for years now. Also, neither of them ever take any kind of accountability for their actions. It's always either "an accident," they "didn't mean to," or they "don't know" why they did it. Too bad we're the only ones who don't accept those answers. Mom treats them like infants, I'm surprised she still doesn't have them in diapers.
Oh gosh, can I play?!?!?
Oh gosh, can I play?!?!? Let's see...
I hate that SS11 is sneaky as f*ck and not even bright enough to not get caught. From sneaking food (as if he used to live in a concentration camp or something) after we told him he doesn't have to do that, to saying he did homework when he didn't. Incredible liar... He must have recently become aware of his d*ck because now almost everytime I walk into the family room, he has his hands in that general area. :sick: He is one of THEE most selfish children I've ever met. It's all about him. Doesn't want to do any of the bullshat chores he's supposed to do around here, yet he wants to go to the movies, the rec center, get video games, tennis shoes, etc... All when HE wants to on his time. I took him to lunch a few weeks ago when he had a snow day (DH was out of town on biz, as is often the case), figuring a little one-on-one time might help things. He rarely talks unless you ask him questions and even then it's like pulling teeth. So at one point I said, "So tell me something about yourself that I don't know."
He replied, "Wel... I'm expensive." Uh... pardon? What do you mean? "I'm expensive. Anything I ask my dad for I get, even if it costs a lot... Like my scooter... my DS, etc..." I was flabbergasted. I said, "Well, your dad does a lot more for you than just that, right? He just sat there with a blank ass stare, per usual. Sigh... He will be the child who never stops mooching.
I hate that SS7 (who lives with his fake, Bible-thumping whore, lying bitch of a bm) runs everywhere. Simply unable to walk or talk at a normal decibel. is both annoying and annoyed by everything. For instance, today SS11 was vacuuming (because he was asked, not because he was doing his chores as he's supposed to) and SS7 screamed, "Make him stop making that annoying noise!" I so wanted to say, "Perhaps if your mother didn't keep a filthy house, you'd be used to the sounds and smells that are related to cleanliness..." I also hate that all he has to do is say one or two nice/Jesus-related/loving things a day and he is an absolute angel in my DH's eyes, no matter how evil, negative, hurtful, etc... that child is the rest of the day. He looks at him like he is the Messiah, or the Dalai Lama sometimes, all dreamy like, and I simply want to throw up and scream, "Can you not see that you have spawned Beelzebub?!" Sigh...
I've come to realize all three of them (DH included) and the bm's are master manipulators. Oh thee well... I just focus on me, and am learning to laugh at them and just live the best life I can in the meantime. If things don't ever change, I will.