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Advice Please

Neglected's picture

Heres my background: I'm 30 years old, dated husband for 5 years, married for 2 and 1/2 years, no kids of my own, have a two SK (2 different baby mamas) SS-13 only on weekend, and SD-11 full time.

So, I've always got along great with my SS every since I met him. Maybe it's because he's a boy, maybe because he was raised by his mom, or maybe because he wasn't around as much. However, my SD has always hated me the day I met her (4 years old). I'm sure it because she felt I was talking her dad away, but I've always tried my best to be nice to her (maybe a little too nice).

Anyways, we moved in together (me, husband=boyfriend at the time, and SD) in 2008. She hated the fact that there were rules she had to follow (bedtime, baths, dinner, homework) because she never had any kind of structure in her life before me. Before me, she was able to watch TV as late as she wanted, eat whatever she wanted, and basically do whatever she wanted. Through out the years, I have tried very hard to be nice to her, a good step parent, and teach her responsibility. You can say, I am the discipliner in the household because my husband does not like to be the "bad guy" (which pisses me off and makes me look like the bitch stepmom).

Anyway, on several occasions, I have found many notes, letters, and journals from my SD in her room. Here are some example of the hurtful things she written about me: "I hate you", "Why are you still in my life", "I had the worst dinner, yuck", "you are so desperate", "you are so ugly"... you get the picture... and theres more where that came from. And let me tell you, I've done nothing but try to be there for her so when I see these hurtful things, It hurts 1000x more. The last journal I found was in October of last year and of course it had all kinds of hurtful things in there about me.

Well, I just haven't been the same since then. We talked about AGAIN and of course she was crying and trying to be the victim in the whole situation. I asked her why she felt that way about me and she made up an excuse that it was because she never gets to see her Mom (which is a total crock of shit). The only time she doesn't get to see her mom is when her mom doest want to pick her up (and we told her that). So, we finally forced it out her and these are the reasons why she hates me so much: because I make her shower, brush her teeth, clean her room, eat, basically everything a normal person should be doing. And when she goes to her moms house, she doesn't have to do any of that stuff.

I've always been there for her, helped her with homework, took her school shopping, to the dentist, to the clinic, I mean everything a mom would do for her kid. I made it a point to go to all of her soccer games (even when I had to work the graveyard shift). However, I stopped going because she always made me feel unwanted especially when her mom was there.

I'm not a saint, but I have tried over and over to be there and to be a good parent to my SD. For some reason, since our last blow out in last October, I just can't seem to open up to her anymore. I feel like I've tried too many times just be get disappointed and hurt all over again. We hardly speak to each other anymore. I mean it's literally a "hi" and "bye" just because we both feel obligated to say so when we come and go. My husband wanted me to go to her parent teacher conference tomorrow and I told him I wasn't going to go because I didn't feel comfortable doing it (playing fake and acting like one big happy family when we're not). He got mad at me, but he truly does not understand how it feels like to be in my shoes.

I've always let things go and forgave my SD for all the hurtful things that she has done and said, but no matter how much I try to get over it, I can't. Is that wrong of me? Am I being childish? Or am I just being human?

silentnites's picture

Well, you are hurt and entitled to your feelings, so no you are not being childish or unreasonable. It sounds to me like she is angry at you for doing the things you do, that her mother should be doing. Down deep she probably knows what you do for her and appreciates it.

My oldest ss lived with us full time, and the other two lived with bm...long story there, but the ss was a problem and she could not handle him. He did better with his dad. He pulled some of the same crap that yours does. My dh worked at 3am each day and I had to be the one to get him up and fed and off to school. I was in the mom role with him because I had to be. He would get ticked off at me and then go and call bm. She of course wanted to act like she cared,so she fed right into the drama. She knew me and what I was like, but those incidents gave her control and he knew it. She knew me well enough to know those things were false, but she played along and he in turn fed right into it.

In my case, it was when my dh had to absolutely intercede in the situation and tell him that the behavior was no longer tolerated in the house. It was work, a long process, and he was in therapy, but eventually things turned around. He is now a wonderful adult and we get along magnificently. I almost left my husband over him, but inside I felt like he needed me because at the time his bm was very unstable. I did not see myself as some savior, but she was a mess, so was my ss, and I was at least very stable. Years later he told me he appreciated it all and he regretted the way that he had treated me. I was a sm at 23, and a bm at 26. I read your post and felt bad for you, and I can relate. You posted that you were 30, and on my 30th birthday my DH had thrown me a surprise bday party. My ss told me about it that afternoon purely out of spite. That incident is what really got to my dh and helped to change the course. I was so very hurt and angry because he had done it deliberately to ruin the day. It was not ruined, but to think that a person could do something like that was very difficult. My dh realized that we had a problem. I have many other incidents like that one.

He lived with us full time from the age of ten until he moved out at age 22. He was six years old when we married and he originally lived with bm. We got along perfectly until he came to live with us. A lot of what he felt was anger towards his own mother which I did my very best to stay out of. Age ten through 15 were horrid. He was a great brother to our two though, and after the rough years he was a complete joy. We eventually became very close, and are today. There were a good many years I would have not thought it possible. As I said, my dh interceded and corrected him constantly about his behavior towards me. He simply would not tolerate it and would even go so far as make him apologize to me. He grounded him, took things away, and he no longer allowed him to contact bm when he was angry. He took the control away from her. I feel your pain and I know it is rough. If it makes it any better, I am glad I stuck it out. I consider it to be my greatest accomplishment in life. Your DH will have to totally get on board to combat this though. Good luck!!! I wish they had computers and this site when I was in your position! Use it to vent!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Here is what i think: you need to change your thinking about it. Some of what she is doing is stuff ( troubled?) kids her age do. I have a 13yo bio-son, who is a handful, who loves to tell me the same things your SD writes down: "this was the worst dinner ever, i hate you, why are you running my life?" What he often means is, "i am miserable in school, i want my freedom, i am mad at you for making me re-do my homework". It is easier to take all of the above when you have the bio-connection, but even then it is not always easy... so even if he makes me mad, i can tell him sweetly, "it's ok, honey, i love you anyway, there is nothing you can do to change it." But he can be very very difficult to handle.

At the age they are your SD and my son are barely able to appreciate everything we do for them, and are very reluctant to admit it. They need maturity, and one day they will see things differently. I found silentnites' story very encouraging.

Right now it is hard for you, and understandably so, but think about it like this: this girl wants her mom. Not having her mom makes her sad, mad, makes her act out. So she is mad - mad about something that has nothing to do with you. You are just always there, a foil for her anger. My son seems mad lately about my long-ago divorce from his dad. He wants a family that is "together". Before that he was mad that we had moved and he had to change schools. At 13 he does not know how to manage his emotions. Being disagreeable is his way of punishing adults for everything that he thinks is wrong with his life. He will outgrow it - we just have to weather the hard times.

Again, if i was his SM i would think he is the most hateful kid ever. But as his mom, i can see that there are themes behind his angry outbursts that he is grappling with, not always successfully. I want to help him. You SD is similar. She does not know how to say it, but she must feel awful about not being wanted by her mother. Give her the stability of affection that her mother cannot, fake it if you have to, but be there for her. She does not hate you - she hates her life. What she cannot see yet is that you are there to make it better, her mother is not there, and that's what makes it so bad. When the mom appears at soccer games, she cannot acknowledge you. It's a common occurrence with kids in her position. Forgive her, let her enjoy the mother's fleeting attention. She cannot negotiate this terrain gracefully yet.

InNeedOfGuidance12's picture

Oh, this is my biggest fear! I'm 29. With DH for 4.5 years, married, 3 wks. We've lived together for 3.5 years. We have SS19 (almost 20), and SD10. I've always gotten along with the kids, especially SS. SD10 and I get along ridiculously well now, it was touch and go a few years ago because we had her EOWE and she had no rules. I sat DH down and told him I can't live with SD sleeping on the couch, not showering, cleaning up after her when she's old enough to clean up after herself etc. We went for a couple months with that resentment before DH stepped in and laid down the law. I didn't discipline much, not my place. Over time, I've gotten more power to discipline as I have her while he works. She has to clean her room before we leave house, but I do go in and staighten up and remove drawings or stories that I have stored away for her. The only bad thing I found written down was that I was mad at her for not eating the dinner that was made. She has now requested to live with DH and I full time. I'm afraid full time will change our relationship because EOWE isn't long enough to "hate" me. She doesn't have many rules at BM's house (no bedtime that I can tell, no family dinners, no respect for her things). She draws on her dolls and cuts their hair, things that are unacceptable to me.

I fear I'm going to be in your shoes in no time where she resents me for doing these things . I'm sure we can commiserate soon as this move is pretty much a done deal.

silentnites's picture

Don't worry just yet...It may turn out to be fine, better even. Just remind her of the house rules. She may want to come live with you because of the better structure.

Disneyfan's picture

I really hope that isn't suggested.

If a child needs therapy for hating a great SM, then all the SMs who hate their well behaved SKs also need therapy.LOL