I've been thinking
I'm not sure why I hate BM so much. We always have pleasant conversations etc... when I think of her however I cringe... I've been reading a lot of posts on here, and she doesn't sound as bad as some of the BM's I've read about... but here we go, these are the reasons I think I hate her:
She had a history with my husband. I know that is probably unrealisitc to hate someone for that, heck I too had a history... but it irks me to know that she was his girlfriend for a few years, and they had a baby together.. unfortunatly..this is MY problem... I know.
(b) She is NEVER around. She is always working or whatever. It would seem to me she LOVES having kids, but does not make them a priority. And yet she gets the credit for EVERYTHING!
(c) She's ugly (haha) she really is.. like she was hit by a truck. I said to my husband once "We're you desperate?"... seriously.
(d) Now I can use big words like the best of them... but I can't have a normal conversation with her, without her throwing in some big fancy words.. I think because she thinks they make her sound smart or something... not sure.
(e) Everytime I see her she has some extravagant purchase... (which is great, I like them too).. but everytime her son comes to my house he looks like a little hobo, and his clothes are too small... yay for the LV purse .. but come on! Old Navy sells pants for cheap!
Kind of back to (b)... but I'm always the one filling in where she should be, and I resent it. I mean for it ALL... and as mentioned in (b).. she gets all the credit! She is a GREAT Mommy! (NOT)
(g) She has a pretty good job. But she goes on about it like she's just so very important, and just soo busy and sooooooooo successful, whatever, I get resumes from people like her all the time (haha)... I have a great job, and I never talk to her about it.. I mean.. who cares!
I could go on...but you see it's only petty stuff... I think the real reason is because she was my DH's love interest once... strange.. I feel like a jealous girl all the time... ah well, I guess that's me... and I still choose to not like her, it just makes me feel better : ).
This blog is all in fun!
- HeatherM's blog
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I feel the same way some days.
Somedays just the mere thought of her makes me cringe. All for the same reasons you mentioned, and others! Then I have those other days where the girl never enters my mind.
Vent away girl......that's what we are here for! Sometimes you just need to fuss huh?
~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~
Oh, trust me girl
I can't stand BM either. She talks down to people like she owns the world... and she especially talks down to DH. I HATE that! Even I don't do that. >:(
My BM is ugly too. It sounds immature, but I don't care. If I was a BM and exH had a good looking wife, I would do my best to look just as nice! Not BM! She totally let herself go... even DH admitted that!
BM always has new jewelry and nice clothes.
Must be nice to have a man give up his whole pay check for you so you can spend it on expensive things!
BM thinks her job is so important too. All she does is answer phones all day... and she sits on her butt! I answer phones, too... but I also help nurses out... but I don't make it seem like I am so successful like BM does. lol Oh, and BM tells me all the time that my job is petty because I clean up patients sometimes... yet, when BM is sick or SD9 is sick, BM comes crying to me, asking what she should do.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
Hmmm... not competition...
or at least that's not how I see it.
I make sure I look extra cute when I know BM is coming around just because it's always nice to see that irritated look on BM's face. And IF BM did start dressing up, I wouldn't feel like she was luring DH back. :o She not that pretty.
I remember one time she was telling me that she was going to lose weight and be skinnier than me.
Later that night I found out she ate Taco Bell!
Maybe she just doesn't care anymore?
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
If only I were so lucky to have a BM like that
I wasn't paying much attention to her until she started attacking me but now she has my attention and she is quite pathetic:
*Her house is in a crappy neighborhood. I am not sure it is even safe. The front lawn is dead. It's a little ugly house and she leaves her Christmas lights up all year. Sooo lazy! Her youngest kid from a drug addict runs naked and wild in the front yard practically every time I see him.
*She is filthy. DH says she leaves dirty dishes out for a week at a time. I believe it. Skids were traumatized by having to clean up after themselves at our house.
*She gives the term thunder thighs a new meaning. She always had this hate filled, crazed look on her face when I see her. She might be attractive if she lost 80 pounds or so and wasn't so nasty. The kids are cute. I will give her that.
*Talking to her is like talking to a 5 year old kid. DH used to ask me for help dealing with her. I said, "Don't reason with a crazy person, you are wasting your time."
*She claims she makes 13K a year on her taxes but really makes more like 70K-80K we found out in court. She was getting free health insurance from the state of Californa because she is low income (13K a year.) They dropped her after they found out her real salary. It's my fault that they found out, not her fault for lying.
There's more, but you get the picture.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
oh sick.
I wouldn't have them on my FB either. F that. And if they wonder why they were "defriended" you can say well, look at your list of friends, that pretty much tells it all.
~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~
I'm glad I posted, it's fun reading your responses, and even better knowing I'm not ALONE!
It occurred to me though, that I too am a BM (my bio sons step-mom)... hee hee I wonder what she says about me!
You're NOT alone!!
The main reason I hate BM:
She breathes.
And I love the red-headed miss piggy remark... BM here looks like that too! Grotesquely fat and red headed! BLECH!!!! She is such a waste of perfectly good oxygen!
This is why I CAN'T STAND BM
* Calls my husband all through the week, talks for like 20 min at a time only at work away from spouse, apparantly they are best friends. She has low self-esteem and craves attention.
* Has four kids by four different men, 2 of which my husband claims.
* Manipulates money out of everyone including ex mother in-law by putting on a self-pity party. She school clothes the last two years. Ex-mother in law buys her groceries b/c her kids have no food.
* Claims she never has money for kids(even with cs) but constantly buys designer purses.
* Put her 14 yr. old daughter on birth control after a pregnancy scare due to bad parenting and her showing sex books to a 6, 8, and 9 year old and teaching her to experience life blah blah blah, has let her try alcohol, and cigarettes.
* She acts like a 14 year old herself, sometimes I don't know whos less mature her or SD.
I could go on and on but won't. Personally, I know your supposed to love everyone but I dont see how it possible to love someone like that.
The worst part is her daughter is the spitting image of her, ugh.