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Adult skids

Nightshade's picture

Soooo..I get an invite(on Facebook)along with DH,DD,DS, and their significant others for....Christmas dinner at SD30's house...along with her Mom, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles..all of her Mom's family!!!This is the same SD who ignored my mother's funeral and just recently ignored my Dad's surprise 90th Bday party, and hasn't spoken to us since July which is something that seems to happen every year or so...she just stops contact and ignores all invites, etc. So Ladies and Gentlemen, what do you think(I'm not going)..but would just like opinions!

stepgin's picture

If she's not too bright, she might have accidentally invited you. When you do an invitation on FB it tags ALL of your contacts and you have to unselect people to narrow it down. It might be fun to see how many people accept her invite. Imagine having to cook for 800!!

steptwins's picture

Facebook. Its a shame no one is important enough to just call & speak directly with anymore, I think its too impersonal and unsafe in many ways. Its a great idea but its taken off and grown horns.