The Skid is truly becoming a formidable young man.
So, the kid gets a letter on Friday informing him he has been selected for and invited to Summer Leadership Camp the two weeks before school starts. This is a really cool thing for kids that attend Military School. It means the Cadet Leadership, the academic staff and the administration think he has something to offer and it develops kids in to leadership roles in the Corps of Cadets.
The whole invitation letter thing is a funny story that I will blog on later.
Anyway, Rags gets increasingly frustrated about Skids apparent lack of action in making a decision and notifying his Mom and I as well as BioDad and the SpermClan of his decision.
The opportunity ..... Attend Leadership Camp.
The Dilemma ..... how to tell BioDad and SpermGrandMa and how to structure the rest of the summer so that he can get back to school two weeks early for camp.
The Analysis (or the part Rags thinks about until the Skid provides me with clarity).... Option 1. End the 5wk summer visitation with the Sperms a week early so that the Skid can go to Leadership Camp. Option 2. Bail on the Rags family vacation starting in two weeks and spend the standard 5wks visitation with the Sperms instead of 4.
The Discussion ...... Rags walks in the door from work this evening and tells the kid to get some paper and a pen and sit down. We are going to figure this Leadership Camp thing out.
Skid: "Okay Dad"
Rags: "Do you want to go to camp?"
Skid: "Yes"
Rags: "Okay write that down at the top of the page"
Skid: "Okay Dad, I wrote it down"
Rags: "What exactly did you write down"
Skid: "The work "Yes""
Rags" "Okay smart ass. Write down "I want to go to leadership camp""
Skid: "Dad, I already wrote that down. I was kidding about the "Yes" thing"
Rags: "Ha, ha, ha, mumble, mumble mumble. Okay, write down the different options you have to make that happen"
Skid: "I don't know!!!!!!!!! I have not really thought about it"
Rags: "That is why we are going through this exercise. So that you can consider all of the options, make your decision and figure out how YOU are going to communicate your decision to your Mom and I, BioDad and SpermGrandMa (I used their names not their earned titles)"
Skid: "Daaaaaaaaad! I know. (with a twinkle in his eye totally missed by Rags).
Rags: Okay, lets finish this .............
And the Skid leads Rags down a path of carefully choreographed steps which Rags bites on hook, line and sinker.
After 15mins of analysis led carefully by Rags which culminated in the two options listed in "The Analysis ...." intro to this post.
Rags: "So which option are you going to choose"
Skid: "Neither".
Rags "NEITHER?????? What do you mean neither. Didn't we just go through an analysis of your options and haven't you made a decision?????"
Skid: "Here is what I am going to do Dad. I am not going to miss the family vacation in two weeks. I want to go with you and Mom. I am going to go visit BioDad and the Sperms (he is unaware of those titles so he used their names) but I am going to head back a week early from visiting with THEM (my reference not his). Instead of flying to your parents for another week with you, Mom and my cousins, aunt and uncle at the end of the summer I am going straight to school for leadership camp. That way I miss a week with You, Mom and your family and a week with them. And there is a bonus. You, Mom, (My Parents), (My Brother), (S-I-L), and (his cousins) can bring the RV out to school for a long week end at the end of Leadership Camp. I called the school and we get a three day weekend before the New Cadets show up"
That little turd caught me hook, line and sinker and did a flawless analysis using additional information that I did not even think of. :jawdrop:
Except for the problems of squeezing 10 people in to an RV that can comfortably sleep 8 his analysis was flawless.
I am so proud. (lump in throat and with tear in my eye).
Best regards ......... one proud and well schooled Dad.
- Rags's blog
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Well the kids good at making
Well the kids good at making everyone happy and he is a few steps ahead of his old man
Hats off to you Rags for a job well done. You have raised a great kid you should be proud!!
It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
Emily Dickinson
OK any kid...
that can catch a situation such as that and can field for you a reasonable conclusion SHOULD be in a military setting. He will be (as he is now) on top his game and as it seems the circumstances may be a bit harsh for all involved, MAKE this happen for him. I can tell you as a former Army Sergeant that THIS is an outstanding environment for your boy. It all kinda makes me misty eyed to see such skill in handling a situation. Maybe it doesn't all go to his plan, but I guarantee that he will be a better man on the other side of it. An officer in the making I say. His flawless analysis will be better envisioned on the other side of him becoming a man.
'Hey excuse me, we are busy making men here!!'
Kevin The Man
Yep, he is a sharp kid. I did what I could to give him the same
opportunities that my Parents gave me. I too went to Military Boarding School with every intent of attending either West Point or Annapolis. But, I was diagnosed as a Juvenile Onset Diabetic my Junior year of HS and could not enter any of the Academies or enlist. The experience has been a solid contributor to my fairly successful private sector career.
Whether he chooses a military career or not, the Mil School experience will be a solid foundation for him to rely on for the rest of his life. I am pushing for the early commissioning program. Mom is not so sure.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Looks like the 'kid' has learned a few of your 'tricks', lol.
Better watch out!