saw BM face to face..
Friday night FH and decided to meet for dinner when he got out of work. So SS and I met him at the restaurant. I'm sitting in my truck waiting for FH to show up when I see BM and her friend walking by pushing the baby in the I call FH and tell him BM is walking by you might want to just drive around block (to avoid confrontation or drama) but it was too late he was pulling in parking lot. BM hadn't seen me so I see her turn around and walk towards FH with all smiles and pointing saying "look it's daddy". So I'm sitting in truck debating to get out or not..SS in the back of my truck is saying I want to see my brother" So I let him out he runs over and I tell myself "screw this..why you gonna let this chic intimidate you..YOUR the one with the ring on your hand now..". So I walk over all non chalantly..and just stand there basically side by side with BM. THANK GOD I had put on a cute outfit that complimented my assets, fresh makeup on and my hair done nice. So her entire demeanor changed when she saw me..she was shocked..she must have thought that FH was there to grab food real quick after work..she went from all smiles to just blank face..but she wouldn't even turn her head towards me, meanwhile her friend is giving me the of course I also had to sit there and make sure I held my phone in my hand so that my diamond will stand out and sparkle and she would see it.(call me petty and juvenile) BM just quickly says ok..bye turns away and walks out of the parking lot pushing her baby carriage on the street while FH , SS and I went inside and had a wonderful family dinner. FH did say as we were going inside..and I think she heard" she didn't say anything to you did she?" I said nope..she is all talk..
- kaffonseca's blog
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Good...I'm glad you got out
Good...I'm glad you got out and made your presence known...You are the WIFE and you're there to stay! DH ex won't even speak to me...if she call his cell and I answer she hangs up! Oh well, she just won't speak to him until he answers b/c I never tell him she called. But the point remains that I exist so she might as well get used to it! It's been 4 yrs already!. Good for you!
OH! Love the hair blocker!
OH! Love the hair blocker! The Feckless Turd does it and I guess the turd jr.s must have learned it from her. I just want to smack 'em all.
That's right girl!!
never hide.. make your presence known!!
"And this too shall pass..."
i do the sparkly diamond thing too...*hides head* totally guilty
of being juvenile on that one. Every time I have to be exposed to exbeast(I say 'exposed' bc it really feels like I'm going to catch some sort of bad hair illness with side effects of flat ass syndrome) I totally show off my wedding set bc it's BEAUTIFUL and I know it's an immature thing and I know it makes me sound materialistic but it makes me feel a little better to have her drool over my bling }:)
"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”
Hey I did the ring thing too!! Just killed her!
}:) "And this too shall pass..."
well as soon as they walked off
they started talking in spanish they were talking about me..whatever..she can keep pushing her baby carriage around while we had a good family dinner. I told FH that he should've asked her to take the baby with us to eat...but neither of us thought of it at the time..that really would've ticked her off..
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
"I have a ring and you don't. I have a ring and you don't!!" (done in a sing-songy voice)
Don't you feel so much better now that you showed her how hot you are compared to her and how pretty your ring is while she has zippo?
I can't wait to outdo BM in the ring department. She had a teeny tiny diamond with the fugliest color, clarity and setting I've ever seen. BF tried to sell her ring after she gave it back to him but he couldn't get any money for it lol. For me size is nice but I look at the overall quality (color, clarity, setting, cut, etc). A ring doesn't have to be huge to be nice but it definitely shouldn't be cheap looking either, you know?
Ok I'll say it. You are oh so petty,juvenile and awesomely evil!
You played that so perfectly well that you pulled BMs teeth and smile in a very elegant and angelic way. Good for you. (Country Club Golf Clap)
As for the bling presentation of the ring...... good for you. I do the same thing when I am any where near the Sperms. My wife loads up on the carats and I put on one of the watches that costs more than BioDad and the SpermGrandParents earn in 6mos ........ combined. I have no doubt that between my Wife and I we are wearing more in jewelry and watches than BioDad earns all year. Not that they would know what they were looking at, but it is the petty in your face action that counts .... right?
. Then I rent a high end car. They could not afford to travel to where where live so we only run in to them when we are visiting my I-Ls in their neck of the woods. On a couple of occasions we have arranged the Skid transfer at a restaurant during lunch. I make sure I pick up the tab for everyone (THEM, the I-Ls and my Wife, Son and I) and leave a BIG tip..... in cash$$$$$$$$$$$. It is interesting how they wilt any time our vacations to visit the I-Ls corresponds with visitation.
As for THE diamond. I have always gone with the best combo of size, color and clarity that I could afford at the time. The latest diamond installment is truly beautiful. The first one I gave her will most likely be the one our Son uses when he marries. It is great color and clarity but not the largest rock on the planet. But, even the first one I gave my Wife has always drawn complements from jewelers and random admirers alike. I will cut SS a deal. If his Mom will part with it.
Well played Kaff. Well played.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
I had to laugh
Ahhh. Its one of those priceless moments you always hope for!! Way to go Kaff!!
"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912