NOW SD calls cause her mommy wants to get her a usual, they call only when they want something...
Funny, for almost 3 years DH has had hardly any contact since SD claims through text messages that his number is blocked and she can't talk to him...BM never answers any calls from DH...DH gave up...
But now she wants a passport so she has SD call DH to ask him for a notarized letter...Now how convenient...Funny, DH asked her again for the money SHE owes him from "arrears", which never existed but his wages were garnished because of her lies and she says again "I don't have the money...I am waiting for CS...I just don't have that kind of money..." But obviously, she didn't care if DH had that kind of money when she decided to lie and steal his wages since he didn't owe her a dime...She didn't care if DH had money to pay the bills or we had enough for eat...she wanted more money and lied to get it...She was supposed to return it, but refused...and DH tried to call her but she would never answer his calls...
But NOW she needs something and she's willing to talk...I told DH that he needs to ask her for the money and I could care less if she has to mortgage her behind to get the money...she didn't care what we did to survive when she stole it, I don't care what she has to do to give it back...otherwise, she can kiss her vacation goodbye...
By the way, for the last 11yrs she was supposed to ASK permission to take the child out of the country, but she never did...she forged papers to get this done...never once even TOLD DH...Once DH flew to the US to see his daughter, told the witch in advance and when he arrived she wouldn't answer...find out later she went out of the country that weekend...nice...
Funny, DH told her she needs to in addition get him off paying for health insurance that she hasn't used in 3 years, since she pays "0" for her health insurance...She told him..."oh, but that takes time"...and DH responded, "well then you better get to it!"
It just pisses me off that when DH has tried to contact her to get what is due to HIM she doesn't answer...when DH tried to contact his daughter...she didn't answer...When we basically had to sell our house because our bills got so far behind because of her lies ruining our credit and the garnished wages, she didn't care...but somehow, we are supposed to care if she can go out of the country or not? Sure...
- herewegoagain's blog
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Simple answer ....... NO.
Interestingly once a kid turns 16 you only need one parental signature on the PassPort app. We renewed SS's PassPort a few years ago. Apparently the rules changed after 911 because when we got his first PP in 1998 only his Mom's signature was necessary.
You have this as leverage until the kid turns 16 or until they change the rules.
Good luck collecting your money.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Where do you live,
and where is all the court paperwork filed? I think a lot of it depends on where the case is being handled, and the laws of that area. If you don't live in the US, some international rules probably come into play. You should talk to your attorney and see what he or she says.
That seriously sucks. I
That seriously sucks. I would eat that passport for breakfast.