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Wish me luck!

jen76's picture

Wish me luck! We are finally telling SD this weekend that we are pregnant again. I'm really not looking forward to it as I don't think she will be very happy. Not to mention the headache that BM is probably going to cause from now until the baby is born.


Most Evil's picture

Let us know what happens!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

stepmom2one's picture

We are expecting our 2nd child in 10 days. With our first son, BM was very kind and SD was very excited. But after my son turned 6 months they both were horrible.

When we told SD about the second child she was again excited but I know that after this baby gets out of the "baby" stage she will again start her crap. BM is due 7 wks after me, but I doubt she will be any different this time around. I am hoping that with her own new baby she will be to busy to start sh** with us....

Good luck, remember to do whatever you want--don't let BM determine your future. If you two want kids-have them--

jen76's picture

I can't believe that H chickened out. He all of a sudden didn't want to tell SD about the baby this weekend. I had this cute puzzle for her to do and then figure out that it says "we're having a baby". I don't know what is H's deal. This is the same man that wanted to tell her as soon as we found out and though I was the mean SM because I didn't want to start all the drama so early. I originally wanted to wait until we found out if it was a boy/girl which we will find out in 2 1/2 weeks. We will only have one more visit with her before then, but to me it's pretty obvious that my belly is big- let alone another two weeks. Now that is what H wants to do too. I just don't get him sometimes. My mind was already set on telling her this weekend and it pissed me off b/c I just wanted to get it over with.

jen76's picture

I think he is more afraid of the reaction from BM than SD. She was really excited when we were pregnant with our son until she found out it was a boy. She really wanted a sister and was pretty upset about that. She eventually got over it and loves our son to pieces. BM has since had two boys and her BF has two other boys as well so SD is really tired of boys. I know that she will be excited beyond belief if she finally gets a sister and will probably talk about it non-stop. I really wanted to wait until I got past the first trimester b/c we misscarried in Sept. I couldn't imagine if it happened again and trying to explain that to her. BTW I'm due at the end of August. Regardless of what we are having we plan on having SD help us decorate the room ( b/c she will be sharing) so hopefully it will make it a little more positive.