SD is thrilled
So we told SD about her new baby sister. She couldn't have been more excited!! H gave her the puzzle right before getting to the family event and she didn't figure it out that it said "we're having a baby". Our son and I went to the car to greet her. He didn't have time to tell her so when she opened the gift she was a little confused. She said how cute, it's so little, what is it for? H said- well, your gonna have a little sister. Her eyes got big and her jaw dropped. Are you serious? For real??? As a 10 y/o would say it. He said look at jen76's belly which she did and confirmed the news. She and our son started jumping with excitement. (he already knows, but was doing it b/c sissy was which was cute) She kept saying all night long- I can't believe I'm gonna have a sister!!! I'm gonna do everything with her which H kind of had to ruin the moment and said- good b/c you are sharing a room with her. She said I don't care- I'm getting a sister! I'm so glad that it went well and she is thrilled about the new addition.
- jen76's blog
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that is sweet
I am glad it all went well and I am so excited for all you!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
On the upcoming addition to your family! I bet she will be a great big sister!
I'm glad she's as excited as you are! congrats on the new baby
That is so cute!! I can see it now! Congratulations!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
on your pregnancy. That's fantastic that SD is so excepting. This is something I worry about when the time comes for BF and I to have a child together, it's always in the back of my mind that the skids especially SS13 isn't going to be happy about it, he has already made it clear he doesn't want another brother or sister.
Dont worry too much about that. My BM decided to have a baby when I was 13 and I was so angry!! I didnt last long once I saw the little squirt
We are very close to this day and I didnt stay mad at my mom either. It will probally be rough during your pregnancy but try not to let him get to you. Enjoy it. He will come around..It is just a major life adjustment and even though he may not let on its just the idea of change that he dosent like..Best of luck
I am glad that she took the
I am glad that she took the news well and I think you handled this very well Kudos to you all
And a lifetime of happiness to you and your growing family
I'm so glad telling her went well. It's such a relief when your step-child takes the news well. I remember how much I worried before telling SD... Congratulations again!