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UPDATE: BM's sunday call

wellbutrin's picture

Ok, so the SS went home sunday ( i drove him home) and I get this nice phone call an hour later. BM is on the other end chewing my a**. as this is all going on my husbad knew who I was talking to and he got up in the middle and went to bed. GREAT!
to start, I got SS a new bed, ok a futon, my old futon because his mattress is 40 years old. My BD plays in SS room and says it's her play room.
BD and SS fought all weekend BAD! I was going crazy and I said "this is not there weekend together"
So what does SS go home and tell BM, well this is my sunday call.
BM says that SS told her that I said I wished he would stay with his mom on the weekends and that I was trying to push him out of the picture by getting rid of his bed and my BD calling it her play room. Ok first BD is 4! I don;t care what she calls it.I told BM BULL SHIT, i never said SS should stay with her on the weekends . BM said "ok do you want me to put him on the phone and you can tell him that!" she never did but when SS walked in the room BM asked him if I said it and I heard him humm hmmm hmmm. then SS said that the futon was uncomfortable. UMMM he sleeps in a futon at his moms! She continues to Tell me that her son is first and she is second, UMMMM again. Last year she had a fifteen year old girl that she knew for a month live with her and stay in SS room for a year and he had to sleep on the couch,(plus this girl told SS there was bugs in his room so he would'nt go in there at all so when he was at our home he would'nt go in his room here either) then a month after she moved out, BM boyfriends dad aka drug addict and dealer ( got caught by police,cocain) stayed in his room!! AND I"M THE ONE TRYING TO FORCE HIM OUT.... AND DOES THAT SOUND LIKE SHE IS PUTTING HIM FIRST!!! Don't think so !!
so know I lay awake in bed thinking of all the nasty things I can say to her and getting chest pains and all worked up.
Then once BM calmed down BM started to talk about her and my husband back in the day. WHAT THE F**K!! where did that come from. They knew each other maybe 9 months, Ive know him 10 Years!!!He hates her! should I tell BM everytime my H looks at his son he wishes he had SS with me and not her. BM threw that in my face too. BM said that I get mad at SS because he looks like her and my husband and it bothers me (seeing them togeher?). WELL...... SS looks nothing like my husband and SOOOOO looks like her. but I don't treat a 6 year old any different because of his stupid mother.
I called my sister crying because I wanted out of this marraige and never deal with her again!! It made me so mad that he did not stick up for me. I went to work and tried to talk to a few friends and started crying again at work! They told me not to be his mother. UMMM agian. where in this story did it sound like I was being his mother and neither one of them is or ever was a stepparent. So finally I found my friend who is a stepparent and she helped calm me down. she went threw the same thing.
So why do I feel like BM is trying to be a better mother/person than me. I try to talk to my husband and lay some ground rules down But he rolls his eyes and tells me not to let her get to me. well , she does and I want to hit her. but she is the type to sue me.
I was so mad the next day I took down the futon and put the bed back up, by myself. so now he can sleep on the 40 year old mattress agian. my friend told me that I did not have to feel like I had to pick him up (on the weekends, because i do ) if my husband was not home to be with him. It was my husband part to do all that and not mine! His son, he needs to spend time with him. I just thought I was helping H out, but it seems to stress me out more than anything.and i learned i was helping BM get rid of SS so she could get her drugs and drinking on. and I think my husband is afraid to say anything to BM. ok, so what if we don't see SS a couple of weekends, that well change fast when the BM wants to go party or gets tired of SS. Why will my husband not stick up for me? I tried to talk about it tonight, and he said nothing. I said are you going to say anything and he said he did not want to fight tonight. AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Sad
so right now at 1 in the morning I want to call this BM bitch and let her have it, (now that i have had a few drinks)
What do I do. I can't take this anymore, it's hurting me and hurting the realationship with me and my BD, i know she can feel the tension off me. Should I just kick BM ass, go to jail, and }:) get it over with. :sick:

UPDATE Dirol Smile Biggrin Blum 3 }:)
so I put the futon in SS room with a tv my mom is letting me use so now his games on it. SS is so now talking to me about things and I don;t even hound him to talk. Find out he really likes his new bed and how I did his room. then he tells me he missed like 5 days of school in 2 weeks, because if he is tardy to school he gets a detention so BM just let's him stay home. NICE. of course I say nothing but "really" with a smile.


StepG's picture

it is so much easier said than done to tell you just over look BM. I have found through personal experience when BM's nit pick things they do it because they themselves are guilty of something much larger. Now as for you picking SS up and dropping him off that needs to be left to your H to do. When my H and I were dating there was a period with his work where I had to pick up SS and drop him off and I had to deal with the BM. As soon as I would turn on her road the overwhelming anxiousness would hit me like a ton of bricks. I would dread it all day but once I hit her road I would almost throw up I would be so tore up. Our BM is a straight up HAG and that is being very nice about it. Once H got it worked out where he could be the one to go get SS and drop him off it got so much better. your H knows the BM just about better than anyone and I hate to be mean when I say this but she is his problem and not yours. He should be the one dropping SS back off at his mom's. The only time I pick SS if it is something come up and H cannot get to him on time or I am picking him up at school and I do not encounter BM there. And as sure as I am typing your SS will go back and tell BM things about yall and he will tell yall things about BM. Every stepparent I have ever personally talk to has said the same thing. I work with a 45year old woman with skids who are now grown but she was with them since a young age so I get alot of advice and comfort from her and that is one thing she told me is they are gonna talk about you to the other parent no matter how good you are to them. Now I am not sure how your relationship with your SS is. Do you and him get along? Do you love him? I LOVE my SS sooo much and it hurts very bad that at the end of the day no matter how you slice it he is not mine. It hurts to be called about financially and emotionally to take care of him but I am neither mom nor dad and I have no biokids. Your H needs to step up and start dealing with the BM. We only have cell phones and BM only calls H cell phone and if he is outside or in shower and his phone rings and it is her I do not answer it. I avoid all contact with her until it is necessary that I have to see her. I know the feeling of laying awake thinking about what I want to say to BM for all the hateful things she has done and said to H and to SS but what I have realized is it will do no good even if I do say it to her because she does not care. If she did care even remotely she would not be the way she is.

So to wrap it up when it comes to drop offs pick ups and phone calls that involve BM your H needs to handle those not you. You have a BD to take care of and you cannot do that if you are worrying about her and it seems that men can let that crap roll off their backs better than us women can.

I have said it before and I will say it again "being with a man that has a kid by another woman is the hardest thing I have ever done....stepparenting!"

Razamond's picture

Just like StepG said it really depends on your relationship with SS - if you two are not getting along you may need to disengage, if you all get along just maintain your relationship with ss. As far as BM goes - she has no right to even talk to you. I REFUSE to speak to my skids BM. If she calls my phone she will not get an answer. I fhsse calls the house phone I will hand it to H and if H is not there I will say 'Do you have amessage for H, otherwise I am hangin up' - It is your H's place to let SS know what goes on in your house stays in your house - of course SS will still talk about it to BM and more than likely BM is asking questions about it - but BM should have NEVER come to you with these issues - she has mental problems.

SM#1's picture

to SDs BM either. It really makes her angry! I won't talk to her on the phone, or write any longer. When she comes to the door (rarely) I let SD out and shut the door. I say nothing.

Everytime I used to try and say somnething she would turn it around, so I don't bother. If I were you I would let H deal with it. It works for us anyway.

secondwife20's picture

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this psycho BM of yours. Sad *hugs* And the fact that your husband went to bed when BM called... he pretty much left you to deal with HIS ex all by yourself. That's a big no no. I would have followed him into the bedroom and made him deal with stupid BM.

Don't let this woman get to you. She is SO not worth anything. She's not worth going to jail for. She's not worth getting sued over. She's not worth a single second of your precious time. I understand that she is making you feel like you're a worthless mother... and she's the better one... but guess what? She's the one who allows drugs in the house with her kid there... she's the one raised a brat and a liar. Are you like that? No. My BM likes to do that with me... except I don't have children. She likes to make me feel like I'm not a real parent because I don't have children of my own yet AND I'm a step parent... because, well, you know, step parents aren't REAL parents after all. Right? Right. And as much as it hurts to have this woman tell me that I'm not a parent and that she's the best mom in the world... I just bite my tongue and turn the other direction. I will not let this woman have power over me and that's what you need to do. You ARE the better woman. You ARE the better mom. You're raising both a child of your own AND HER devil spawn for crying out loud! That takes a lot of strength, patience, and love. Just take a deep breath, wellbutrin... and keep reminding yourself that BM means nothing to you and you will not let her words get to you. Cause that's all she's doing... saying nasty things just to make you shrivel up and cry... or to make you scream and yell back at her. Don't let her have that satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you. I know it's hard. Trust me... we've all been there, girl!

Anyway, I would definitely have a long, hard talk with DH... especially about picking up SS when you don't have to. It's not your son. You have your own daughter to worry about! I remember that I felt that way about helping DH out... I would pick SD8 up when needed... I would feed her, bathe her, keep her entertained... but eventually I felt used and unappreciated... so I stopped. It's DH's child, not mine. HE needs to take care of her just like DH needs to take care of SS.

*hugs* I hope this helps, girl. I've been there... I've been so upset and mad and furious with that wart hog that I cried... but you know what? Save your tears for more important things. Those bitches aren't worth anything, and thinking like that has helped me cope. Don't let BD suffer because of BM. That's what she wants... to ruin your life and your relationships with all the people you love. Don't give her that power.

PS: I love how BM tells you that you hate SS because he looks like her and DH. Biggrin lmaorofl My BM tried that one on me. I am from the Philippines so I have a hint of oriental in my appearance (though not completely because of my white American dad Smile ) and DH is from Hawaii and has some Chinese blood in him... so he's dark and oriental!

BM is white trash.

SD8 has dark skin... dark hair... dark eyes... BM has pale skin... blonde hair... blue eyes...

yet she turns around and says: "You don't like having SD8 around because she looks like me."


.... Excuse me? Where in that child do you see any ressemblence of yourself? If anything, she looks more related to ME. I think that bothers BM a lot. Smile

Anyway! Hope this helps, sweetie! *hugs*

bellacita's picture

we really do have the same BM! maybe even the same DH! no wait, mine's mexican...nevermind! Wink

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

SerendipitySM's picture

Oh my - you poor thing!! First of all, you are not responsible for this rotten kid - disengage and let your DH deal with him - period!! Secondly, the next time that bitch has the audacity to call you up and start reading you the riot act - put her in her place and say everything you want to - if she isn't pulling any punches then why should you. I am sick and tired of these women thinking they can say anything to us and we just have to sit there and take it because we are the "steparent" - f**k that!! Tell that bitch where to go and how to get there!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Never Ending's picture

Ive been thru that a thousand time, it even went to a point where my BM testified in court that my ss didnt even have a ss shares a room with my son. BM kept pushing ss to try and force us to change our guestroom/office into ss room. He use to come to our house crying why cant he have his own room. ALL BM idea..
The boys have been together in the same room for 4 years, and thank goodness because now they are close, They never would of connected if ss was in another room.
One thing that you have to remember is that your ss is only 6 your daughter is only 4. Your ss will say anything his bm wants him to..
He may have just told her, that he didnt like his new bed and she may have pushed him to say things he may have not meant.
It was just not a smooth weekend.
Thru the years, Im a firm believer in having BM email us. There is no reason for putting up with her crap on the phone.
Let her vent insult you do everything in an email, then reply back with the facts. If ever you have to go to court, you can show how hostile she is towards you.
I use always talk to my ss when he returned to my house to clear out the garbage his mother filled him with
I would say his little step sister is only 4 ..shes a baby and he has to be the bigger brother, much you love him and this is home, his room, his bed. ..
There is so much stress in these situation and your husband is the one that needs to handle her.
I spent many sleepless nights going over everything in my head, what she said what I said, how she twisted things around. I was even loosing my hair,
BM is just being a bitch and using ss to start a fight.

now4teens's picture

This is just one things I don't understand about these stories on these boards, and it seems to be a recurring theme.

So I ask:

Did you have SEX with this woman????
Did you have this child with this woman????
Did you have a relationship with this woman????
So WHY on earth do YOU need to be communicating with this woman AT ALL?

You said,
"BM is on the other end chewing my a**. as this is all going on my husbad knew who I was talking to and he got up in the middle and went to bed. GREAT!"

This, girlfriend, is where your problems lie. Right here. Your DH is responsible for dealing with communicating with his ex, and WHERE WAS HE?....

"he went to bed."

You should NEVER answer the phone when it comes to BM. They are NOT YOUR KIDS. She is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. You do NOT NEED to be dealing with THIS CRAP.

Do you want the nonsense to stop? Stop answering your phone and let your DH BE A FATHER and deal with his ex.

I said my peace. Smile

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

Tara12's picture

Hear Hear 5Teens!!! Exactly - I have never talked to the BM and she is lucky cuz I am a real mean bi$$h. I don't have kids with this women and talking to her would be a waste of air as far as I'm concerned - she is nothing to me and I have no respect for her pathetic ass whatsoever. My Fh had to deal with her crazy ass and I helped him set up boundaries (and finally told her ass off) now we don't hear a peep out of her.

Don't answer calls from BM, don't do pick ups, drop offs, whatever. NOT YOUR KID. NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Let the parents be responsible for their own children. Don't sit on the phone and let BM tear you down. You are letting this women do this to you. I would have said you have a problem talk to my husband - CLICK. Let him deal with it.

bellacita's picture

for a hot minute i delat w BM bc she and DH werent getting along and she told him she didnt wanna deal w him anymore. stupidly, i thought, well maybe she will be less hateful to me.
WRONG-O!!!! she was even WORSE of course. it took a couple fights, lots of name calling, banning me form daycare, etc etc etc but now i dont deal w her at ALL. havent even seen her since the last court date last summer. and i dont have to!

dont get me wrong--i still get worked up that DH even has to deal w her but he made his bed and in it he must lie. not my ex, not my problem.

so listen to my wise friend 5teens and STOP DEALING W HER AT ALL! it will do wonders for ur sanity.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

now4teens's picture

Ya know, I always think of all the Stepmoms out there who try REALLY hard- with the best of intentions- to make things work.

But the problem is, in these cases, you are trying to deal with UNSTABLE BMs, so it JUST DOESN'T WORK!

On the flip side, I often think of my own DH and his interaction with MY ex...there NEVER is any. Does my ex bother me with constant issues involving the kids? No. And when actually he DOES, do I just pawn the responsibility off on my DH? I DON'T THINK SO! They're MY KIDS, so I have to deal with my ex when it comes to them.

So why, when it comes to dealing with the BMs, do so many stepmoms ALWAYS find themselves right in the line of fire?

Not me. Never have. I think in the 6 years since I've been around, I've had maybe 3 conversations with the BM, and two of those have been "ambush" conversations where I've been caught totally off guard by her.

I just don't see the need. I take care of the girls as I see fit. I know I'm totally capable to do so without her judging everything I do anyway, so I never deal with her- she's DHs "mess", not mine.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

bellacita's picture

its hard being so rite all the time, huh? Wink

u know, i was that girl. i blissfully and mistakenly thought i could have an amicable relationship w BM. that was before i figured out she hates me more than she loves her kid. but hey, if i were her id hate me too. i have the life she tried to force on my DH. and now shes miffed it didnt turn out the way she planned. plus im decent looking and she looks like a wet rat. i digress...bottom line, u cant fix stupid and u cant fix crazy!

now i dont deal w her at all but just DH having to gets me worked up bc i know what shes like and how awful she is. but its still better than how i felt when i had to see her ugly face twice a wk. things are better now, shes been quiet since her last court victory that doubled her CS paycheck, BUT shes slowly showing signs of starting to crack again. cant wait.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

sparky's picture

" listen to my wise friend 5teens and STOP DEALING W HER AT ALL! it will do wonders for ur sanity." Dont do the driving either. The child has 2 parents and if they want him to stay at your place let them get him there.

chaotic's picture

I refuse to talk to the BM too. I won't even answer the phone if she calls, I either hand it to BF or the kids....I don't even say hello. I also never go with on drop offs or pick ups because I can't stand to see her ugly face even if it's 100 feet away. I talked to her once and it wasn't pretty so I just decided to never talk to her again.

Chel Bell's picture

that was the way I got BM to stop harassing me, personally. No more phone calls, no more e-mails, no nothing. I even had to disengage alot with the skids, but you know what, it saved me!!! Every time I had to "control" myself, and not take the bait was worth it. It was very hard at first, and did upset the apple cart at home, but tough s#%* for them. It was up to me and only me to put a stop to it, because sadly, I was the only one who cared what was happening to me at that time."~waiting on the world to change~"

Rags's picture

My own SS usually takes a couple of weeks before he starts dishing on what occurred at BioDad's during visitation. I have no doubt that he does the same when he is there discussing what goes on in our home.

We try to make sure that there is little of substance for him to bitch about when he is there. About the only thing that he can complain about in our home is the rules and the expectation that he has responsibilities as a member of the family including adequate school performance, treating members of the family with respect and doing what he is asked well and in a timely manner.

He has never played the "do what I want or I won't love you" card or the "do what I want or I am going to live with Dad" card. We let him know early and often that there is not a snowball's chance in hell that he will move in with BioDad because there is not a Judge on the planet that would rule that the environment there is superior to the environment in out home. Soooooo....... he has never pulled that crap with us.

Sorry to hear that your Skid and DH are giving you such fits. It is one thing to get crap from the BM and the Skid and entirely different thing to not get support from you Spouse.

Good luck and best regards,

Anon2009's picture

because she made fun of me after I miscarried. I just hand the phone over to the SDs. DH tries to communicate with her via email whenever possible. He doesn't want to see her ugly face or hear her pathetic voice any more than he has to.

Tara12's picture

A - I would have kicked her butt!!!! We need a stepmom worldwide wrecking crew! Smile

wellbutrin's picture

Anon2009 I am so sorry to hear that. That is a very heartless BM. She'll get what's coming to her.

Anon2009's picture

Thank you.

wellbutrin's picture

You guys are great. The BM called me on my cell tonight and left a message saying she wanted to me to call her, then called the house and left a message saying that she wanted one of us to call her, then she called H, he did not answer.
From here on out, I will not longer talk to her, I will no longer make long car trips to pick up or drop off!
StepG ~SS and I have I thought had a good relationship. intill this. Yeah I love him and care about him. We work on his workbooks together. If his dad and I are in a room and he has a question to do something or get something he always ask me. Lately I have been saying "ask your dad".
I have put his bed back up and took the futon down. the right thing to do? Now i'm questioning myself. I feel like I let her win in my own home. I know he's going to go back and say he got his bed back. But when I looked in his room and saw the futon I just shook my head. I could'nt look at it. I just got mad.

I can do this, I will not talk to that UNSTABLE BM (good name i like that) and I will no longer let her get the best of me, i'm not going to call her back, i'll go to kickboxing class and get all the things off my chest that way. I'm going to be a mother to my daughter.
Thank you all for your reply's. I feel a lot better. A LOT BETTER!!

sparky's picture

You fix those beds the way that you want it. Don't ever attempt to justify or explain anything to BM that you do in your home. That is your business and she needs to stay out of it. You have a choice to either make BM happy or make yourself happy so which is it going to be?

wellbutrin's picture

I'm going to put the futon back up! Thanks sparky! I need to be happy.
Thank you everyone

now4teens's picture

And good advice, Sparky!

Don't second-guess yourself, WellB. Do what you think is RIGHT for YOU when it comes to YOUR HOME. This should be your matra:

My home, my space, my business.

And no one else other than you and your DH have a right to say what goes on in your your home. It's actually very simple when you come to think about it.

I'm glad you've come to this new realization. I think it will make your life much more peaceful!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"