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Nymh's picture

SS likes to drink milk. When he is thirsty throughout the day, he will go get a glass of milk out of the fridge. He drank 3 glasses of milk one right after the other this afternoon. On his fourth trip back to the kitchen, I said, "No more milk, please." He said ok. A few minutes later, when SS had left the room, BF asked me what was wrong with SS getting milk. I told him he'd already had 3 glasses. I thought maybe he hadn't noticed. He said, "So what's wrong with that?" Ok, call me crazy but I was raised that milk was for dinner, not for quenching your thirst throughout the day because it is EXPENSIVE. He said he would be glad to go to the store and buy another gallon of milk if that was what SS wanted.

I'm perplexed by this. I like milk a lot, probably more than SS...but milk is for mealtimes, not for drinking all day long. If he's thirsty I think he should be drinking water.


southernshellgirl's picture

Please, please tell BF also that even though milk is healty compared to some other things kids drink, it still contains lactose which is a type of sugar. SS continously bathing his teeth in milk is a recipe for a mouth full of cavities. That dental bill will cost a lot more than that gallon of milk.

I'm a former pediatric dental assistant and have seen first hand what allowing kids to "graze" on carbohydrates and sugars between meals can do to their teeth. And contrary to what a lot of people think, baby teeth are important. Not only is it important to keep them healthy for the comfort and health of the kids, but they also act as space maintainers for the permanant teeth and the last baby teeth remain until about 12 years of age.

you are absolutly right that the best time for SS to drink milk is with meals and stick to water the rest of the time. I bet SS will eat meals better your way as well.

Best of luck to you Nymph!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-

melis070179's picture

I SS does the same thing! But I'm like that with anything he drinks. I don't want him drinking 3 glass of the same thing unless its water. I just simply don't want to run out of something because its all he drinks...or eats. I make him mix it up. Like he's allowed to have 1 soda, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of juice, etc...everything else if he's still thirsty (and he always is because we only have him in the hot summer) is water. Same with food...don't eat all of one kind of food, because then nobody else gets any when you eat it all up right away!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

I have 3 SS and 2 of my own but they think milk is like water!! Over the first 1/2 of Xmas break we went thru 6 gallons. I am glad they are all with their other parents.........give my grocery bill at break!! They ate all day long for 7 days!!

gobbism's picture

I drank at least a quart a day growing up and my teeth were fine for it. I don't think a kid should drink several glasses in a row, actually my SS tends to do this and it is annoying, but it's much better than juice or any other sugar drink.

It does have lots of calcium which is great for strong bones. I think a quart should be the max perhaps, though honestly I think i often drank more than that. Google tells me that 3 cups a day is a good amount but actually a quart a day is recommended.

A child that drinks one soda a day is usually 4 pounds heavier than one who does not. I did not drink soda as a teen and am still slim.

Also for some reason kids tend NOT to drink enough WATER, so I think it's right for you to put your foot down.

I would however discourage 3 glasses in a row.

disgusted's picture

I agree with you..I have two teenagers in my house and our whole family is milk addicts..The general rule is that milk is for meal time or even snack time but don't hork it all down in one day because I get sick of running to the store and buying it! Here in Germany they only sell it by the half gallons and I get tired of having to buy 4 to 6 of them at 3 something a pop and then having them gone in like two days!!

The other general rule in my house is that the kids must ask first..They don't just go into the kitchen and help themselves to whatever they want. Thats a huge "no no" in my house. Typically if they ask for juice, milk, soda or other drinks I will tell them to drink a big glass of water first and then get back to me. They don't guzzle all of the milk and other stuff in the house near as much because they know they will have to drink the water first..They only ask if they are really thirsty...

Perhaps a water first rule might work in your house??

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

SM#1's picture

I let my SD9 and my BS2 drink what they want when they want. Well BS2 I do limit to 2 glasses of juice a day--otherwise he would drink it 24/7.

For our family of four we go through (per week) 3 gallons of juice, 3 to 4 gallons of milk, 2 12 pks of pop (no pop for kids), 2 or 3 pitchers of sugar free Kool-Aid.

I know, its a lot isn t it. I spend about $25 a week just in drinks! I am about 7 months pregnant now so I certianly have my fair share. I limit there food--meal or snack times--but I just can't bring myself to limit their fluids. My H doesn t either, although I do try to limit his beer intake!! We spend about $30 a wk on beer for him---I dont drink, havent for years.We couldn t afford to! He drinks enough for the both of us!!

Oh gosh, I m a push over, arent I?

CJ's picture

Milk is for meals. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner I allow DSS to have milk or juice. If he is thirsty during the day he may have water only...

Not sure how old your dss is but hope this helps:

"Can a young child drink too much milk? Yes! More than 24 ounces of milk per day puts a young child at risk for iron deficiency anemia, which can cause intellectual and behavior problems. Children who drink too much milk
may not have an appetite for the other foods they need for growth and development. Young children need a varied diet that includes sources of iron."

Sita Tara's picture

My BS 14 did that for a while when he was younger. I'd buy a gallon when I picked them up on a Fri night, and by Sat night it was gone. I finally mentioned to exH that BS's Dr was concerned about how quickly he was gaining weight (he was always skinny in the arms/legs but had a little pot belly since he was a toddler.) ExH claimed he never noticed a problem with going through milk too fast, but said he would try to pay more attention. The boys SM walked through the room right before that and said, "WHAT? You never noticed? I've been telling you that we fly through milk twice as fast with he's here!" She told me later she couldn't believe how he didn't even acknowledge it when she complained but I said it and all of a sudden he'd pay attention and watch it. I told her, "Don't worry, if I was still his wife he wouldn't have believed me either!" She laughed. It's true. He takes his wife's word least into consideration. It's amazing they are coming up on 10 years of marriage/11 together total. I divorced him at right about that mark myself. She's hanging in there though!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

OldTimer's picture

My SS gets stomach aches when he drinks too much milk... he loves milk though. I think he's dairy intolerant.

Personally, if BF wants to buy more milk... his cash, his dash if you know what I mean? Wink

One problem I could see is how does the milk affect his appetite? If it does, then I would use that as your argument with BF. My SD likes milk, and because milk is a much thicker substance than say, juice, it fills her belly pretty quick and she doesn't eat all her meal, so we diffidently limit the milk intake to half a glass, eat half your dinner, then you can have another half of glass of milk, and if you want more... finish your plate.

OldTimer Wink
"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."