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Going to be Holding my Nose!

Beach's picture

Well, today is the day that the darling SD gets married. I did tell my DH that if she wanted me to be there then she would need to invite me herself, which she did. So, with that criteria met I have to go. I want to support my husband, but I just want to scream! Stupid girl is 18 and hasn't even been out of high school for a year. She doesn't want to have to make her own plans, so getting married has become the plan. There is NO way this girl is rady to be a military spouse. First time he is away the mouse will definitely play! Loyalty and fidelity mean absolutely nothing to her. On top of this the BM will be there today and I just don't want to have to deal with all the ooey gooey happiness she is going to be oozing out of every pore.

Supposedly the newlyweds are going to be in town for 2 weeks, over the holidays, and I guess living off of family. DH mentioned to me that they could stay here and I said NO WAY! I don't want two children in the house for two weeks who have nothing to do besides go out and have fun, sleep late and make a mess of my house. They can stay in the grandparents camper. Smile Get SD ready for the military life!

Argh!!!!! :sick:


frustratedinMA's picture

Oh no. 18 yr old military spouses rarely make it. I have heard horror stories about how wild they get and how they fall apart once the spouse is deployed. I am a military spouse.. I married in at 32, I had been on my own for years, so when dh is deployed or TAD I dont feel out of sorts... I just deal.

Sounds like she is going to have to grow up real fast.. and get used to being poor.

disgusted's picture

I'm an army wife who has endured to tours in Iraq..Presently, we live on a very small, rural and pretty isolated post in Bavaria Germany...I can tell you horror stories of army wives 18 to 45..Some women just have to have a man in their life/bed...Especially the very young women..Sounds like a recipe for disastor..

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

frustratedinMA's picture

I had a gf that lived on the Groton Navy Base.. her neighbor was 18.. everytime her dh was sent out on the sub for 6 mths, she would get a bf. Then ditch the bf the day BEFORE the dh came home. My gf was HORRIFIED!

BTW.. My gf, was 25.. she became an alcoholic while our dh's were away on a 4 mth cruise. I was the ombudsman for the ship, so I got the call when it all went down, and I lived 2 states away. She had stopped going to work, answering her phone and socializing.. it was horrible.

Not to stress you out.

Sia's picture

that the poor sucker doesn't realize what he's getting into!

imagr8tma's picture

I was a 18 year old military wife, during my first marriage. I didn't go crazy. My x did. He was not allowed to do much growing up. AND just went nuts when he finally got out "in the world".

The only good thing i got from that was my bd13. I divorced him and stayed that way a very long time. I didn't know that people did some of the things he did. But I certainly lived and learned.

I wish them the best.... but it will be a hellish life for both of them. Just getting "grown" and have to be "grown" and responsible for someone else. Just nutz.