Where does the love go?
I am reading the Twilight series.
I have regressed back into a love sick teenager.(Those of you on MySpace have witnessed my ridiculous obsession) Twilight is a young love story that revolves around an undying devotion between two teenagers. (Don't ask what's wrong with me because I just can't help myself)
My point behind all of this?
DH is the love of my life. When we first started dating I would stay up half my nights with my entire focus on how I could be with him forever. He would leave my house and I would bury my head in the pillow where he had just left and fall asleep to the sweet smell of his cologne. I STILL get butterflies when I think about the first time he told me he would love me for all my life. I thought I was too damaged and broken to ever feel that kind of love and for the first time in my life, I believed his words of devotion and self sacrifice.
So now here I am. In my own personal self built hell. The fairytale tainted by the wicked witch. For those of you who know me, know my battle with how I constantly sacrifice for the greater good and how little the others players contribute to my happiness. I am not only last in line, I put myself there and have allowed everyone else's needs be met while mine are put on hold....indefinitely. This has encouraged any outrage on my part to be viewed as completely uncalled for by all others.
So maybe it's the stupid books, I don't know. I want to be the love of DH's life again. I want to crawl underneath the sheets on a Friday night and not emerge again till Sunday. We used to do that. I used to feel like the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth...I'd never been looked at the way he used to stare. I remember my BFF saying to me one night...."oh honey, you're in trouble, he's got it bad for you...."
I want that back.
Now I'm the nagging wife and the glorified taxi driver for all the kids. He used to be in awe of the pillar of strength I once was. BM has all but chipped that away. Now I don't even know the light he sees me in...I can tell it's not the same and I don't really know where I went wrong. It doesn't quite seem fair to me.
Where did all that love go?
- Colorado Girl's blog
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I just want that self fulfilling kind of happiness back
In it's place I have only managed to gain adult acne and 20 pounds.
Where did SHE go?
I am also the nag now. Because no one has the same level of expectations for our lives that I do.
Oh- and Twilight? Tee hee. I haven't indulged in more than taking SD to the movie. I think the teen girls have not come very far in their fantasy of "He's not good for me but will love me enough to change."
Such an old theme. SD eats that one up.
But I definitely hear you about the romance is gone part. I think real life just gets in the way. It would in the beginning, except for the fact that we are so excited to have a distraction from normalcy when we get a taste of romance that we make it a priority.
I used to shave my legs every morning because I was hoping there was a need to. Now I shave them because I feel obligated to, so I don't completely let myself go.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Read the stupid books. Indulge in the escape and the fantasy... I'm telling you. You'll feel 17 again and what is ever wrong with that? And I disagree with "He's not good for me but will love me enough to change." It's so much more innocent than that...I promise. Stop looking for meaning in the simplistic literature, my little over-analytical friend.
Waste the day away and remember what it was like to be irresponsible and in love. Remember what it was like to be loved by a man who loved you too much...enough to let you go.
You're my favorite romantic. I've read your poetry and love letters, remember. Start living up to it!
Anyways...I'm sure you feel my pain. You walk on water though. Your husband is still your biggest fan I'm sure. My husband told me today that I take him for granted. I didn't have the energy to argue THAT hypocrisy and ruin the first weekend we've had alone in a month. Not gonna lie, though. I'd rather wrap myself in a blanket and read the last book of the series.
Like you, I mourn that person I used to be. How do we get it back without leaving, Zen? Is it possible?
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
sigh and double sigh
I feel the same.
FH used to tell me every morning when I walked down the stairs how beautiful I was - he would hold me and tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him and that he was blessed to be with me. now ..I get yelled at cuz I was scrolling too fast on the computer..or cuz I am moving too much in bed (cuz my back hurts) and like Sita I used to shave my legs every day for the same reasons, now it is just maintenance.
i think about cancelling the wedding now on a daily basis.
Oh and I am getting ready to read the first Twilight.
DONT see the movie THE NOTEBOOK that will really depress ya.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
I must admit I don't usually remain bias toward things
I haven't read myself. And I do love a good old fashioned Hollywood romance movie (When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Return to Me etc etc) but when I'm reading I just don't really get into anything romance. Add to that SD's obsession with Twilight, and the fact that I'm a big vampire fan (who has a hard time with myths being overturned) and I don't think this one's for me.
I did go to the movie though. Doesn't that earn points?????
Amazingly my favorite actor/character in the movie was the Native American guy, who of course the producers are talking about re-casting. Now the WEREWOLF story I might like. Less familiar mythology to re-invent.
We'll see. I just don't have much free time to read anymore, and am trying to focus on writing that play and the next chapter of my own novel.
Carry on though CG! My SIL LOVES Twilight and was jealous I was able to go to the movie with SD rather than her.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
You sounded just like me...
I'm not a romance girl either. I only read the first one because it was one book that I was willing to read and discuss with SD11 and BS12. I thought I was above such nonsense.
I'm having so much fun with it. Not gonna lie. It's been a great diversion from my unhappiness with the whole custody battle with BS12. I am not above having a tee shirt that reads "Team Edward".
Then again I never really got to be that giddy seventeen year old...I was a heartbroken one with a baby on the way. So no judgement please ladies.
Anyways...your loss.
You do get points for enduring the movie. It's not as good as the books though...not even close. One day, Zen, I'll bring over to the dark side. 
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
you MUST read the anne rice series.
I am going to start reading twilight this week
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Anne Rice is my favorite
Anne Rice is my favorite author!! I read all of the Vampire Chronicles and loved them!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
uh...i like the shopaholic series...
so i guess my reading palate is not quite as sophisticated!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Oh and the last thing you said!
I'm giving it five and a half years. Once SD's on her own (and I know many SMs here are cringing -HG!!!- when I say that but hear me out) once SD is out on her own I will no longer be able to "blame" her for my unhappy existence.
Meanwhile I am getting back into focusing on my own dreams. Got a gig teaching a class at my old theatre, and am meeting with a couple other local community theatres to discuss helping form or improve existing Youth Theatre programs.
Never thought that was going to be my calling. But with the passing of both of my teachers the past couple years, I finally see I need to pick up the torch they lit, and carry it forward.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I wondered if you got the job
way to go girlie!!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
way to go sita!!!!!
i think it will be great for everyone, but most importantly, u!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Good for you...
I'm so proud of you.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I am glad
you are taking time for yourself. That is really important. I need to take my own advice!
That's soooo
great sita!!!!! Congrats and good for you!
I know how you feel. I have been very, very depressed lately and I wonder where the woman I used to see looking back at me in the mirror went. I liked that woman. She was confident and had a positive attitude. She was also friendly and smiled easily. Now all I see is a tired, stressed out and strained woman with a furrowed brow. My bd has noticed it and so has my best friend. I feel like I have lost myself.
Sometimes I wonder how dh feels about me now too. I think that we have lost a lot of what I thought we had.
My bd loved twilight. Maybe a good lighthearted read will do me good.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
It is such a pain in the arse. It's so easy to spiral downwards. I don't really get the full blown depression that I know some people suffer...but I can get depressed on a smaller scale. Don't want to really participate in life, ya know?
I had sort of a epiphany over the weekend. I decided that I would fix the things I could actually fix and I would worry less about the things I can't fix.
Example...I have no control over the idiotic deadbeat daddy dipshit. What will be will be. I DO have control over my hair looking like shit lately though. I get pissed when I look in the mirror and I'm unhappy. SOOOO...I have an appointment next week.
I decided no matter how small...I will fix what I can and take great comfort in that.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Men love independent women
If you look back at the woman your man feel in love with, were you independent and taking care of yourself? I hate to sound stereotypical but men love women who are confident and love themself. Problem we have is the men we love make us question ourselves and thus we lose our self-confidence - we lose the woman he fell in love with. I once read that it is dangerous to a relationship to read romance novels because hardly ever does a relationship fulfill the unrealistic reality of a novel and never does a relationship maintain the idealism of a romance novel. Marriage is WORK, I believe that's why the divorce rate is so high - because we are a lazy nation and we don;t want to WORK. - I love my H and I agree when the relationship first began I would look at him and just the sight of him wuld take my breath away. Are those days gone - maybe or they may come back. When things are going bad (when SD is abusing me and H is abusing me -mentally- due to SD's antics) I look at him and I think, "Why did I do this to myself." During those times he doesn't respect me and he doesn't appreciate me - so you know what - it is up to me to respect myself and to appreciate myself - I too am a giver and because of this I feel used/abused and then bitter. Stand UP - demand respect, respect yourself - you did before HE came along - YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN. Then he will start respecting you and if he doesn't - what have you really lost? Nothing you didn't have to begin with. The strength is YOU, if he died tomorrow you WOULD go on. Stay out of the novels and know he is flesh and blood and not perfect - and respect yourself.
My DH and his love for me....
I agree.
Men DO love independent, strong women. And yes, I was very much one of those women. The epitome of it actually. I was THAT girl. The one who could care less what ANY man had to say. It was a survival technique that was forced upon me. I had my heart shattered (not innocently broken) before I was old enough to even grasp the magnitude of what was actually happening.
DH fixed all of that. He DID change me. For the better. He allowed me to be vunerable again. I want to be loved for ALL that I am...I want to him to pick me up when I fall. Not stand there and expect me to get up on my own. Especially when in his darkest moment, I dragged him out of the gutter and helped him back on his feet. I think the two of you have an unbelievable expectation of me....and I can't live up to that standard. I can't do both. I can't love him with every ounce of myself without that vulnerability...therefore I can't be the other woman who has nothing to lose, so can endure everything.
So I do respect myself. Very much actually.
I just believe in fairytales. That's all.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Sometimes family life kicks
Sometimes family life kicks in & takes its toll...he may not see you in the "same" light but I'm sure the light he sees you in is still a great one. Every relationship takes compromise, sometimes its viewed as nagging if the other partner is not holding up their end of the bargain. You're a wonderful person & I'm sure that although your relationship may have moved beyond the lust/puppy love/honeymoon phase, its matured into real-life, seen-me-at-my-worst-and-still-loves-me-phase. Sometimes you really have to take time for yourself though...it will make you a better wife & mother!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I like that...
"....moved beyond the lust/puppy love/honeymoon phase, its matured into real-life, seen-me-at-my-worst-and-still-loves-me-phase..."
I think you're right.
I understand that the flame is still flickering. I love him, I really do. I know he loves me too.
I guess I have a need and the only who can fix is him. But it's tough to tell him when he's feeling neglected as well. We both feel the same and expect the other to fix it and are resentful because the other isn't...and so the merry-go-round goes around and around.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
CG I so know how you feel
When I first met my DH I was so crazy about him & he about me it was magic. We were so happy, I have never felt this way about anyone.I had lots of serious BF in the past & had been married & engaged to other men so it wasn't like this was my first time.
Ours was such a happy & giddy romance. Now 3 1/2 years later, I hate him as much as I love him it seems. I am jealouse of the life his ex wife has. She is free of him, gets half his money, gets every other weekend off & just got engaged to her dumbass BF. I know what she loves about that unemployeed idiot is that he does things, he may not have a job, but he isn't constantly sick, depressed & laying on her couch forcing her to do everything.
I want to feel some of that again, instead of all the anger & disappointment, but don't know how to get back there.
My sweetthing...
Loving your DH will probably be the hardest thing you've ever done.
Your DH and my skids' BM are so very similar. It's much to endure. My husband couldn't do it anymore. (BM was a little more extreme in her behavior though) He gave it all that he could and had to walk away.
When BM finally descended from her self built pedastal and realized that DH was the greatest thing that had ever happened to her...it was too late. I was already there to be compared and he was just too worn out. He had stopped loving her and because the marriage was over and so was his obligation to uphold the vow "in sickness and in health".
Your relationship will take more work than all of us to put together. Your husband needs to learn behavior modifcation and not depend so much on the chemical aspect of it. We ALL have to work hard at what makes us weak. It's life...and he needs to realize that. His mind is so different than ours and HE has to help make himself great, not clutch to it as an excuse. It's HIS duty to make it all okay...not let that burden fall on the shoulders of those around him who love him.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Thanks CG
We have been fighting a lot lately as I am at the end of my rope... I have no patience left for him or my skids or the puppy he talked me into adopting ( What was I thinking!!!) I am in therapy again trying to make a life for me. I told him the other day that we have spent 17 months waiting for all the ( very expensive medication) to start working & be his salvation and it hasn't. He is constantly either sick or depressed... ie laying on my couch.. and guess what it hasn't happened.
I told him after the first of the year we are doing this diet program though his insurance that he needs to loose the 30lbs he has gained since our son was born & I need to loose the baby weight. He needs to start using my eliptical at least 3 times a week. He needs to get in and get a new sleep study for his apnea done so hi cpap can be adjusted. I am done waiting for the meds to work & I need my husband back.
He refuses to go back to therapy... not even to discuss what he percieves as my anger issue. He truly needs to work on behavior modification but that is not happening. I have even tried scaring him with divorce... he would be destitute if I divorced him & it would serve him right as he has cost me so much financially. He acts like he is not afraid of divorce even. Somedays I think it's just a matter of time before it;s over. It's just so hard because once upon a time I loved him like no other.
They can be very easy to love...
because he, at one point, probably loved you MORE than anyone had ever loved you before. Everything is an extreme in his mind. I'm not trying to take away from how he felt, I'm just stating the upside of the illness. The EXTREME emotions that they are capable of feeling. It's just that with the good comes the bad. It's like cocaine...you get a never felt before high, but then you crash to a never fel before low.
I read a letter that BM wrote to her BF (he showed me...awesome guy)and it was beautiful. I could understand why he was so heart broken when she mutated into the life sucking leech that she is capable of being. He just couldn't understand how the leech and the butterfly were all wrapped up into one person.
I truly believe that someone will love her enough to endure it all. It just wasn't DH. He couldn't be the punching bag. Maybe you just aren't DH's own personal punching bag always coming back for more. If he isn't willing to help himself, what more can you do?
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
What is so hard to understand
is that he was on meds when we met & they were working so well. He never went off, they just quit doing their job.
Thanks so much for all your kind words, there are very few people I can talk to that really understand what I go through.
SOme times I feel so deceived by him. I know it's stupid but I do. It is hard to focas on the good, like the fact he is extreemly high functioning & is able to work & perform well there. Days like today when our little guy pooped right before he was to take him to daycare & even though it made him late he changed him ( daycare is less than 5 minuets away, but the little prince has a VERY sensative booty & can't sit in poo for a minuet)
My therapist says I need to deceide if divorce is better than staying. It would be bitter & we would have to let the house foreclose as it would not sell for what is owed & he can't afford the mortgage on his own & I hate this place so I sure am not staying here. ( he bought it before me & could barely afford it, but we remodeled and then the market tanked) so my credit would suck, he would be broke & could barely afford a crappy apartment after paying me & BM support & daycare $$ and we would be very bitter to each other... so I guess this is better. Plus I would be scared for the baby to be alone with him on weekends because he doesn't wake easily, hears nothing & when he is in a depressed state zones out. I would be a freaking wreck as my son is the best thing to ever happen to me & I would die if something ever happened. I take his welfare very seriously.
This whole thing has snuffed out the beautiful person I used to be physically & mentally but keep trying & hoping it will get better & that I don't lose my mind in the process.
Maybe you were the trigger...
Maybe he loved you TOO much. Maybe it sent his whole balance spiraling out of control. I just don't quite understand why he doesn't WANT help.
I never understood that. I am the first to raise my hand and say..."Help me." Not because I am needy but because I love the people around me too much to make them suffer.
Your husband needs it spelled out for him. I knwo he is resistant, but maybe just maybe you need to quit being sweetthing and be i'm-not-gonna-take-it-anymore-thing.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
This feeling must be "catching"
Know how those doors close and sometimes they're hard to open back up? I asked DH over the weekend if any of his "doors" had closed. He couldn't answer. Problem is, I feel the same way. There's just been too much unexpected crap happen that has built up over time. After he fell asleep I got up and wrote in shoe polish on my bathroom mirror DS + 6/7 = LC. I can't remember what I was calling the DS, but basically I am giving my relationship 6 to 7 months and that is the LC or last chance. Man, did I get questions the next day. I am leaving it up there to remind myself that is all the time and energy this will get unless things change. Like you girls, I have also my lost my "self".
I told him I wanted to have a life outside of our relationship. Meaning time just for me and me alone doing whatever I can to get my "self" back again. Even if that means having to lose him.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
We did that once...
BM was raping us. Finacially and emotionally. We fought constantly and it was all directly and indirectly related to her.
We gave it 6 months. The deadline actually took the part of worrying of WHEN we didn't work out...it was more IF we didn't work out. But the dealine came and went and we're still here. Trying our little hearts out to figure it all out.
I think like so many women here...we are just so consumed by this steplife that we just forget about ourselves. It's so easy to do when something SO important is lingering. We sacrifice to help the cause...but then lose that of which is most valuable. Our basic instinct of self preservation. So when it creeps back in to our senses...we're so beaten down, it's hard to get back into it.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I can understand the frustration that you Ladies have been expressing. I lived it from the male side with my first marriage. I wanted the perfect marriage, to be a a team, to have a partner, lover, hot sex, kids, career success, etc ..... My XW wanted something else. I too lost the Rags that I liked being and it took several months with the marriage counselor turned Rags therapist, a career change, selling my business to go back to school to finish my engineering degree and about four years of Rags time to be ready for a do-over on marriage. Thank God for do-overs.
The first two years of marriage #2 were awesome. Though I did occasionally have the "what the hell was I thinking getting married again" thoughts. The last time I had that thought I came to the realization that life was getting in the way of my relationship with my wife.
At that time I made a very simple but powerful discovery. The thought of her name made me smile. So, I changed my computer password, email password, voicemail password, etc ... to my wife's name. I made thinking of her an action that I take every day, several times a day. Every time I have to log in to anything I think of her...... and I smile.
Then I stole an idea from my very regimented Father. The idea is Random Flowers. Every time I open up a new planner I randomly flip through the entire planner and occasionally write in big bold letters RANDOM FLOWERS! When I get to that day I order flowers to be delivered to my wife wherever she may be. Work, home, when she is out of town on a business or family trip, etc ..... When my Mom saw RANDOM FLOWERS in my Dad's planner once years ago she busted his chops for not just thinking about her and sending her flowers, it bothered her that he had to write it down. My incredible wife gave me the same crap when she saw it in my planner. They (Mom and my Wife) give Dad and I crap about RANDOM FLOWERS whenever they get together. It is good hearted crap that they seem to enjoy discussing. The beauty of it is the glow on their faces when they are gaggling about it between each other.
Text messaging works also. I will periodically stop logging in to something and text my Wife with a sweet nothing text just to let her know that I am thinking about her. Sometimes I will call her cell or desk repeatedly until she picks up just so that I can tell her I wanted to hear her voice. She usually picks up those calls with a "What!" but I can hear the smile in her tone of voice. I just say "Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice" and hang up. Then she calls me back and gives me crap about hanging up without talking to her. It is fun banter and it works.
OK, so I am not a hot vampire bad boy type and my wife is no longer a 17yo hottie with a naughty body but ...... we still can take each other's breath away when the moment is right and we put some focus on to it. She is more beautiful now than she was when we met when she was 18. And I am putting miles and miles a week in on the treadmill in an effort to regain the high level of male animal magnetism that I represented in my teens and twenties. I believe the key to the weak kneed take the breath away romance is the effort and the action. For Christmas this year I signed us up for the Wine of the Month club. Each month we get two different wines delivered to our home. My intent is that even if life is so in the way that we forget to be in to each other, at least once a month we can dim the lights, pull out the crystal wine glasses,get a good buzz on and gaze in to each others eyes for an evening.
Give me reality over the fantasy any time. The key is making the fantasy a reality. Even if it means writing it down in your planner.
Just my thoughts of course.
Good luck and best regards,
I like your perspective
I'm just having a hard time with the motivation part to send that random fishing lure or tool. I think I have a mental block because of all the crap!
I am taking your advice Rags...
Your post brought back such a wonderful memory for me. When DH and I first got together, I was standing in line at a blockbuster and there was a little stuffed animal of the one eyed monster from Monster's Inc. on clearance for $1.00. I began to play with it while I waited and it said a couple of different phrases and it made me think of him. I bought it for him and told him why. He was so excited over the dumb toy...it was one of the sweetest moments of my life.
Maybe I need to think of him more often and buy him little gifts while standing in line....
He really is so easy to please....
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
It's OK to set the expectation for the same from him.
My wife will do little things for me also. Pick up a book that she thinks I will like and those countless trips to Vicky's (Victoria's Secret). Yes she likes their stuff but it is obvious when she throws me the "what do you think of this one?" look that the undergarments were intended as much for me as they were for her.
I have found over the years of my marriage (14.5 yrs) and watching my parents (46 yrs) and other successful marriages that it is the little things that make the difference. Getting home before her and doing the dishes, trimming the hedges, buying a few roses from the homeless flower guy on the street corner on my way home from work, getting up on Sunday AM to go pick up the Sunday paper and pick her up a Fivebuck's (Starbucks) GrandeMochaLecheLateWithaTwist.(I am not a coffee guy but she loves the sludge in a cup).
The interesting thing is that I did similar stuff for my XW and she had no use or interest in it.
I do the things that I do because I get the greatest reward in my day, my wife's smile.
She motivates me to be the best man (Rags) that I can be and I love each and every little smile line I helped put at the corner of her eyes. Those little arrows pointing to her eyes are so sexy! I never want to have contributed to frown lines at the corners of her mouth.
So, I think about her occasionally, do little things to let her know that she is my SunShine, I even sing the stupid little kids song when I have really screwed up (I buy the little musical toys that play YAMSS whenever I come across one), and invest countless $'s in to night cream, wrinkle reducing moisturizer, foundation, smokey eyes (Whatever the hell that is), T zone balancer (?????), etc ..... For some reason she is not as enamored with those smile lines as I am.
Because, when she is happy, everybody's happy.
And it is a lot of fun too!
Good luck and best regards,
u sound just like my DH
he always says that i make him want to be the best man he can be and that he really wants to be that man for me. maybe there is hope after all...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
That is just lovely....
YAMS...that song is a little nauseating to me only because my exH used to sing me that song. Yuck.
I will take that into consideration and I do expect the same. I guess I'm just going to take it upon myself to try and spark that fire that I know is there...somewhere.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
thatz it
I felt like I have lost myself and in that lost the love we shared when I was that other person
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
i gotta tell u gals (and rags)
as a newlywed i should not be reading this post. bc i feel all that romance now and i know u all did too and im so afraid of losing it.
i can say that the first few months after i moved here were hell thanks to BM. we've been thru so much and come out w a renewed sense of priorities...that being our marriage and relationship. so maybe we've weathered the worst storm...one can only hope.
i hope i never stop thinking DH is the most handsome man in the world. i hope he never stops staring at me like im the most beautiful. i hope he never tires of telling me that i am his everything and never forgets that i saved him. i hope our daily lives dont ever come in between us and take the place of long kisses, talks in bed, date nites, i love u texts and those phone calls "just to hear ur voice". i hope we never take each other for granted or forget how lucky we are to have this amazing, all-consuming love. i hope we never forget how we got together and how it all was just meant to be. i hope i never stop feeling the way i feel when he comes home or enters a room and smiles at me. i hope...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I have been married to
DH for 11 yrs and he still calls with the "I just wanted to hear your voice calls". There is hope Bella!
aw thanks sia!
i will never lose hope, i know that!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I think it is all about effort and perspective.
I am quite a bit older than my Wife (12 years). However, even if we are doing something that I have done a dozen times before I enjoy experiencing life with her and through her eyes and perspective.
You don't have to ever stop feeling the warm tingles when you are together. I think the key is that when life does get in the way, and it will, that you make the effort to connect and experience life together. When you recognize the life is causing a disconnect turn to each other and not away from each other.
Someone else mentioned that Men like independent vivacious Women. I think that is true just as it is true that Women like passionate, confident Men. We (Mrs Rags and I) have no problem telling each other that we need some alone time, or a guy or girl trip independent from each other. When we lived farther West (AZ, CA, TX) I would occasionally throw my mountain bike, tent, a good book and a cooler of food in the back of my truck and head North/West/East/South to God's country to camp by myself. I think the me/alone time is important to the relationship and each has to have their own fulfilling life in parallel to the marriage and the kids and the in-laws and, and ,and or life really does get in the way.
So, rest assured that you do not have to loose the warm tinglies at any point in your marriage, you just have to recognize that at some points it will take a little work to maintain.
Just more of my random musings of course.
Good luck and best regards,
Just don't let it.
I, too, helped DH a thousand times over. I do it because I love him very deeply and I'll never be sorry for that. Even if he left me tomorrow, I have no regrets. He will always be my most beautiful mistake.
I screwed up and I take the blame.
I was too busy trying to make everyone else happy, that when I finally came to the realization that it's an impossible feat, I had all but forgotten my own needs and wants. I still can't pinpoint what my ultimate happiness entails.
I'm trying though. And I'm trying to compromise because it is ME who changed her mind now and is unhappy. I want more. I want others to bend a little to help make ME feel better. But I can't blame DH to not want to rock BM's glass boat. It's such a fragile existence.
We'll figure it out. I'm almost sure of it.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Rags awesome perspective I enjoyed reading it.
and I did try texting my FH and guess what he was too busy texting his teenage daughter to text me back.
I tried again -same issue- I took his favorite jacket - it was a mess, I spot removed some of the bad stains, washed it and dried it ..showed it to him thinking he would be surprised and happy...
nope didnt even look around at me.
I am at a loss, I am supposed to get married to him in Aug 09
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Keep it up and if the obviouse does not work ......
write it on a 2X4 and beat him over the head with it. Subtle may not be what he needs!
I know that as a Man I tend to miss out on the "subtle" hints. Occasionally I have to tell my wife "just tell me what you want me to do". Of course she gets embarrassed to ask "look at me like I am sexy" and just gets mad when I reply "you are sexy". Then of course I end up looking like a complete doofus trying to throw her the subtle "your hot!" looks and not make then look like I was doing it just because she asked.
The good news is that occasionally she will throw out "that is the look, what are you thinking". When that happens I just tell her the truth "I was looking at how beautiful you are and looking forward to the next 40 years with you". I also throw in the gratuitous "thanks for sharing your life with me and letting me be a Dad". (this is a Sparent site after all).
So, with some not so subtle hints and a little luck even us DOOFUS guys can get it right every once in a while.
Good luck and best regards,
I SO agree, Razamond
H and I were like lost teenagers in love when we first met. (which REALLY infuriated the adult Kids...his 3 Ds and my own H). One would think that they would be HAPPY to see their parents who had NO LIFE for years as they were too busy being single parents MEET someone and be happy.
That's when all the stress and change kicked in. All of the sudden, the "kids" were running the show, and it was awful...
I've handled my son. There are no more free hand outs. Must say his adult Ds have been great of late (ironically, no major incidents since I joined this site).
But I've also changed. Instead of being so "willing" to revolve my world around H and his family, I do "my thing".
As I put on another post, this year, Christmas Eve, I'm working.
Christmas Day, we already planned that we will go to mass and have OUR OWN dinner around 1:00. After that, if he wants to sit around and wait for his adult Ds (who have their OWN plans), I hope he has a ball. I'm going the the movies.
I wanna see Seven Pounds...sounds amazing!! This is something I would have RANTED over a year or two ago...that he would sit here and not come with me.
The way I look at it, if he doesn't come with me...HIS LOSS. But, it certainly has made him OPEN his eyes to the fact that I can live without him. (Men are "hunters" by nature; we make it too easy for them.) And, things between us have been getting better and better. When they know they "have you", it's very easy for them to take advantage; when they think that you can do JUST FINE without them, THEN they take notice!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
We never had this problem...
We are so ridiculously independent. We also are survivors of either a very posessive spouse or a completely dependent, needy one.
We enjoy the time alone and absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
I wouldn't be just fine without him. I would be lost. I can't put on that kind of show. Yes, I could live without him...the same as I could live without my children. But I don't know if I could mend that kind of heartache. I would exist but I would never, ever be the same.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Hey My Friend - CG.....
Was talking to SarahBernHeart on the hellophone and referred me to your post. We both must be going thru the same thing. Me...Well, lets just say that I feel as if I have become a fixture in our family. My hubby doesn't see me in the same light as he use to. I have done everything I can possibly think of...changed my hair, ect. WHERE HAS THE LOVE GONE? He says he loves me, but I don't feel it.. ALL I WANT IS TO FEEL IT, even when I ask him to show me....he thinks I'm off my rocker !
Maybe I am, maybe I shouldn't stay with him, I just don't know what I should do. After almost 17 years of marriage...I'm running out of ideas. I can't fix this. I'm just SAD...
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
aw stepwitch
my dear friend...DH loves u, ive SEEN it w my own eyes...the way he looks at u, the way he asks if he can do anything--anything at all--while u are out for the day...ive seen it. its there...maybe its buried underneath the mess of everyday life but its there girlie...trust me.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I am glad you got on and read CG's blog.
could it be the season?
could it be that we have reached a point in our life that we reflect and just wonder WHAT THE HELL am I doing?
could it be we are disappointed in ourselves and projecting?
we all love our DH's but is it enough?
I think there is a book about the 5 languages of love?
I think I am going to look into it and if I like it purchase it for FH and me.
hugs to you!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Hey old friend....
I'm so sorry that you're sad.
I don't think you're crazy. Just in need of a little attention. Like that stupid song "Somewhere Other Than the Night" byt Garth Brooks. Sometimes it needs to be said and we need to FEEL that they mean it. Maybe you should meet him in the kitchen with nothing but your apron on.
I understand completely where you are coming from. We say "I love you.." a lot. But I can tell in his expressions and mannerisms when he REALLY means it. I know the difference and sometimes I NEED the "I love you..." that when said I can feel his love in my bones.
I'm sure he loves you, honey. Don't leave him. Not just yet. Wait for the holiday blues do subside. Then try again.
The flame is still there...I mean who wouldn't love us?!? We just gotta figure out a way to light the big fire again.
((((((((((Big Hugs))))))))))
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
We are going on a date tonight.
I told him that I would really like to see fireproof with him. I hope he gets it, I hope it works. I'm not looking for Hollywood to fix this, but it may just be the eye opener he needs. We will see.....I'll let you know how it goes...
Bigger hugs to you back!!!!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
DH and I still have it
MY funk is totally related to SD's draining the life's blood out of me. I think if she weren't here all the time like she has been the past 6 months, that things would be fantastic. Dh is very patient about us too. He knows that I need to be fulfilled personally, to have anything to give. Otherwise my existence becomes all give give give with no outside nurturing to replenish.
The last time he brought home flowers was after I said I couldn't live with SD this way for 5 more years. It came after SD was trying to force him to support her over me. My response was telling him I would never ask him to choose, and if they would be better without me I would go. None of what I said was in anger or a demand for loyalty.
The card on the bouquet said, "I love you and only want to see you happy." Though it wasn't his intention, I know SD read it and was peeved. She wants someone to love her that way, but has no idea that kind of love is not an entitlement. It's an inspiration.
My favorite time DH gave me flowers, has been a couple years ago but I kept the card.
It simply said,
"Because it's Sunday."
He wrote that because I used to hate Sundays. My whole life. I can't explain why. But after meeting DH, I started loving Sundays. It's our day. That's why he wrote that in the card.
He is a fabulous husband. I guess I owe BM one. Her insatiable need for him to fill her up caused him so much grief that he is incredibly appreciative to me for the smallest of things.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra