H just announced that he is going to take a job driving over the road. He would only be home one weekend a month. I told him there was no way I would stay in a house alone for that long with sd. So he decides she will go live with MIL, he hasn't asked her if it's okay or not. MIL doesn't even want sd in her house so why does he think she'll allow her to live there?? His mother and sf are not in the best of health and can barely take care of themselves much less sd. Then he says that before he leaves he's going to have the internet and satellite disconnected. It's a package deal and in my name. I'm sick of his poor little me attitude and there's no way I'm feeling sorry for sd. Poor baby isn't going to get the new Iphone she wanted. Boo Hoo. }:) I say let her get a job but he thinks it will hurt her grades. She has a 2.4 gpa so how much can it hurt. I keep telling myself just 6 more mths and it will all be over. I just hope I can last that long.
- ferretmom's blog
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You can. You will. And your life will be so much better
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
without dealing with H and his SD every day. So tough guy is threating you with taking away internet and satellite? Who the he11 does he think he is-ok,never mind. Sounds like something my H would try. This guys are sick.
I think they are
I think they are manipulative controlling SOBs and I know I would be better off alone than having him around. He's whining about money and how his job sucks and he's not getting paid enough. If he thinks he's getting any sympathy from me he's crazy. Where were my backrubs and pampering when I was working 6 days a week 12 hours a day??? He sits on his butt in front of a computer for 4 to 5 hours a night. I was on my feet lifting and carrying up to 40 lbs at a time. He expected me to work, then come home clean the house, do laundry and cook for them. The whole time he was either sleeping or playing on his computer, sd was the same. Right now the only utility in his name is garbage service and I think they need to come pick up my trash.
I can have them packed up and sitting at the curb in 30 minutes.
Gotta love it! That was soooo funny!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Talking to H yesterday, when he made sure I understood that as he is the one who paid for my mothers birthday gift, he therefore doesn't have to attend her party, but I must attend his mothers as I'm not working...I just told him I can't wait. And I can't. I can't wait to have my power back. I warned him-he will be treated with just as little kindness, repect and love as I have received.
Only it will be delivered by an attorney.
Do what I've done claim to
Do what I've done claim to have the flu or maybe pink eye. Once they hear the gagging and vomiting sounds coming from the bathroom they can't wait to get away. Then when they're gone have a nice long bubble bath and relax.
The two of you
The two of you need to figure out if your husbands were twins separated at birth or something. The similarities in their behavior is just too creepy for words.