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New day same pains

Goin Crazy's picture

It was a new day here at our house today but all the same issues. It is sooo exhausting. Every night I go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow and think positive and say to myself aw it cant be that bad I can do it, then I wake up and it is as if I get hit with a frying pan. All the feelings of anger, frustration, hopelessness, bitterness, and resentment come flowing out. I did go see my therapist today and talked about this again, she had some great advice and she made it even sound doable however when I got home all that advice went right out the window and I was drowning in negativity again Sad


now4teens's picture

I TRY to be positive. I TRY to think that each day is moving in the right direction. But like, you, I wake up and BOOM- it just hits me, and I feel like the world has just sucker-punched me in the face.

Like this morning, I woke up to DH telling me his list of issues with SD16:
*her lack of doing chores
*her attitude with him in the car last night
*her arguing to quit her job now that school has started

And the list went on and on - and it was only 9AM on Saturday morning! And I just felt so defeated already. DH promises that he's trying, but how can anyone stay positive with all this thrown at you EVERY DAY?

It just seems like too much sometimes.

So I know how you feel. My appointment with my therapist is this week. But sometimes I just don't know how much good it's doing. Like you, I go in, she gives me advice. It sounds really useful. But once REALITY hits me in the face, I just can't seem to apply what she's telling me! I just feel so defeated sometimes, too.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

stepwitch's picture

I have been wondering where cruella's frying pan went..Please give it back to her, because you do not deserve to be getting hit in the face everyday. I don't know what it is going to take to help you get over all this anger, I wish I did....But know that you are a good person and you can face another day, you keep doing it everyday....

Hang in there...Time will heal all..Problem is we just never know how much time. I hope you dh is supporting you.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!