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WHY won't he use soap?!

Nymh's picture

This frustrates me to no end! This is the second visit in a row now that the bar of soap on SS's bathtub has gone completely untouched. I told BF that SS didn't use soap AGAIN this weekend, and he didn't say anything. I don't think he even brought it up to SS. He said he was going to have a bathtub review with SS and go over how you wash hair, brush teeth, and wash your body with soap, but he didn't. But on the bright side, at least we got SS for visitation considering that the petition to modify custody was served to BM this past Monday. We really expected her to run off with SS or cause a huge scene requiring BF to get the cops to go out there with him again. Luckily she did neither of these things. I could tell a big difference in SS's demeanor this time as well, now that he's been in school for a week and had a decent break from being shut up in the house with his mother. He seemed much more content, a lot less bored and angry, and he talked a lot more.


dragonfly's picture

same problem here. SD does not use shampoo cause i dont buy her the no tears shampoo anymore. she comes out of the shower and her head smells like it did before she went in. she used to stain her underwear real bad until i made her wash them now that became a habit for her but i always remind her before she goes in and tell her that she better use shampoo the right way cause i will smell her head when she comes out and if it don't smell clean she goes back in.

Summer2006n's picture

Ugh, that has to be soooo SD17 never washes her hands when she uses the bathroom. It's grosses me out and I mentioned it to hubby who said he'd talk to her. Nothing done....she also used the kitchen dish cloth to wash her face the other day and then put it back....if I hadn't seen her I would have used it to wipe down the counters or wash dishes....ewww......

Nellie's picture

They are kind of long, and black underneath. Once he came over for tacoes - I could not eat the grated cheese after he put those black fingernails in it. I bought a little pair of aluminum tongs for future visits by SS for tacoes.

BTW, SS is 24 years old. And no, he is not an auto mechanic or a gardner. Just a slob that doesn't clean his nails.

Sad but true.

Most Evil's picture

Nymh, your DH just has to tell SS he stinks, and needs to use soap and deodorant, etc.! It is better to hear from someone who loves you than a boss, potential date, etc. It is DH's responsibility to prepare SS for life!

If he won't, maybe you will have to?

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin