Funny (maybe not) BM/ SM Experiences
1. BM calls DH right after we began dating and tells him she knows someone who had sex with me on the first date- dated the guy once and turned him down for 2nd date.
2. BM calls DH and tells him that I don't know the difference between chicken pox and mosquito bites- I was right.
3. BM sends the skid with calamine lotion for a rash- it was scabies covering body from neck to toes.
4. BM goes to our credit union and tries to make a deposit into my account so she can check the balance- teller calls me before she gives BM the info.
5. BM registers at church as Mrs. TOM ******* making the parishioners think SHE is DH's wife. We offer her $100 to change her name to maiden- she refuses.
6. BM sends the skid with eye drops for an infection, after putting the drops in SD screams, " IT BURNS". We check the eye drops and I noticed she put the ear mite drops for the cat in the package for the eye drops. Needless to say we had to call poison control and flush her eyes. BM had no excuse except that she was busy and made a mistake.
- debiamia's blog
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Oh Dear God....
How is SD's eyes???
I hope to God it was a mistake, but....sounds like BM better watch her A$$ if she's so busy she makes mistakes like that.
Everything else on your list is uncalled for as well but it sounds like she's trying to sabotage you.
I can sooo relate to the BM
I can sooo relate to the BM who thinks they know about rashes. BM is a vegan and is trying to make the kids vegan also. Eh, whatever they eat at her house is up to her. At our house we like meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc... Well little girl has VERY dry skin... she needs to lotion every day. BM tried to convince DH that it was a dairy allergy. Even had him believing it... I called it BS from the beginning, slapped some eucerin on it and it magically cleared up. Then little girl got a rash on her forehead, starts out small. Mom swears up and down that it is a milk allergy. (BM works part time in a dermatologist office) I told DH, hon... that is not an allergy. DH trusts BM on this... she does work in a derm office... she must know something. The rash gets to about two inches and getting bigger... smack dab in the middle of her forehead. I tell DH, that is ring worm. DH tells BM what I think. BM "takes" some samples from work and tried it... the rash inflames, BM stops treatment. BM takes little girl to school the following Monday. The school calls me b/c the nurse is sending her home until there is a diognosis. Geuss what the diagnosis was???? Ringworm.... most likely from cats.... Biomom has/had about 6 or so cats at the time... we had no pets. To top it all off BM still feels little girl is allergic to milk. Fine... the shut her up we take Little girl to an allergist at DUKE... not just a ped, but an allergist associated with one of the leading medical institutions of the WORLD. Test came back negative. BM refuted the test saying it wasn't a blood test and therefore not reliable. Fine... you want a blood test, you take her, but do not expect us to pay for it. Funny.. other than her telling her daughter she's allergic to milk we haven't heard anything about this supposed allergy since then.
We go through the "allergy"
We go through the "allergy" thing too. BM also tells the kids they're "allergic" to things they enjoy eating here, "allergic" to being outside, "allergic" to our soap, shampoo and water, "allergic" to our pets...the list is endless and ever changing. Less so now that SK's are older and know better themselves.
I remember once several years ago, one SS got stung by a bumblebee (he actually fell while running and landed right on the bee) and he thought he was literally going to die because BM had him (and other SK's) convinced he was "allergic" and would die if he ever got stung. It took me a little while to calm him down until a lightbulb went on in my head as to why he was so hysterical...once I told him he wasn't going to die, he started to calm down while we put apple cider vinegar on it. Poor Kid!!
We've also had fights about "pus pockets" when she always insisted the kids had strep throat....ALL THE TIME....usually just post nasal drip but you couldn't argue with BM...after all she had been a nurse's aide in a nursing home for several months so she was an expert :sick:
What is the deal? What kind
What is the deal? What kind of momma would purposefully turn their children into weaklings? Why... for control? Of what? You're ex? Sorry chick... that boat has sailed... The kids? Sure... let's protect them to death just so you can say you're right... And then the poor kids get caught in the middle. Luckily for us we have primary so we can show them what a real family is like.